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"Bill Clinton?" ain't no way! Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post "Bill Clinton?" ain't no way! Cojak
I was driving thru Missouri When Clinton was running for president. I stopped in NE Missouri to see a Farmer friend of mine. Politics came up. I said, "Ken it looks like Clinton will go in!"
"What?" he said pretty loud, "Ain't no way that draft dodger will ever get in, why I haven't talked to anyone who is going to vote for him!"

We continued our talk, I didn't argue with him. I just said you could be right. But down inside I felt like Clinton would get in without Kenneth and my votes.

It is basically who you talk to and your circle of friends about our present president. I must be truthful, I have not talked to anyone who doesn't think he will be defeated, mainly because of the DEMs stand on abortion.

When I say that I think of Kenneth, one of my dearest friends (now passed). Can I be like him about Trump.

Now I will tell you up front, I am very glad of the court appointment and the move of the embassy in Israel. some other things. BUT I am not happy with his personality, and i have hoped he would find a way to step back. BUT I am afraid he would rather Crash and burn than hand the wand to Pence.

I have no doubt Obama and Trump have fueled the fire that separates this great country. At least much more than any presidents in my life time. As I read your comments I think some of US get too hot under the collar when our brother/sister can't see the PLAIN LOGIC of our position. None of us would hold the position we do JUST TO BE OBSTINATE. We believe it.

I smile and see both sides at times. I wonder if I might be getting a rash straddling the fence about Trump. LOL I am yet to throw in with Trump completely because his MOUTH bugs the 'devil out of me' Some would think that is good. LOL

I know we have several who are sure he will go in with no problem. I am not that sure, but I do not want the likes of Sanders and some of the rest. Not even sure I could hold my nose and vote for Biden, if Trump REALLY made me mad. LOL Sorry, after visiting my good friends (retired business men) here in Pennsylvania who are Trump fans, I wonder am I that blind to think, The dude just might not make it and we will get a Sanders... OUCH!

But as far as discussing our government and its leaders, this is a free country and I enjoy reading the reasoning and positions of other Christian folk. Life is good and God is good.

Love all you guys, even if you are wrong. Cool Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/20/19 6:30 pm

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