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Post Apology & Pen Names Carolyn Smith
I'd like to offer an apology to Autumn Trees for a comment I made last night. It was a true statement, but it wasn't necessarily nice. It did not reflect the kind of person/Christian I try to be. I've deleted the comment, but it was a parting shot against pen names.

I understand why pen names exist, and I get that. But there are times when those who post with pen names hide behind them and bully others. Not saying Autumn Trees was doing that because I don't know his motives, but it felt a bit that way. I have a situation going on right now with a dear friend that I disagreed with and stood up to and now she has cut me off, so I'm a bit sensitive at the moment. I have grown enough in my personal life to stand up for myself.

When I was reading that thread, I thought about a comment a pen name poster made a long time ago about how he had more than one pen name and sometimes disagreed with his other pen name just to stir the pot.

Some of our pen name posters are great, and some are gossipy and negative and don't add anything to this discussion board IMHO. Again, I am not directing this at Autumn Trees, but I have a hard time with those kind of posters. I am past the point in my life where I allow people to bully and manipulate me.

At any rate, I apologize for the comment made to Autumn Trees. No one asked me to post this, but it bothered me, and I felt a need to say something. I want my life and my words to reflect the Spirit of Christ.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
4/27/20 8:31 am

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Post Re: Apology & Pen Names autumn trees twice dead
Carolyn Smith wrote:
I'd like to offer an apology to Autumn Trees for a comment I made last night. It was a true statement, but it wasn't necessarily nice. It did not reflect the kind of person/Christian I try to be. I've deleted the comment, but it was a parting shot against pen names.

I understand why pen names exist, and I get that. But there are times when those who post with pen names hide behind them and bully others. Not saying Autumn Trees was doing that because I don't know his motives, but it felt a bit that way. I have a situation going on right now with a dear friend that I disagreed with and stood up to and now she has cut me off, so I'm a bit sensitive at the moment. I have grown enough in my personal life to stand up for myself.

When I was reading that thread, I thought about a comment a pen name poster made a long time ago about how he had more than one pen name and sometimes disagreed with his other pen name just to stir the pot.

Some of our pen name posters are great, and some are gossipy and negative and don't add anything to this discussion board IMHO. Again, I am not directing this at Autumn Trees, but I have a hard time with those kind of posters. I am past the point in my life where I allow people to bully and manipulate me.

At any rate, I apologize for the comment made to Autumn Trees. No one asked me to post this, but it bothered me, and I felt a need to say something. I want my life and my words to reflect the Spirit of Christ.

I was not offended, but let me ask you a question. Do you feel like aI bullied you because I have a different viewpoint and try to back it up. In today's world we have lost the ability to communicate it seems. If someone doesn't accept everything we say although we are told to test everything, they are ean spirited a bully argumentative etc. The truth just may be that our pride, ego or feelings were hurt. We must go beyond that.

This is not a new reaction though as James dealt with it---

19My beloved brothers, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, 20for man’s anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires.… James 1

When the Bereans heard Paul speak they didn't just take it in but they searched the bible to see if what he said was true (Acts 17:11). Paul didn't get upset but praised them for it by calling them noble in the bible.

You may think this is harsh, We are told to die to self. I see so little preaching/teaching on that today. If there were such teaching, maybe we could communicate even when we don't have the same view point.

Please don't use what another did years ago. It is not fair to both of us, plus you should forgive them them and not carry it over to others. It is a hard thing, but death to self is seldom easy.

I use a pen name as it is approved. I don't think it was my pen name that angered you, but my words. Sometimes we need to be reminded of things in this life as we forget about our new life in Christ.

Church correction is something that is seldom practiced as many will get hurt feelings and not come back to church. Many left the Lord because they said He said a hard thing. As a christian when speaking truth, it is often still considered hard today.

May the Lord richly bless you.
Just trying to slide another one by ya
Hey, DOC
Posts: 50
5/4/20 4:04 pm

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Post Cojak
attd, I got a little confused. Was that a backhanded acceptance of an apology?
I thought your answer post was good with, "I was not offended,".
Then came the But......

Sounds like one of my sons apologies.

I am sorry I said that, BUT if you had not rubbed me the wrong way I would not have said it.

Just saying that is how it came across, and I am very sorry if I misinterpreted. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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5/4/20 8:52 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Cojak wrote:
attd, I got a little confused. Was that a backhanded acceptance of an apology?
I thought your answer post was good with, "I was not offended,".
Then came the But......

Sounds like one of my sons apologies.

I am sorry I said that, BUT if you had not rubbed me the wrong way I would not have said it.

Just saying that is how it came across, and I am very sorry if I misinterpreted. Cool

Thanks, Cojak, I got a good laugh out of that response! Laughing Laughing Laughing

I will answer Autumn Leaves later...
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
5/4/20 10:02 pm

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Post Take a stand autumn trees twice dead
Carolyn Smith wrote:
Cojak wrote:
attd, I got a little confused. Was that a backhanded acceptance of an apology?
I thought your answer post was good with, "I was not offended,".
Then came the But......

Sounds like one of my sons apologies.

I am sorry I said that, BUT if you had not rubbed me the wrong way I would not have said it.

Just saying that is how it came across, and I am very sorry if I misinterpreted. Cool

Thanks, Cojak, I got a good laugh out of that response! Laughing Laughing Laughing

I will answer Autumn Leaves later...

I wasn't offended but I spoke against someone carelessly bringing in a false prophecy. I was going to expose them and not fall for their silly play for sympathy (I was hurt before by someone with a pen name:. We need accountability and not a cry for sympathy and excuses.".
We have to stop false prophecies. There are wolves among the sheep and the sheep lack discernment thus Paul said "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." Ephesians 5:11

Are we to act like everything is fine when someone promotes error. - We then become a social club entertaining the bore drama seeking sheep. It is time to get serious about the message and holiness.-- Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. Matthew 22:29

Don Trump Jr. spoke about the Kim hoak and we should doubly apply it to false prophecies.

What does it say about news standards at
that one of their so-called star reporters,
, falsely reported what would have been the biggest story of the year, that Kim Jong Un was on his deathbed, & yet he almost surely won't face any consequences for botching it?

iT IS TIME TO BE SERIOUS AND THAT INCLUDES NOT BABYING FALSE PROPHECIES AND PROPHETS. This may seem like a church ritual game to many, but it isn't.

26 Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all, 27 for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God. 28 Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God,[e] which he obtained with his own blood.[f] 29 I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; 30 and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. 31 Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to admonish every one with tears. 32 And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.

Acts 29
Just trying to slide another one by ya
Hey, DOC
Posts: 50
5/5/20 8:09 am

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Post Re: Apology & Pen Names Carolyn Smith
autumn trees twice dead wrote:
Carolyn Smith wrote:
I'd like to offer an apology to Autumn Trees for a comment I made last night. It was a true statement, but it wasn't necessarily nice. It did not reflect the kind of person/Christian I try to be. I've deleted the comment, but it was a parting shot against pen names.

I understand why pen names exist, and I get that. But there are times when those who post with pen names hide behind them and bully others. Not saying Autumn Trees was doing that because I don't know his motives, but it felt a bit that way. I have a situation going on right now with a dear friend that I disagreed with and stood up to and now she has cut me off, so I'm a bit sensitive at the moment. I have grown enough in my personal life to stand up for myself.

When I was reading that thread, I thought about a comment a pen name poster made a long time ago about how he had more than one pen name and sometimes disagreed with his other pen name just to stir the pot.

Some of our pen name posters are great, and some are gossipy and negative and don't add anything to this discussion board IMHO. Again, I am not directing this at Autumn Trees, but I have a hard time with those kind of posters. I am past the point in my life where I allow people to bully and manipulate me.

At any rate, I apologize for the comment made to Autumn Trees. No one asked me to post this, but it bothered me, and I felt a need to say something. I want my life and my words to reflect the Spirit of Christ.

I was not offended, but let me ask you a question. Do you feel like aI bullied you because I have a different viewpoint and try to back it up. In today's world we have lost the ability to communicate it seems. If someone doesn't accept everything we say although we are told to test everything, they are ean spirited a bully argumentative etc. The truth just may be that our pride, ego or feelings were hurt. We must go beyond that.

This is not a new reaction though as James dealt with it---

19My beloved brothers, understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger, 20for man’s anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires.… James 1

When the Bereans heard Paul speak they didn't just take it in but they searched the bible to see if what he said was true (Acts 17:11). Paul didn't get upset but praised them for it by calling them noble in the bible.

You may think this is harsh, We are told to die to self. I see so little preaching/teaching on that today. If there were such teaching, maybe we could communicate even when we don't have the same view point.

Please don't use what another did years ago. It is not fair to both of us, plus you should forgive them them and not carry it over to others. It is a hard thing, but death to self is seldom easy.

I use a pen name as it is approved. I don't think it was my pen name that angered you, but my words. Sometimes we need to be reminded of things in this life as we forget about our new life in Christ.

Church correction is something that is seldom practiced as many will get hurt feelings and not come back to church. Many left the Lord because they said He said a hard thing. As a christian when speaking truth, it is often still considered hard today.

May the Lord richly bless you.

No, I didn't feel bullied because you had a different opinion, but we went through this whole thing where you said something and I disagreed, and then when I quoted what you said, you said you didn't say it. So it was a bit confusing to say the least.

The point I was trying to make about pen names is that some people hide behind them and say things they would never say in person or under their own name. One of Doyle's rules here is BE KIND.

It is fine to have a difference of opinion with other people. That is what makes for good discussion, but when you talk down to other people or imply they must be stupid, that is not a great way to communicate. If you want to disagree, that's fine, but I am capable of reading and understanding scripture, even if you don't think I am. It really isn't necessary to keep quoting the same scripture or giving it to us in different versions. I think all of the posters here are pretty well-versed in the Word.

If you believe Kim Clement is a false prophet, that is your opinion, and that is fine. I don't have to agree with you, as I am entitled to my own opinion, even if you think I'm wrong. I think we had a pretty good discussion about prophecy as the thread went on.

I do not seek prophetic words as a substitution for God's presence or for hearing His voice. But I do believe God uses prophecy, words of wisdom/knowledge in today's church. We must simply have the ears to hear what He is saying, and it must line up with the Word of God.

I made the apology because I felt it was not given in the right spirit on my part. And I commented that my reaction might have to do with something else that made me a little sensitive re: this. My personal situation forced me to stand up for what I believe, even though I had to forcefully disagree with a dear friend. It is nothing I need to forgive, it is simply a difficult situation, and God has made it clear to me how to respond.

When one offers a sincere apology to another, the gracious thing to do is accept that apology, rather than offer a sermon about how they were wrong. So Cojak's comment was pretty funny to me. Sorry if that annoyed you.

And now hopefully, we are done with this discussion.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
5/5/20 10:17 pm

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