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Matt Lauer fired
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Post Matt Lauer fired Nature Boy Florida
NBC spiked story on Wienstein years earlier.

Now we know why.

Kudos to FOXNews for cleaning up their act before anyone else.

Trump made it so no one can hide from this stuff. Thank you Mr. President.
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Acts-pert Poster
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11/29/17 8:32 am

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Post Re: Matt Lauer fired bradfreeman
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
NBC spiked story on Wienstein years earlier.

Now we know why.

Kudos to FOXNews for cleaning up their act before anyone else.

Trump made it so no one can hide from this stuff. Thank you Mr. President.

Is there any basis for your belief that Matt Lauer was in charge of or influenced which stories NBC "spiked?" Or that there is any tangible connection whatsoever between Lauer's misconduct and the Weinstein story airing on NBC?
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11/29/17 11:10 am

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Post Re: Matt Lauer fired Nature Boy Florida
bradfreeman wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
NBC spiked story on Wienstein years earlier.

Now we know why.

Kudos to FOXNews for cleaning up their act before anyone else.

Trump made it so no one can hide from this stuff. Thank you Mr. President.

Is there any basis for your belief that Matt Lauer was in charge of or influenced which stories NBC "spiked?" Or that there is any tangible connection whatsoever between Lauer's misconduct and the Weinstein story airing on NBC?

Of course, Lauer had influence - morning news guys are very powerful.

Also - they fired other guys connected with Lauer too.

Also - please peruse one of the Corey's interviews with Lauer a couple of weeks ago - where he talked about being abused - and Lauer ATTACKED him. A pattern of not following the abuse stories where they are leading.

You might want to take up for the abusers here Brad - but I don't.

Good riddance to Lauer.
Glad NBC is forced to come clean.
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11/29/17 11:46 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
From Variety today:

According to producers, Lauer — who had considerable editorial clout over which stories would ultimately air on “Today” — would frequently dismiss stories about cheating husbands.

Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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11/29/17 4:19 pm

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Post The Forgivness card Cojak
I was pleasantly surprised to hear Kathy Gifford say, "Matt should be forgiven."

I don't know how far that goes.. But I don't think Matt is any better than Mr. Moore. Since I do not know what he is accused of, it could be much worse than anything Moore has been accused of.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/29/17 4:57 pm

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Post Re: The Forgivness card UncleJD
Cojak wrote:
I was pleasantly surprised to hear Kathy Gifford say, "Matt should be forgiven.".

She'll be roasted for it. They are looking for excuses to defame her because she is a known Christian.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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11/29/17 5:44 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Context. She wasn't wise to say it since she wasn't the one he has wronged. Also, what did she mean?
Look at this quote from an interview with David Augsburger [emphasis mine]
    But it’s certainly true that some of what passes for ‘giving forgiveness’ can really be very distorted and hurtful. I suppose one of the most common ways to abuse forgiveness is to grant forgiveness preemptively – without appropriate process. I think of the many Latin American countries who in recent years have granted impunity to perpetrators of human rights abuses and other atrocities. At first this may seem like a generous, gracious offer of forgiveness. But it leaves out so much! Contrast it with the South African process where there must be a frank admission of the truth of what was done wrong before forgiveness is possible. The act of granting impunity without a foundation in the truth and without appropriate process is not really forgiveness but a way of avoiding the truth. It is not productive in terms of justice and healing for the long term. This is just as true in interpersonal relationships as it is on the larger sociopolitical level.

UncleJD wrote:
Cojak wrote:
I was pleasantly surprised to hear Kathy Gifford say, "Matt should be forgiven.".

She'll be roasted for it. They are looking for excuses to defame her because she is a known Christian.
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11/29/17 6:00 pm

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Post UncleJD
bonnie knox wrote:
Context. She wasn't wise to say it since she wasn't the one he has wronged. Also, what did she mean?
Look at this quote from an interview with David Augsburger [emphasis mine]
    But it’s certainly true that some of what passes for ‘giving forgiveness’ can really be very distorted and hurtful. I suppose one of the most common ways to abuse forgiveness is to grant forgiveness preemptively – without appropriate process. I think of the many Latin American countries who in recent years have granted impunity to perpetrators of human rights abuses and other atrocities. At first this may seem like a generous, gracious offer of forgiveness. But it leaves out so much! Contrast it with the South African process where there must be a frank admission of the truth of what was done wrong before forgiveness is possible. The act of granting impunity without a foundation in the truth and without appropriate process is not really forgiveness but a way of avoiding the truth. It is not productive in terms of justice and healing for the long term. This is just as true in interpersonal relationships as it is on the larger sociopolitical level.

UncleJD wrote:
Cojak wrote:
I was pleasantly surprised to hear Kathy Gifford say, "Matt should be forgiven.".

She'll be roasted for it. They are looking for excuses to defame her because she is a known Christian.

Good points and well taken. I hope that Kathy Lee has a reason for what she said (like maybe she spoke with him, or he begged forgiveness from his colleagues in a parting speech). No, he shouldn't be "forgiven" without remorse.

I'm going to just go out on a limb and say it won't matter why she said it though, the libs will torch her just like they did little Gabby Douglas.
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11/29/17 10:26 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Forgiveness doesn't erase the need for consequences. If a young woman gets pregnant out of wedlock, the Lord will certainly forgive her, and people should, too (if she's sorry.) However, she still must suffer the consequences of her sin. If she is pregnant, she will have a baby 9 months later, despite her repentance.

However, in our perverse world, people are not only not sorry for their sin, some of them seem to be rather proud of it.

Watching all of this happen is kind of incredible and makes you wonder why now and where exactly is this headed?

"Oh how the mighty have fallen!"
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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11/29/17 10:40 pm

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Post Re: The Forgivness card Cojak
UncleJD wrote:
Cojak wrote:
I was pleasantly surprised to hear Kathy Gifford say, "Matt should be forgiven.".

She'll be roasted for it. They are looking for excuses to defame her because she is a known Christian.
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I figured the same thing. That is unacceptable in today's atmosphere. Sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/29/17 10:54 pm

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Post UncleJD
Carolyn Smith wrote:

Watching all of this happen is kind of incredible and makes you wonder why now and where exactly is this headed?

Great questions!
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/29/17 11:19 pm

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Post Link
You can be forgiven without being in a position of influence or in a position to harm other people.
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11/30/17 11:30 am

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Post Re: Matt Lauer fired Link
Nature Boy Florida wrote:

Trump made it so no one can hide from this stuff. Thank you Mr. President.

How? Does it have anything to do with the grabbing women by the _____ comment?
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11/30/17 12:02 pm

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Post bonnie knox
Link wrote:
You can be forgiven without being in a position of influence or in a position to harm other people.

good point
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11/30/17 12:44 pm

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Post Re: Matt Lauer fired bonnie knox
Yeah, I keep wondering exactly how Trump gets the credit.
Anyway, I am surprised at how things have snowballed.

Link wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:

Trump made it so no one can hide from this stuff. Thank you Mr. President.

How? Does it have anything to do with the grabbing women by the _____ comment?
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11/30/17 12:46 pm

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Post Re: Matt Lauer fired Nature Boy Florida
bonnie knox wrote:
Yeah, I keep wondering exactly how Trump gets the credit.
Anyway, I am surprised at how things have snowballed.

Link wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:

Trump made it so no one can hide from this stuff. Thank you Mr. President.

How? Does it have anything to do with the grabbing women by the _____ comment?

It's just a joke.

However, this all came about due to the media wanting to nail Trump to the cross over a nasty comment he made about women letting you do things to them because you are famous.

He keeps going and the media guys get canned.

I just don't know how the guy does it.
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12/1/17 8:34 am

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Post Re: The Forgivness card georgiapath
Cojak wrote:
I was pleasantly surprised to hear Kathy Gifford say, "Matt should be forgiven."

I don't know how far that goes.. But I don't think Matt is any better than Mr. Moore. Since I do not know what he is accused of, it could be much worse than anything Moore has been accused of.

Didn't Frank Gillford cheat on Kathy Lee Gillford for years before he got too old?
Posts: 7604
12/3/17 6:32 pm

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Post Re: The Forgivness card Carolyn Smith
georgiapath wrote:
Cojak wrote:
I was pleasantly surprised to hear Kathy Gifford say, "Matt should be forgiven."

I don't know how far that goes.. But I don't think Matt is any better than Mr. Moore. Since I do not know what he is accused of, it could be much worse than anything Moore has been accused of.

Didn't Frank Gillford cheat on Kathy Lee Gillford for years before he got too old?

Yes, that is part of what Kathy Lee talked about - how betrayed she felt when he did that but she had to stop thinking of herself and think of him as her children's father instead of as her husband so she could forgive him.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
12/3/17 7:32 pm

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Post Re: The Forgivness card Cojak
georgiapath wrote:
Cojak wrote:
I was pleasantly surprised to hear Kathy Gifford say, "Matt should be forgiven."

I don't know how far that goes.. But I don't think Matt is any better than Mr. Moore. Since I do not know what he is accused of, it could be much worse than anything Moore has been accused of.

Didn't Frank Gillford cheat on Kathy Lee Gillford for years before he got too old?

Hold it GP, Wink YOu never get too old to cheat, maybe SMART, but not too old. Come on! Wink Wink Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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12/3/17 11:31 pm

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Post Re: The Forgivness card georgiapath
Carolyn Smith wrote:
georgiapath wrote:
Cojak wrote:
I was pleasantly surprised to hear Kathy Gifford say, "Matt should be forgiven."

I don't know how far that goes.. But I don't think Matt is any better than Mr. Moore. Since I do not know what he is accused of, it could be much worse than anything Moore has been accused of.

Didn't Frank Gillford cheat on Kathy Lee Gillford for years before he got too old?

Yes, that is part of what Kathy Lee talked about - how betrayed she felt when he did that but she had to stop thinking of herself and think of him as her children's father instead of as her husband so she could forgive him.

I imagine the fact that he made a lot of money helped her forgive him. That was probably why she married him in the first place.
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12/12/17 3:28 pm

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