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Biggest Negative Takeaway from GA18
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Post Biggest Negative Takeaway from GA18 MegaBoss

Besides the obvious of not allowing women reach the third rank of ministry in the COG.

What do you see that will be the biggest negative generated from the GA?
For His Glory
Posts: 34
7/8/18 7:36 am

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Post What? aprilmay2.0
How can you say negative things about something that hasn’t happened yet? Friendly Face
Posts: 165
7/8/18 9:11 am

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Post Judah4Him
Yes let's speak doom and gloom before it even begins. That's always so productive.

I cringe to think of ever having to pastor some of pastors on this forum.
Friendly Face
Posts: 468
7/8/18 9:18 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Judah4Him wrote:
Yes let's speak doom and gloom before it even begins. That's always so productive.

I cringe to think of ever having to pastor some of pastors on this forum.

I feel sorry for the 15 attenders left at his church. How sad.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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7/8/18 12:24 pm

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Post Hilarious MegaBoss
you guys are way too funny!

How about Pros and Cons or Positive or Negative Takeaways?

So, I made it easier for the neophytes who want to paint everything rosy without Critical Thinking.

How about this? We are rehashing the same thing we passed in 2004 as it relates to the term Ordained Bishop!

So, why are we going back now? What is the purpose to revisit this? Should we have even called ourselves Ordained Bishops in 2004?

Sounds like I am upsetting your fruit-baskets … care to respond!
For His Glory
Posts: 34
7/8/18 5:22 pm

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Post Cojak
If I were a pastor the take away would be ORLANDO, AGAIN? Since I have not attended a GA since the 60's, I think Dallas was my last, I just thought I would bring that up.

I think the Admins should shock the COG and go to Denver! Wait pick another state. I forgot some of you pastors used to enjoy Mary Jane, that might be too tempting, LOL just a joke brothers and sisters.

Maybe Rapid City. Then families could see Rushmore and Crazy Horse. And see the Bad Lands and Wall Drug on the way. Then Rough and the bike riders could visit Sturges is they ain't.

Just an idea! Smile Smile Smile Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/8/18 11:14 pm

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Post Wall Drug Mat
Maybe Rapid City. Then families could see Rushmore and Crazy Horse. And see the Bad Lands and Wall Drug on the way. Then Rough and the bike riders could visit Sturges is they ain't.

Wall Drug, more sign than store.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
7/9/18 7:14 am

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Post Re: Biggest Negative Takeaway from GA18 Tom Sterbens
MegaBoss wrote:

Besides the obvious of not allowing women reach the third rank of ministry in the COG.

What do you see that will be the biggest negative generated from the GA?

Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
7/9/18 7:45 am

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Post skinnybishop
Don't know about the General Assembly, since it hasn't taken place. But the General Council agenda is pretty disappointing. Take out the resolutions and task force requests and you aren't left with much.
Eddie Wiggins
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7/9/18 10:53 am

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Post Re: Biggest Negative Takeaway from GA18 MegaBoss
Tom Sterbens wrote:
MegaBoss wrote:

Besides the obvious of not allowing women reach the third rank of ministry in the COG.

What do you see that will be the biggest negative generated from the GA?


Tom, this is in anticipation of GA18 and the possible negatives that could occur. And that being the case, let's get all the negatives out and critically look at them for their validity.

Then, let's take the actual positives and results and compare and contrast and work through with a healthy dose of Critical Thinking and get on with the Finish Commitment!

I used the subject to grab attention and then the initial post to open a conversation about the possible negatives. That is all and with the intent to get to the actuals and move forward.
For His Glory
Posts: 34
7/10/18 7:54 am

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Post you should stay positive aprilmay2.0
perhaps a move of God that is not on the agenda will happen? Friendly Face
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7/10/18 10:26 am

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Post Re: you should stay positive MegaBoss
aprilmay2.0 wrote:
perhaps a move of God that is not on the agenda will happen?

Only if … God would move again! This year would be great.
For His Glory
Posts: 34
7/10/18 10:50 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I thought “takeaways” were what one took away following something, not before. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
7/10/18 11:02 am

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Post Really? MegaBoss
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
I thought “takeaways” were what one took away following something, not before.

What does my first post read? First word?


Meaning, can you predict what will be a negative takeaway from this Assembly.

I followed that by saying Women Ministers not being allowed to reach the highest rank of Ministry.
For His Glory
Posts: 34
7/10/18 11:13 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Yeah, I just think you meant “predictions.” A takeaway is something you have after reading a book or hearing a sermon, etc. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
7/10/18 11:27 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Definition of takeaway

1 : a conclusion to be made based on presented facts or information : a main point or key message to be learned or understood from something experienced or observed.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
7/10/18 11:30 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
As to the issue of women in ministry, equivalent credentialing for women, etc., unless I missed something, that is not on the agenda. Apparently it takes a very long time to study what the scriptural word, “bishop” means, and we will not know until at least 2020 what conclusion the CoG has come to about that. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
7/10/18 11:33 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Agreed QW.

If it is something you can predict in advance - it isn't a takeaway.

I remember anticipating my first conference. Twisted Evil Hopefully there is a nursery section for Megaman.
Or is it Nega-boss?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
7/10/18 11:40 am

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Post Now Now NBF MegaBoss
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Agreed QW.

If it is something you can predict in advance - it isn't a takeaway.

I remember anticipating my first conference. Twisted Evil Hopefully there is a nursery section for Megaman.
Or is it Nega-boss?

QW You did not miss anything as he relates to having Women as Ordained Bishops. The Negative is that we are not addressing it and the result is Women will not be given the same and equal rights of the present Ordained Bishop rank and file. To me, that is a negative takeaway. and thanks for all the clarification of my "thoughts".

Now, NBF, What is the Deal? Are you still dwelling in your adolescences wishing you were the big kid on the block when in reality you got you butt kick everyday. NBF, NBF that kinda goes with Nutter Butter Freak or better, Nothing Brain Fatigue!

Oh well, again just asking this board to think a little and respond. Personally, I wanted to know if anyone in Acts-land actually had concerns going into this Assembly with the Agenda, items included and NOT included, and if so, what could we come up with as a solution.
For His Glory
Posts: 34
7/10/18 1:03 pm

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Post Re: Now Now NBF Nature Boy Florida
MegaBoss wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Agreed QW.

If it is something you can predict in advance - it isn't a takeaway.

I remember anticipating my first conference. Twisted Evil Hopefully there is a nursery section for Megaman.
Or is it Nega-boss?

QW You did not miss anything as he relates to having Women as Ordained Bishops. The Negative is that we are not addressing it and the result is Women will not be given the same and equal rights of the present Ordained Bishop rank and file. To me, that is a negative takeaway. and thanks for all the clarification of my "thoughts".

Now, NBF, What is the Deal? Are you still dwelling in your adolescences wishing you were the big kid on the block when in reality you got you butt kick everyday. NBF, NBF that kinda goes with Nutter Butter Freak or better, Nothing Brain Fatigue!

Oh well, again just asking this board to think a little and respond. Personally, I wanted to know if anyone in Acts-land actually had concerns going into this Assembly with the Agenda, items included and NOT included, and if so, what could we come up with as a solution.

We are waiting with anticipation or your sage advice on how to get a great solution.

We just won't get any takeaways until after the conference.

But you've apparently printed your negative nelly list already...sorely lacking in any positive outlook.

But, then again, anyone that needs to call themselves the "MegaBoss" is probably compensating for lack of any personal accomplishments, right?
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
7/10/18 2:10 pm

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