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POTUS cannot be trusted, so say some Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post POTUS cannot be trusted, so say some Resident Skeptic

"He's been divorced and remarried. He can't commit to anything.”

"He's dangerously ignorant about international affairs. The Russian leaders will walk all over him.”

"He has no filter - doesn't think before he speaks.”

"Until recently, he was a Democrat. He's not a real Republican. He hasn't paid his GOP dues.”

"He used to be Pro Choice. Now, suddenly he's Pro Life?”
"That can't be his real hair!”

"He's a loose cannon. No one wants HIS finger on the nuclear button.”

"His opponent has the experience and political savvy to be president. He does not.”

"He's just not presidential.”

"His temperament disqualifies him from ever being Commander-In-Chief.”

"He's proven himself to be mentally unstable.”

"The military will never accept him as Commander-In-Chief. He's not smart enough..”

"The GOP doesn't want him to be the head of the party. He could never reach across the aisle to get anything done.”

"Most Republican voters will just stay home rather than go out and vote for him.”

"Evangelicals will never support him.”

"He says '(Lets) Make America Great Again'. How dare he say we aren't still great?!?!”

"His intellect is thinner than spit on a slate rock.

"After all his gaffs, he doubles down on them instead of admitting he made a mistake.”

"He's threatening to upend our treaties and relationships with our allies by demanding that they pay for their own defense!”

"Because of his gross factual errors he might take rash action and needlessly lead this country into open warfare!”

"He's racist, xenophobic, and fuels the fires of hatred!”

"The rising turnout of his voters are not loyal Republicans or Democrats and are alienated from both parties because neither takes a sympathetic view toward their issues.

"The fact that he could be deemed a serious candidate for president is a shame and embarrassment for the country.

"Is he Safe? .…he shoots from the hip … he's over his head … What are his solutions?

"Voters want to follow some authority figure, a leader who can take charge with authority; return a sense of discipline to our government; and, manifest the willpower needed to get this country back on track -- Or at least a leader from outside Washington,”
****************************** *

Sound familiar? You've heard this all about Donald Trump, right?

Try Again.

All this was said of Ronald Reagan in 1976 and 1980. Most of it was BY OTHER REPUBLICANS, and Reagan turned out to be arguably one of the greatest presidents of the 20th Century, if not of all time.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
10/28/17 9:14 am

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Post One Big Difference Between Reagan and Trump FG Minister
Reagan lived by the 11th commandment - Don't speak evil of a fellow Republican. That rule allowed Reagan to get his agenda passed and change the country. He was the best President in the modern era. I was a guest at his first inauguration, in fact.

Poor Donald, however, doesn't know that he needs Republicans to pass his agenda. He doesn't understand majority votes are needed to do things. He only knows about one vote / one decision maker. The Constitution doesn't work that way. We don't have absolute monarchs. Poor Donald, prefers calling people names. For some odd reason, Senators and Congressmen don't like it and they decide "I'm not helping that guy; so they vote NO." Donald replies by calling them worse names. Poor Donald will have them over for dinner and make his case one night, and the next morning he calls them a name on Twitter. He's just dumb. Trumpsters say "well, he's not a politician and doesn't play those games." He'd better learn how if he wants to accomplish anything.
Posts: 875
10/28/17 9:57 am

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Post Re: One Big Difference Between Reagan and Trump Resident Skeptic
FG Minister wrote:
Reagan lived by the 11th commandment - Don't speak evil of a fellow Republican. That rule allowed Reagan to get his agenda passed and change the country. He was the best President in the modern era. I was a guest at his first inauguration, in fact.

Poor Donald, however, doesn't know that he needs Republicans to pass his agenda. He doesn't understand majority votes are needed to do things. He only knows about one vote / one decision maker. The Constitution doesn't work that way. We don't have absolute monarchs. Poor Donald, prefers calling people names. For some odd reason, Senators and Congressmen don't like it and they decide "I'm not helping that guy; so they vote NO." Donald replies by calling them worse names. Poor Donald will have them over for dinner and make his case one night, and the next morning he calls them a name on Twitter. He's just dumb. Trumpsters say "well, he's not a politician and doesn't play those games." He'd better learn how if he wants to accomplish anything.

You are still so naïve to believe that the RINO's would support the same agenda proposed by Trump if it was being suggested by a more gentleman like POTUS. It is really amazing that you could be so gullible.

If what you are suggesting is true, then it shows that these guys put personal sensibilities, egos and party politics ahead of the country. Anyone who condones or sympathize with that, should have the same adjectives ascribed to them that Paul ascribed to the Galatians, foolish and bewitched.

The rest of us have our big-boy panties on and are thankful that we have a POTUS who knows playing nice with RINO's has brought the country to its knees.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
10/28/17 10:36 am

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Post Chicago27
Trump is the ultimate RINO. Friendly Face
Posts: 253
10/28/17 8:23 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Chicago27 wrote:
Trump is the ultimate RINO.

The dumbest quote of the week.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
10/28/17 9:16 pm

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Post Cojak
Chicago27 wrote:
Trump is the ultimate RINO.

You are probably right up to a point, but if he is a democrat leaning dude, someone hasn't told the Democrats yet.

You see, I am not a TRUMPER but I do support him. He exasperates me. I wish his /Tweeter was somewhere the sun does not shine.

I also agree with the 11th commandment. I am not sure he knows that his (unnecessary) dissing of McCain's POW status cost him the repeal of Obamacare. Of course i was disappointed in McCains putting his 'get even' above the best for the country. But McCain acted just a juvenile as Trump. But he rubbed Trump's nose in it, I did not like it.

I do despise the personal attacks as he continues to sound juvenile. BUT in my opinion he has helped the country more than hurt it. His SCOTUS appointment gives him a lot of room, IMHO!

Frustrating you bet. Do I care about RINO/ Democrats/Republicans, not a whole lot, I want to see a leader lead.
I am disappointed that I hear HE MUST tweet TO GET HIS MESSAGE ACROSS. Balogna, there are Presidential News conferences. Confused
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
10/28/17 9:21 pm

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Post Chicago 27 is Right on the Money FG Minister
Trump is the ultimate RINO. He has no principles or guiding values, but is promoting what he does just to keep his conservative, white, uneducated base together. During the campaign he let it slip that he didn't care which bathroom transgendered people use. That's just one example of the RINO Trump. But I will continue to support his policies that are conservative even though the messenger is deeply flawed and fake. If God can cause a donkey to speak... Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
10/29/17 7:14 am

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Post Re: Chicago 27 is Right on the Money Resident Skeptic
FG Minister wrote:
Trump is the ultimate RINO. He has no principles or guiding values, but is promoting what he does just to keep his conservative, white, uneducated base together. During the campaign he let it slip that he didn't care which bathroom transgendered people use. That's just one example of the RINO Trump. But I will continue to support his policies that are conservative even though the messenger is deeply flawed and fake. If God can cause a donkey to speak...

Again, all this was said of Reagan. Meanwhile, the real RINOs like McCain and Flake hate Trump and his policies. But I guess it takes having an intellect a bit higher than that of a fence post to figure that out.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
10/29/17 1:32 pm

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Post Re: Chicago 27 is Right on the Money Chicago27
Resident Skeptic wrote:
FG Minister wrote:
Trump is the ultimate RINO. He has no principles or guiding values, but is promoting what he does just to keep his conservative, white, uneducated base together. During the campaign he let it slip that he didn't care which bathroom transgendered people use. That's just one example of the RINO Trump. But I will continue to support his policies that are conservative even though the messenger is deeply flawed and fake. If God can cause a donkey to speak...

Again, all this was said of Reagan. Meanwhile, the real RINOs like McCain and Flake hate Trump and his policies. But I guess it takes having an intellect a bit higher than that of a fence post to figure that out.

If you don’t see the difference between Reagan, the “great communicator” and Trump, the Twitterer-in-Chief, you are totally blind.
Friendly Face
Posts: 253
10/29/17 5:52 pm

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Post Re: One Big Difference Between Reagan and Trump UncleJD
FG Minister wrote:
Reagan lived by the 11th commandment - Don't speak evil of a fellow Republican. .

Too bad the all-talk, do-nothing, status-quo-is-the-way-to-go, bought-and-paid-for-by-insurance-and-big-pharma, stuffed-suit, swamp-dwelling, blood-sucking, Obama-sycophantic, senators like McCain and Flake never heard that one.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/29/17 6:35 pm

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Post Re: Chicago 27 is Right on the Money diakoneo
Resident Skeptic wrote:
FG Minister wrote:
Trump is the ultimate RINO. He has no principles or guiding values, but is promoting what he does just to keep his conservative, white, uneducated base together. During the campaign he let it slip that he didn't care which bathroom transgendered people use. That's just one example of the RINO Trump. But I will continue to support his policies that are conservative even though the messenger is deeply flawed and fake. If God can cause a donkey to speak...

Again, all this was said of Reagan
. Meanwhile, the real RINOs like McCain and Flake hate Trump and his policies. But I guess it takes having an intellect a bit higher than that of a fence post to figure that out.

Most negative things said about Reagan were untrue. I wish the same could be said for Donald Trump (I know a lot of negative things are not true about Trump Smile ).

Reagan was not perfect, you could ask him and he would tell you he is not. Ask Trump if he is perfect. He is not very self deprecating.

These are totally different men with totally different ideas of how to do things. I don't like the way Trump operates but political correctness has a strangle hold on D.C. It may be that the way Trump operates is the only way to get some things done these days.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
10/29/17 9:31 pm

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Post Re: Chicago 27 is Right on the Money Resident Skeptic
diakoneo wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
FG Minister wrote:
Trump is the ultimate RINO. He has no principles or guiding values, but is promoting what he does just to keep his conservative, white, uneducated base together. During the campaign he let it slip that he didn't care which bathroom transgendered people use. That's just one example of the RINO Trump. But I will continue to support his policies that are conservative even though the messenger is deeply flawed and fake. If God can cause a donkey to speak...

Again, all this was said of Reagan
. Meanwhile, the real RINOs like McCain and Flake hate Trump and his policies. But I guess it takes having an intellect a bit higher than that of a fence post to figure that out.

Most negative things said about Reagan were untrue. I wish the same could be said for Donald Trump (I know a lot of negative things are not true about Trump Smile ).

Reagan was not perfect, you could ask him and he would tell you he is not. Ask Trump if he is perfect. He is not very self deprecating.

These are totally different men with totally different ideas of how to do things. I don't like the way Trump operates but political correctness has a strangle hold on D.C. It may be that the way Trump operates is the only way to get some things done these days.

At least you are reasonable.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
10/30/17 5:19 am

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Post Chicago27
The scary thing to me is how some of our people will continue to make excuses for Trump, come hell or high water. It really does show how people will follow an anti-christ and cult leaders. No matter what the guy does, with a 32% approval rating, some will make excuses for him. My favor is that he is a “baby Christian.” Hilarious. What happened to a new creation? Excuses for this guy. Unreal. Friendly Face
Posts: 253
10/30/17 7:49 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
Chicago27 wrote:
The scary thing to me is how some of our people will continue to make excuses for Trump, come hell or high water. It really does show how people will follow an anti-christ and cult leaders. No matter what the guy does, with a 32% approval rating, some will make excuses for him. My favor is that he is a “baby Christian.” Hilarious. What happened to a new creation? Excuses for this guy. Unreal.

What excuses have been made for him? Everyone on here agrees his bed-side manner leaves something to be desired. But in the end, his agenda is what 90% of Republicans want. I take it you are part of the 10% of GOP voters who prefers the RINO agenda.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
10/30/17 9:21 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Chicago27 wrote:
The scary thing to me is how some of our people will continue to make excuses for Trump, come hell or high water. It really does show how people will follow an anti-christ and cult leaders. No matter what the guy does, with a 32% approval rating, some will make excuses for him. My favor is that he is a “baby Christian.” Hilarious. What happened to a new creation? Excuses for this guy. Unreal.

Chicago - I keep seeing you say this - but I think you are incorrect.
I don't know any Christian who likes him as a person. He is coarse, crude, and has a quick fuse - none of which are Christian qualities.

But he was the best choice available.

He is the only Republican in a while who may finally break the Supreme Court ruling on unlimited abortions. Govt sanctioned killing of innocents has to stop - no Christian could support folks that agree with that, could they? If he nominates another justice like the last one - I will vote for him again...all the while disliking him as a man.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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10/30/17 9:36 am

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Post Chicago27
You don’t think Paula White likes him?

But, I am mainly talking about people who are excusing all of those things you mention about him.
Friendly Face
Posts: 253
10/30/17 12:19 pm

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Post UncleJD
Chicago27 wrote:
You don’t think Paula White likes him?

But, I am mainly talking about people who are excusing all of those things you mention about him.

Paula White needs someone to excuse her own behavior, she doesn't count.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/30/17 12:37 pm

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Post I'll Tell you Two Evangelicals Who Love Trump and Defend Him FG Minister
Robert Jeffress & Jerry Falwell Jr.

President Orangutan's boorish behavior is overlooked completely. They overlook his behavior because he gives them what they want. Classic denial. I might also add that if it was Mr. Obama who behaved like Trump does, all the Actscelerate Trumpsters would be screaming from the high heavens!
Posts: 875
10/30/17 1:30 pm

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Post Re: I'll Tell you Two Evangelicals Who Love Trump and Defend Him UncleJD
FG Minister wrote:
I might also add that if it was Mr. Obama who behaved like Trump does, all the Actscelerate Trumpsters would be screaming from the high heavens!

It would have been hard to focus on that behavior over the "fundamental change" he was engaged in that really mattered.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/30/17 1:37 pm

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