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The choice is....Trick or Treating or YPE Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post The choice is....Trick or Treating or YPE Eddie Robbins
Which do you choose? Man, Halloween causes all kinds of emotions and when it falls on Wednesday or Sunday, it messes up the religious folk.

There is a petition on asking for Halloween to be in the fourth Saturday of October. I’m all in favor of that! Here in Metro Atlanta, it’s the worst traffic evening of the year with people trying to get home in time to take care of the kids. It’s really not safe.
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Posts: 16509
10/31/18 7:49 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Agreed 4th Saturday is good. But won't the witches complain?

Never missed Wed or Sun night services for Halloween.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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Posts: 16646
10/31/18 9:03 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
We will be joining with another church for a revival scheduled tonight through Sunday. We had our fall festival for the kiddos last night. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
10/31/18 9:10 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Despite being more connected than ever, we live in an incredibly isolated world. My wife and I live in a townhome and despite living here for over ten years, we know maybe 10% of our neighbors -- and not for lack of trying. People just do not talk or connect with their neighbors anymore during the normal course of life. Except for one day each year, when they willingly open their homes and make themselves available for conversation and relationship.

IMO, it seems tragically off-mission for people who are called to be ambassadors to miss an opportunity like that, and instead to shut up their doors, turn off their lights, and cloister together at a mid-week service. Gathering together with the saints is a bedrock practice of the Christian life, but in this case it's missing the forest for the trees. My two cents.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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10/31/18 10:21 am

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Post Go before church! Aaron Scott
I can distinctly recall two times that I went Trick or Treating when I part of a full-time evangelist's family.

One of them, in Alva, Florida, I cannot recall the particulars, but I do recall that I had a bag of candy!

In another, there was revival service that night, but my dad took my Trick or Treating for a few minutes before church. I don't know what I was dressed up to be--probably nothing--but I went.

And then, a few years later, at the Melbourne Church of God (where we were members when my dad was evangelizing), there was a Halloween party of some sort. I recall someone coming as a mummy.

THE POINT? We weren't uptight about it. Why? Because the intent was just to have some fun and fellowship. Some of the most godly people I have known--far more godly, in my opinion, than some today who decry Halloween as giving "honor to Satan"--which is utter hogwash--didn't have a problem with Halloween.

Consider this: If a sinner goes to a church service once a year, is he necessarily giving honor to God? Of course not! He might be showing up for no other reason than it's homecoming or, like NBF, he wants to assuage some deep-seated guilt at being a Gator fan.

So why is it that going to church doesn't necessarily honor God, but going Trick or Treating "necessarily" honors Satan?

I refuse to let someone else's personal convictions drain the fun out of my life. And while I do try to respect the views of others in order to not offend, at some point, you realize that if you stop doing everything that offends folks, you won't be doing anything at all. No. Respect their views and expect them to respect yours. And if they don't, don't let that stop you.

Yes, if meat causes my brother to OFFEND (that means a whole lot more than "it makes me uncomfortable"), then I will eat no meat (well, in THEORY, at least). But I would have stopped watching cartoons and everything else if some folks had their way. The devil-under-every-rock types are so afraid that the devil might jump on them that they forget who they are.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
10/31/18 11:30 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I didn't say I didn't go trick or treating.

Our YPE started at 7:30.

Plenty of candy to be had from 6:00 - 7:15 pm. Just had to walk faster.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
10/31/18 12:10 pm

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Post diakoneo
I remember in the the early seventies only Wednesday we had a Halloween festival...not fall festival. There was probably 40-50 kids and I recall some dressed in scary costumes. Forbidden these days... Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
10/31/18 7:26 pm

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Post Cojak
I echo and Amen Aaron's post (and respect NBF'S fast feet). I grew up before trick or treating but my dad like Aaron's saw no problems with Halloween. However, I probably went to church if it fell on Sunday, Wed, Sat .
Good post.

Fourth Sat sounds like a great idea. But ain't we celebrating Saint Halloween's birthday or something? Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/31/18 8:50 pm

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Post Link
If Israel was not supposed to weep for Tammuz, should Christians participate in traditions that hail back to pre-Christian Druid customs like dressing their kids up like demons and monsters and putting carved pumpkins in front of their houses like the Druids did with gourds to keep evil spirits away?

Synchretism and pagan festivals seem shocking and strange to use when we read about them in other cultures, and we wonder why Christians would go along with it.
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Posts: 11849
11/4/18 8:43 pm

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Post Cojak
Link wrote:
If Israel was not supposed to weep for Tammuz, should Christians participate in traditions that hail back to pre-Christian Druid customs like dressing their kids up like demons and monsters and putting carved pumpkins in front of their houses like the Druids did with gourds to keep evil spirits away?

Synchretism and pagan festivals seem shocking and strange to use when we read about them in other cultures, and we wonder why Christians would go along with it.

I am not sure this is applicable to Halloween as it is practiced today. But we all have our opinions. Since they were actually 'Crying over the death of an idol god,' and knew they were joining in idol worship, makes a complete difference to me. But as I said, we have opinions and I respect yours.

These kids (like me as a child) are no more thinking seriously of the occult or demons than they are expecting a building to fly. Just my opinion! Wink.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
11/4/18 9:35 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
I grew up Trick or Treating. I turned out ok. 😂😂😂 Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
11/5/18 8:27 am

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