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in post Trump election, how do we claim moral leadership? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post in post Trump election, how do we claim moral leadership? UncleJD
Outside of the politics of this thing I'd like to ask some questions related to ministry and witness of the church.

We have watched our society fundamentally transformed just as Obama promised 8 years ago. Moving forward, how will we defend notions such as family values, Christian love and charity, marriage fidelity, serial divorce, Biblical definition of marriage, pro-life without exception other than life of mother/baby ??? Even course or filthy language or loving our neighbor as ourselves?

I don't see us having any credible witness with the world after it is well known that the majority of we evangelical "conservative" Christians voted in this way. I have already seen many examples of liberals ridiculing "Christians" for this. Being called hypocrites by the world may not be something new, but when we give them the stronger side of the argument, doesn't it bother you a little? It does me. Aren't these the people we are supposed to be reaching? Aren't we telling them that our "convictions" mean absolutely nothing when the rubber meets the road?
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/1/16 10:14 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
The ridiculing has mostly come from other morally superior Christians.
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Acts-pert Poster
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3/1/16 10:36 am

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Post UncleJD
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
The ridiculing has mostly come from other morally superior Christians.

Getting past that, my question still stands.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/1/16 10:41 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Form a Christian party.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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3/1/16 11:07 am

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Post Re: in post Trump election, how do we claim moral leadership? Resident Skeptic
UncleJD wrote:
Outside of the politics of this thing I'd like to ask some questions related to ministry and witness of the church.

We have watched our society fundamentally transformed just as Obama promised 8 years ago. Moving forward, how will we defend notions such as family values, Christian love and charity, marriage fidelity, serial divorce, Biblical definition of marriage, pro-life without exception other than life of mother/baby ??? Even course or filthy language or loving our neighbor as ourselves?

I don't see us having any credible witness with the world after it is well known that the majority of we evangelical "conservative" Christians voted in this way. I have already seen many examples of liberals ridiculing "Christians" for this. Being called hypocrites by the world may not be something new, but when we give them the stronger side of the argument, doesn't it bother you a little? It does me. Aren't these the people we are supposed to be reaching? Aren't we telling them that our "convictions" mean absolutely nothing when the rubber meets the road?

Most of the moral issues are not mentioned in the constitution and should not be mentioned in national politics. The left, mainly through leftist courts operating outside of constitutional authority, has drug these issues into the national arena. The answer is for the States to invoke article 5 and reclaim their rights. If that happens, the christian right will get 90% of what it wants by default. But I'm sure that won't satisfy the moral superiorists on this board. Four or five States allowing abortion or gay marriage will still be too much for yall. It's all or nothing with you.

As for what others think. Who cares? What good will all these moral considerations be when the Mexican flag flies over Austin or Sacramento?
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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3/1/16 7:11 pm

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Post Re: in post Trump election, how do we claim moral leadership? Dean Steenburgh
Resident Skeptic wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Outside of the politics of this thing I'd like to ask some questions related to ministry and witness of the church.

We have watched our society fundamentally transformed just as Obama promised 8 years ago. Moving forward, how will we defend notions such as family values, Christian love and charity, marriage fidelity, serial divorce, Biblical definition of marriage, pro-life without exception other than life of mother/baby ??? Even course or filthy language or loving our neighbor as ourselves?

I don't see us having any credible witness with the world after it is well known that the majority of we evangelical "conservative" Christians voted in this way. I have already seen many examples of liberals ridiculing "Christians" for this. Being called hypocrites by the world may not be something new, but when we give them the stronger side of the argument, doesn't it bother you a little? It does me. Aren't these the people we are supposed to be reaching? Aren't we telling them that our "convictions" mean absolutely nothing when the rubber meets the road?

Most of the moral issues are not mentioned in the constitution and should not be mentioned in national politics. The left, mainly through leftist courts operating outside of constitutional authority, has drug these issues into the national arena. The answer is for the States to invoke article 5 and reclaim their rights. If that happens, the christian right will get 90% of what it wants by default. But I'm sure that won't satisfy the moral superiorists on this board. Four or five States allowing abortion or gay marriage will still be too much for yall. It's all or nothing with you.

As for what others think. Who cares? What good will all these moral considerations be when the Mexican flag flies over Austin or Sacramento?

Most days the Mexican flag already flies at the capitol in Sacramento.
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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3/1/16 8:06 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
After 4 years of Clinton we still had a large evangelical block that voted for him again.
He was called slick willy & the king of teflon cause nothing would stick.
He turned the white house into a place of ill repute but I clearly remember the debates we had with fellow Christians & pastors about how they voted for him for his second term.

A lot (millions) voted for Obama both times & I've heard people say they wish they could change the laws so he could run a 3rd time.

You're never going to elect the nominee with good Christian values. The closest we got was GWB & they've made fun of him ever since he claimed to be a Methodist.

"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Church planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
3/1/16 8:11 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Dean Steenburgh wrote:

You're never going to elect the nominee with good Christian values. The closest we got was GWB.

An much to the ole timers chagrin, hey, I'd love to be able to vote for GWB again. Iraq or no Iraq, W was a very good POTUS.
Acts-pert Poster
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3/1/16 8:28 pm

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Post Moral Leadership Change Agent
With the majority of evangelicals voting for Trump there is no moral leadership. People are attracted to a tough, hard person, because they think he can kick butts and get something done. I think he will be a continual reality show president if he gets elected.

Did Jesus get caught up in the politics of His day? Maybe we should follow His lead.
Acts Enthusiast
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3/2/16 9:20 am

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Post Re: Moral Leadership UncleJD
Change Agent wrote:
With the majority of evangelicals voting for Trump there is no moral leadership. .

This is my point. We are making ourselves a laughing stock. I watch secular talk shows that are already making this point. How can those hypocrites say we shouldn't do this or that, yet they are the ones trying to put this man who does all of that and more, into the White House???? We lose all credibility, and probably damn a lot of souls in the process.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/2/16 9:39 am

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