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Political discussions are welcome here BUT... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Political discussions are welcome here BUT... doyle
Political opinions are definitely welcome here, however, as Christians we respect each other even if we disagree. Scripture says, "Be kind one unto another..." It does not say be kind unless you disagree.

There are ways to disagree without feeling it necessary to bash someone who has a different opinion. As viewers know, personal attacks and name-calling are completely unacceptable, unnecessary, and is usually a sign of IMMATURITY.

Surely our egos are not so tiny that if someone disagrees with us, it flips us out. When we resort to name-calling it means we have lost control of ourself and lost the discussion.

Disagree? Absolutely. Disagree strongly? Yes, but that can be done without resorting to immature behavior. Remember, in most cases here on ACTS, the one posting is not only a Christian Brother or Sister, but is often a fellow minister.

Neither of those facts mean they are correct in their perspective on issues, but it should cause us to attempt to provide some light instead of all heat on some issues.

When someone makes a point with which you disagree, an option is to say, "I see the issue differently, or "Have you considered?" Then, not only point out what you consider to be the error of their point, but share your perspective and insight.

If you expect them to give your post a respectful review, speak with them in a way you want to be spoken to. There is a difference is tying to win an ARGUMENT and having a DISCUSSION. A discussion means others are involved. It means each participant has the right to share their opinion and perspective.

AND REMEMBER, anything you post gives ALL who view it the right to respond. They have the right to agree, the right to disagree, AND the right to share their opinion on what was posted.

History reveals that the most dangerous place in the world is the Arena of Ideas. Millions have died for simply disagreeing with an idea; Communism for example (an idea of Karl Marx). Millions have thrived by agreeing with an idea; Democracy for example. Many have also died defending the idea of Democracy.

Before stepping into the arena of ideas, "Gird up thy loins..."

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.

Last edited by doyle on 5/7/19 2:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
4/29/19 8:04 am

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Post Re: Political discussions are welcome here BUT... Eddie Robbins
doyle wrote:
Political opinions are definitely welcome here, however, as Christians we respect each other even if we disagree. Scripture says, "Be kind one unto another..." It does not say be kind unless you disagree.

There are ways to disagree without feeling it necessary to bash someone who has a different opinion. As viewers know, personal attacks and name-calling are completely unacceptable, unnecessary, and is usually a sign of IMMATURITY.

Surely our egos are not so tiny that if someone disagrees with us, it flips us out. When we resort to name-calling it means we have lost control of ourself and lost the discussion.

Disagree? Absolutely. Disagree strongly? Yes, but that can be done without resorting to immature behavior. Remember, in most cases here on ACTS, the one posting is not only a Christian Brother or Sister, but is often a fellow minister.

Neither of those facts mean they are correct in their perspective on issues, but it should cause us to attempt to provide some light instead of all heat on some issues.

When someone makes a point with which you disagree, an option is to say, "I see the issue differently, or "Have you considered?" Then, not only point out what you consider to be the error of their point, but share your perspective and insight.

If you expect them to give your post a respectful review, speak with them in a way you want to be spoken to. There is a difference is tying to win an ARGUMENT and having a DISCUSSION. A discussion means others are involved. It means each participant has the right to share their opinion and perspective.

AND REMEMBER, anything you post gives ALL who view it the right to respond. They have the right to agree, the right to disagree, AND the right to share their opinion on what was posted.

History reveals that the most dangerous place in the world is the Arena of Ideas. Millions have died for simply disagreeing with an idea; Communism for example (an idea of Karl Marx). Millions have thrived by agreeing with an idea; Democracy for example. Many have also died defending the idea of Democracy.

Before stepping into the arena of ideas, "Gird up thy loins..."


Trump couldn’t live by those rules when he tweets. Smile
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
4/30/19 1:38 pm

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Post Aw Doyle roughridercog
Call someone a commie pinko and you're marked for life. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
5/1/19 7:04 am

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Post I agree Doyle, brotherjames
But having said that, you said this "Before stepping into the arena of ideas, "Gird up thy loins..."
So, perhaps those taking offence at the disagreement of their dumb/controversial idea might want to get over themselves and understand people don't agree. Gird your loins for the response you have to know might be coming and quit taking offence. You don't need to call names at people to disagree nor do you need to be disrespectful but even in the Senate sometimes one senator says to the other senator "my esteemed colleague is a ___fill in the blank) try idiot. That is not disrespectful. The problem here is that moderators are subjective people. If you are on a vegan forum and you begin to espouse the great delicacy of meat you should not be surprised when vegan members of the forum call out your hypocrisy, especially if you are a moderator. That should not be cause for banning.

But, Doyle, thank you for this forum where substantive and non substantive ideas can be discussed with kindness. Vegan or meat eater.
Posts: 935
5/1/19 8:51 pm

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Post Cojak
Smile Smile Smile Smile

Some folk cannot handle political differences.......... It is either my way. because everyone else is an idiot. Just sayin'. Smile Smile Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
5/1/19 11:04 pm

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Post Re: I agree Doyle, Dave Dorsey
brotherjames wrote:
But having said that, you said this "Before stepping into the arena of ideas, "Gird up thy loins..."
So, perhaps those taking offence at the disagreement of their dumb/controversial idea might want to get over themselves and understand people don't agree. Gird your loins for the response you have to know might be coming and quit taking offence. You don't need to call names at people to disagree nor do you need to be disrespectful but even in the Senate sometimes one senator says to the other senator "my esteemed colleague is a ___fill in the blank) try idiot. That is not disrespectful. The problem here is that moderators are subjective people. If you are on a vegan forum and you begin to espouse the great delicacy of meat you should not be surprised when vegan members of the forum call out your hypocrisy, especially if you are a moderator. That should not be cause for banning.

But, Doyle, thank you for this forum where substantive and non substantive ideas can be discussed with kindness. Vegan or meat eater.

I wouldn't normally do something like this publicly, but it's clear that's where it needs to be done.

Your account was suspended following this post on 3/12/2018:

brotherjames wrote:
Subject: Why is a non-pentecostal
Calvinist moderating a board that once was for Pentecostals? I stumbled upon this place many years ago and enjoyed the "fellowship" of mostly like-minded pastors. I learned some things, argued my points especially as I saw many COG pastors headed away from the things of the spirit into seeker mindsets in pursuit of bigger numbers as their AG brethren before them have, saw them compromise and our right embrace calvinist theology in the desire to be less controversial. I saw many move away from the supernatural things of the Spirit to embrace the Baptist church growth movement. I have been accused of being a woffie defender, a grave sucking defender et al by people who call themselves "continualists" (whatever that is), now I understand. Previously I saw thru a glass darkly but now I see this thing face to face. There is no way someone who is not even a Pentecostal much less a charismatic has any right to moderate this board. I know you won't miss me and btw I am not angry, just saddened to see a once vibrant spirit filled forum descend into this mess of judaizer, parodies, and Calvinism. So long. It was fun for awhile. And Bonnie, if you're still out there looking, I'm gone for good. I enjoyed your snark, you are sharp as is that parody guy even if we disagreed about many things.
Buh bye.

You made several statements about me in this post that are untrue, but that's fine. Believing incorrect things about someone and attacking them over it is not against the rules. However, it is typical practice on many forums to remove angry (my opinion, yours may differ) "I'm leaving forever" posts so as to minimize the drama they can create. Your post was removed, and based on your statement that you were "gone for good" your account was suspended.

The suspension on your account was lifted when we lifted dozens of suspensions a few months ago, and it's great that you decided to return. I'm going to gently, kindly ask you one last time to stop stalking my posts and stop talking about me banning you because I didn't like something you were saying. It is not true and I do not appreciate the continual questioning of my character. It's time for both of us to put this in the past and move forward. Thank you.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
5/2/19 6:36 am

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Post Re: I agree Doyle, Nature Boy Florida
Dave Dorsey wrote:
brotherjames wrote:
But having said that, you said this "Before stepping into the arena of ideas, "Gird up thy loins..."
So, perhaps those taking offence at the disagreement of their dumb/controversial idea might want to get over themselves and understand people don't agree. Gird your loins for the response you have to know might be coming and quit taking offence. You don't need to call names at people to disagree nor do you need to be disrespectful but even in the Senate sometimes one senator says to the other senator "my esteemed colleague is a ___fill in the blank) try idiot. That is not disrespectful. The problem here is that moderators are subjective people. If you are on a vegan forum and you begin to espouse the great delicacy of meat you should not be surprised when vegan members of the forum call out your hypocrisy, especially if you are a moderator. That should not be cause for banning.

But, Doyle, thank you for this forum where substantive and non substantive ideas can be discussed with kindness. Vegan or meat eater.

I wouldn't normally do something like this publicly, but it's clear that's where it needs to be done.

Your account was suspended following this post on 3/12/2018:

brotherjames wrote:
Subject: Why is a non-pentecostal
Calvinist moderating a board that once was for Pentecostals? I stumbled upon this place many years ago and enjoyed the "fellowship" of mostly like-minded pastors. I learned some things, argued my points especially as I saw many COG pastors headed away from the things of the spirit into seeker mindsets in pursuit of bigger numbers as their AG brethren before them have, saw them compromise and our right embrace calvinist theology in the desire to be less controversial. I saw many move away from the supernatural things of the Spirit to embrace the Baptist church growth movement. I have been accused of being a woffie defender, a grave sucking defender et al by people who call themselves "continualists" (whatever that is), now I understand. Previously I saw thru a glass darkly but now I see this thing face to face. There is no way someone who is not even a Pentecostal much less a charismatic has any right to moderate this board. I know you won't miss me and btw I am not angry, just saddened to see a once vibrant spirit filled forum descend into this mess of judaizer, parodies, and Calvinism. So long. It was fun for awhile. And Bonnie, if you're still out there looking, I'm gone for good. I enjoyed your snark, you are sharp as is that parody guy even if we disagreed about many things.
Buh bye.

You made several statements about me in this post that are untrue, but that's fine. Believing incorrect things about someone and attacking them over it is not against the rules. However, it is typical practice on many forums to remove angry (my opinion, yours may differ) "I'm leaving forever" posts so as to minimize the drama they can create. Your post was removed, and based on your statement that you were "gone for good" your account was suspended.

The suspension on your account was lifted when we lifted dozens of suspensions a few months ago, and it's great that you decided to return. I'm going to gently, kindly ask you one last time to stop stalking my posts and stop talking about me banning you because I didn't like something you were saying. It is not true and I do not appreciate the continual questioning of my character. It's time for both of us to put this in the past and move forward. Thank you.

Somebody cue Paul Harvey's closing line.....
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
5/2/19 7:31 am

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Post I will answer this more fully later brotherjames
But suffice it to say whether I said I was leaving or not, to pull access to that account, effectively banning me for saying I was leaving is a false statement. Mr. Dorsy was upset I called him out for his cessaionist viewpoint and merely used my saying I was leaving as an excuse to ban me. He can spin it any way he wants to and rationalize his actions but he and I know the truth. Good DAY! NBF Acts-celerater
Posts: 935
5/6/19 3:17 pm

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Post Re: I will answer this more fully later Dave Dorsey
brotherjames wrote:
But suffice it to say whether I said I was leaving or not, to pull access to that account, effectively banning me for saying I was leaving is a false statement. Mr. Dorsy was upset I called him out for his cessaionist viewpoint and merely used my saying I was leaving as an excuse to ban me. He can spin it any way he wants to and rationalize his actions but he and I know the truth. Good DAY! NBF


You are continuing to say things about me that are flatly untrue. I fully affirm the gifts of the Spirit as being in operation in the church today. I am a member of a church that fully affirms the same. I am not sure that matters to you, but I will tell you that once again.

Based on your post, it doesn't sound like my last reply to you did much good. So let me be crystal clear: this beef between you and me is ending in this thread. It is my desperate hope that it ends with us putting this issue behind us and moving forward together in Christian charity. But it is ending in this thread either way.

I look forward to hearing from you that you are ready to put the past behind you and move on. If your next reply does not indicate that position on your part, I will be suspending your account until you, Doyle, and myself can arrange a time to discuss this matter further by phone and work out a functional path forward. Thank you.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
5/6/19 3:40 pm

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