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Being Accused IS NOT THE SAME as being guilty. What you can do when rumors begin. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Being Accused IS NOT THE SAME as being guilty. What you can do when rumors begin. doyle
Anybody can accuse anyone of anything at any time. Even if a person is innocent, in our present social culture, some people will immediately believe any rumor as truth. Therefore, an accusation can destroy a lifetime of good conduct.

Following is a possible idea for taking protective action. Take a look at the idea, and feel free to pick it apart, or share your thoughts to enhance it.

Look now for a lawyer you trust. Don't go on a retainer basis, but get to know him or her. If rumors begin about an accusation against you, ask your lawyer to write the supposed accuser a letter which lets the person know it has come to the lawyer's attention.

What your Attorney could write on his or her official stationary: "It has come to my (the lawyers) attention that a completely scurrilous and malicious rumor about my client may have been passed along to you. I am writing to ask your help.

Please understand, such rumors can affect the good name of someone who has a lifetime of compassionate spiritual care to others. Character assassination is an intentional and illegal act.

Any attack on someone's good name can be libelous. This means the victim of such vicious rumors has legal recourse to legally defend himself. Those who spread or repeat such rumors, could be held responsible in a Court of Law for defamation and character assassination. This could result in them being responsible for Court costs and possibly paying large sums in punitive damages.

If you hear such scurrilous rumors, please contact my office immediately. Together, we can help protect the good name of someone who is dedicated to helping others."

NOTICE: The lawyer's letter does not accuse the recipient of making accusations or spreading rumors (which they may have been doing). It simply lets them know the consequences for those who do such things, and requests their help to stop it. Possibly, such a "back-off" letter will cause the accuser to rethink what they are doing. If not, it is on legal record that they were asked to help stop the accusations.

Have the lawyer send a Notarized and Certified-mail letter. Do not then discuss or even mention said letter to anyone in the church unless asked about it. Then, calmly reply how sad you feel that society and social media has made it necessary. Share that your Attorney did send the letter because of your seriousness in protecting your good name.

However, the above is only an idea to open up discussion as to what one can do in taking pro-active and defensive action. One can also remain completely silent and do nothing. The Bible says that when accused, "Jesus said not a word." It could be remembered that they crucified Him. If people would not hesitate in crucifying Jesus, they will not be reluctant to crucify you too.

Then, there is that Scripture about not taking our Brother to Court. One must decide if someone seeking to destroy their good name and reputation, is a "Brother" or not.

Again, viewers are welcome to agree, disagree or enhance the above.

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11/13/17 1:50 pm

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