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COG pastor caught sexual molesting 12 year old (L)
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Post COG pastor caught sexual molesting 12 year old (L) Nature Boy Florida
According to this news report - this COG minister was doing something he shouldn't be doing - to a child.

Someone near there needs to stop by and administer the right hand of fellowship to this piece of PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER WORD.
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Last edited by Nature Boy Florida on 6/6/18 7:59 am; edited 1 time in total
Acts-pert Poster
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6/5/18 2:20 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
If she were my daughter, he ought to be glad he’s in jail.

Dear Lord what a terrible thing.
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Posts: 12817
6/5/18 3:29 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
This is why we need annual and biennial background checks as part of a pastorial license renewal. After reading this article it makes me want to push for drug testing as well. This would go MILES in protecting our children and churches. It was posted on here months ago how to do a back ground check for $8 per person with a free data base. The way has been given is there a will to do the right thing. Friendly Face
Posts: 358
6/5/18 5:29 pm

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Post Re: COG pastor caught sexual molesting 12 year old (L) Chicago27
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Someone near there needs to stop by and administer the right hand of fellowship to this piece of PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER WORD.

Do you need me to select a different word? I can think of some.
Seriously...what the hell?
Friendly Face
Posts: 253
6/5/18 8:14 pm

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Post Brandon Bowers
SouthFloridaman wrote:
This is why we need annual and biennial background checks as part of a pastorial license renewal. After reading this article it makes me want to push for drug testing as well. This would go MILES in protecting our children and churches. It was posted on here months ago how to do a back ground check for $8 per person with a free data base. The way has been given is there a will to do the right thing.

Agreed.. Many churches are doing checks on volunteers who work with young people. I got background checked to work with our youth. It's worth it.
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4804
6/5/18 8:47 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
Brandon Bowers wrote:
SouthFloridaman wrote:
This is why we need annual and biennial background checks as part of a pastorial license renewal. After reading this article it makes me want to push for drug testing as well. This would go MILES in protecting our children and churches. It was posted on here months ago how to do a back ground check for $8 per person with a free data base. The way has been given is there a will to do the right thing.

Agreed.. Many churches are doing checks on volunteers who work with young people. I got background checked to work with our youth. It's worth it.

Brandon how do we get people in leadership to understand it is 2018 and this is needed. My thing is there are licensed ministers who get in trouble after licensing with drugs and worse. no one is the wiser because they were discreet or did not have an impact enough for people to care. My concern is not to lynch mob anyone. Not everything on a record is a disqualification from ministry. My concern is recent criminal charges like domestic abuse or drugs. So the minister can get help. Also we have to be on watch for super predators that may sneak past our current safe guards. We are background checking kids and youth pastor, but what about the deacon, elder lead pastor or associates? We have blind spots in our system.
Friendly Face
Posts: 358
6/5/18 10:09 pm

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Post Cojak
My only comment came from a thought of a recent post by friend Aaron about the consequences of our actions.
I am sorry, at times I forget all the ones affected and effected by a pastor's STUPID/CRAZY actions. Not just a pastor, but anyone. But a pastor is looked up to and respected.
It is impossible for us, miles away, to even imagine the hurt in the local church. The pain to the pastor's and victim's families. Members having to hear it from unbelievers, BUT YOU PEOPLE ARE SO HOLY!, ETC.

I know of fathers who were dedicated to God and the COG, who helped their sons as they climbed the ladder in the COG only to be thrown under the bus by a STUPID son as a pastor. I fished and traveled with one such dad, his heart never healed. He and his wife were under constant 'sweet attacks' from their fellow ministers.

Please God, aid in the healing of families and the church, they will need YOUR Support. Embarassed Crying or Very sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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6/5/18 11:03 pm

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Post Re: COG pastor caught sexual molesting 12 year old (L) Nature Boy Florida
Chicago27 wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Someone near there needs to stop by and administer the right hand of fellowship to this piece of PLEASE SELECT ANOTHER WORD.

Do you need me to select a different word? I can think of some.
Seriously...what the hell?
. I thought my word was is not the word it appears to be with the censoring. Still, what was this guy thinking? As a pastor, he's doesn't have Michael Jackson money to pay his way out of it.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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6/6/18 5:12 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
I'll never feel the same again listening to "Grundy County Auction" by John Michael Montgomery.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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6/6/18 7:49 am

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Post Was this pastor ... Mat
Was this pastor an "Ordained Bishop"?

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
6/6/18 9:44 am

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Post georgiapath
I'm from Grundy County, Beeresheba Springs. I know where that church is located. MY question is, Where were the parents, where was she supposed to be? Parents are to lax these days. Acts-dicted
Posts: 7604
6/6/18 4:14 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
There is no out for this man.

No excuse, no reason.

No reinstatement.

Forgiveness?, yes.

Disqualified? Also yes.
Charles A. Hutchins
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Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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6/6/18 4:36 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
What a sad, awful situation...May God help the AB that has to deal with this!
Two broken families, a broken, hurting church...

It's hard for me to understand why ministers especially do not guard themselves by not allowing themselves to be with anyone of the opposite sex without your spouse. That should be an unbreakable rule.

I also don't understand why he would volunteer he was a pastor.

Heartbreaking on every side.

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
6/6/18 4:45 pm

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Post Cojak
Carolyn Smith wrote:
What a sad, awful situation...May God help the AB that has to deal with this!
Two broken families, a broken, hurting church...

It's hard for me to understand why ministers especially do not guard themselves by not allowing themselves to be with anyone of the opposite sex without your spouse. That should be an unbreakable rule.

I also don't understand why he would volunteer he was a pastor.

Heartbreaking on every side.

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

YES! Crying or Very sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
6/6/18 9:10 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
I am researching this case to see if the pastor of this church had runs with the law. I am presently under the assumption that yes this is the case but I will not know more until morning. If I am right this means the denomination could’ve prevented this person from abusing their position By properly running annual or beinnal background checks. I am also pushing that all elders should be background checked as well. This would prevent so many cases like this. This does not need to be local church decision this needs to be a denominational mandate.

We need bylaws on this... it’s not rocket science... this is common sense...

Friendly Face
Posts: 358
6/6/18 9:52 pm

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Post Brandon Bowers
SouthFloridaman wrote:
Brandon Bowers wrote:
SouthFloridaman wrote:
This is why we need annual and biennial background checks as part of a pastorial license renewal. After reading this article it makes me want to push for drug testing as well. This would go MILES in protecting our children and churches. It was posted on here months ago how to do a back ground check for $8 per person with a free data base. The way has been given is there a will to do the right thing.

Agreed.. Many churches are doing checks on volunteers who work with young people. I got background checked to work with our youth. It's worth it.

Brandon how do we get people in leadership to understand it is 2018 and this is needed. My thing is there are licensed ministers who get in trouble after licensing with drugs and worse. no one is the wiser because they were discreet or did not have an impact enough for people to care. My concern is not to lynch mob anyone. Not everything on a record is a disqualification from ministry. My concern is recent criminal charges like domestic abuse or drugs. So the minister can get help. Also we have to be on watch for super predators that may sneak past our current safe guards. We are background checking kids and youth pastor, but what about the deacon, elder lead pastor or associates? We have blind spots in our system.

This might be something to take to the state council, and/or to the General Assembly. It may take a while to get something done, but if you're that passionate about it, why not try??
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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6/7/18 12:38 pm

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Post FLRon
I 100% agree that background checks should be made mandatory for anyone involved in the ministry. The fact that in 2018 they are not reflects a huge gap in organizational accountability. Either that or it is already known that such a background check would bring to light things that may disqualify certain individuals and no one wants to go there. Either way, it needs to happen sooner not later.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
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6/7/18 4:43 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
How do we know that they are not already doing background checks?
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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6/7/18 5:09 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I know the CoG does background checks upon every application to any level of credential, and even if you pass at one level, you still have to have another background check when you apply for advancement. I know that all youth camp workers have to submit to a background check.

In one of my secular jobs as a school bus driver, I have to get a background check every year, and submit to random drug and alcohol testing too.
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6/7/18 5:16 pm

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Post Sooner or later...the denomination will be sued Aaron Scott
I'm sure they already have been many times, but all it takes is one person to get under the radar and do something like this...and someone can sue the denomination (I suppose)...and likely for millions. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
6/8/18 10:55 am

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