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Christians who vote for Buttigieg will face negative scrutiny Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Christians who vote for Buttigieg will face negative scrutiny Dean Steenburgh
I'm hearing some liberal leaning Christians who are considering voting for Buttigieg here in California (easy to do as liberal as this state is) but when you try to have them explain their position they get defensive.
All I want to have them explain is their reasoning between the biblical position & their own moral/spiritual opinion.
The idea of a gay couple in the office of the president would potentially harm us on the global scene due to the negative view other foreign leaders have towards the LGBTQ agenda.
Amazing how many Christians can espouse such a conservative viewpoint when it comes to certain social issues like abortion but they have no problem with voting for a gay man to be president.
The secular world will judge us as a whole for wobbling on a long held position.

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/22/20 4:02 pm

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Post I do 100% agree and would not knowingly vote for a homosexual. Brandon Bohannon
How do we justify voting for:

A Mormon.
An Adulterer.
A sexually immoral person.
A Liar.
A Gossip.
Someone with a Prideful Look and Haughty Spirit.

Homosexuality is an abomination to God.

So is,

Proverbs 6:16-19 (NKJV) “These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.”

When Romney ran against Obama, I didn't vote. I was chastised by brothers and sisters for not voting. How could I? Mormonism is a cult. I didn't want that in the White House. I was called self-righteous and was told that I let the democrats win. Foolishness! Neither candidate represented me. Neither candidate represented my belief system or my values.

Next, I was told, well abortion! I ask you: how many COG folks are having abortions? Who are all of these people having abortions? I am 44 and I know of TWO people that have had an abortion. I will agree that TWO is TWO too many but to act like that is the main issue or the only issue is again, foolishness.

We might want to work on Proverbs 6:16-19 since God said that those things are an abomination to Him. We act so outraged that sinners sin and that the world acts like the world. If judgment begins in the House of the Lord, we might want to get our House in order. Just my opinion and understanding of Scripture.
Proverbs 3:5-6; John 13:34-35; Acts 1:8
Posts: 571
2/22/20 5:19 pm

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Post Cojak
My mind does flips but I think I can understand maybe a little of the problem. I really do not think picking a Mormon as president would increase the interest in the Mormon church. And I do not think a Mormon president would press the Mormon beliefs.

I remember Christians (protestants) saying LOUDLY if JFK a Catholic becomes president the Pope will rule the USA. I never believed it, nor did it happen. & I do not think the CAtholic Church benefited in numbers much because of it.

We have had several 'adulterers' in the White house and they never pushed an adulterous life style. And I don't think Adultery was increased because of them in office. They certainly did not push the idea of adultery, but more tried to hide it.

BUT BUT, I do think an elected GAY WOULD in many ways push the LGBQ agenda. OR it would increase in its ability to effect our youth more.

But that is MY Opinion....
Then people like me can always say I am not voting for a pastor but for a leader. A leader of ALL the USA. Shocked Embarassed Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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2/22/20 6:56 pm

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Post A vote for any democrat means... caseyleejones
You support abortion and gay marriage. That is the biblical part. It is their platform.

There is not one thing the dems stand for that lines up with the bible. Not ONE. They say they want to help the poor and blacks every 4 years, then bye till next election.

Suave is not biblical nor is a speaker that hits the feelz.

Obama was about as articulate as they come. What Godly values did he support?

Is Trump a jerk, crass, have a big mouth, and should get off twitter....sure....

But, his policies are sound and solid.
Acts-perienced Poster
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2/22/20 7:38 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Cojak wrote:
My mind does flips but I think I can understand maybe a little of the problem. I really do not think picking a Mormon as president would increase the interest in the Mormon church. And I do not think a Mormon president would press the Mormon beliefs.

I remember Christians (protestants) saying LOUDLY if JFK a Catholic becomes president the Pope will rule the USA. I never believed it, nor did it happen. & I do not think the CAtholic Church benefited in numbers much because of it.

We have had several 'adulterers' in the White house and they never pushed an adulterous life style. And I don't think Adultery was increased because of them in office. They certainly did not push the idea of adultery, but more tried to hide it.

BUT BUT, I do think an elected GAY WOULD in many ways push the LGBQ agenda. OR it would increase in its ability to effect our youth more.

But that is MY Opinion....
Then people like me can always say I am not voting for a pastor but for a leader. A leader of ALL the USA. Shocked Embarassed Wink

I agree with this!
The idea that a prez would be elected who is LGBTQ is clearly a loud signal to the nation's youth that "ALL" people of America accept the agenda of those who wave the rainbow flag.

Religion they will hardly follow but to go against everything that your parents & grandparents stood for ...that's an opportunity to make a stand against the former generation.
Keep in mind that David Wilkerson said it would be popular to be gay before the Lord returns & we're seeing that played out more & more all the time.

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/22/20 7:57 pm

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Post Re: A vote for any democrat means... Patrick Harris
caseyleejones wrote:
You support abortion and gay marriage. That is the biblical part. It is their platform.

There is not one thing the dems stand for that lines up with the bible. Not ONE. They say they want to help the poor and blacks every 4 years, then bye till next election.

Suave is not biblical nor is a speaker that hits the feelz.

Obama was about as articulate as they come. What Godly values did he support?

Is Trump a jerk, crass, have a big mouth, and should get off twitter....sure....

But, his policies are sound and solid.

This may be true on the National and perhaps even state ballots but doesn’t always transfer to the local elections especially in the south.
I have a friend who is one of the most humble, pro-life outspoken Christians who lives in and is the Sheriff in the county next to me who because of the demographics of that county has to run as a Democrat or he wouldn’t be elected there.

It’s about the man not the party. I’ve never voted for a straight Republican ticket and wouldn’t today, especially when it come to local elections. A lot of the Republicans candidates where I live are not people I would want representing me.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
2/23/20 7:07 am

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Post Re: A vote for any democrat means... caseyleejones
Patrick Harris wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
You support abortion and gay marriage. That is the biblical part. It is their platform.

There is not one thing the dems stand for that lines up with the bible. Not ONE. They say they want to help the poor and blacks every 4 years, then bye till next election.

Suave is not biblical nor is a speaker that hits the feelz.

Obama was about as articulate as they come. What Godly values did he support?

Is Trump a jerk, crass, have a big mouth, and should get off twitter....sure....

But, his policies are sound and solid.

This may be true on the National and perhaps even state ballots but doesn’t always transfer to the local elections especially in the south.
I have a friend who is one of the most humble, pro-life outspoken Christians who lives in and is the Sheriff in the county next to me who because of the demographics of that county has to run as a Democrat or he wouldn’t be elected there.

It’s about the man not the party. I’ve never voted for a straight Republican ticket and wouldn’t today, especially when it come to local elections. A lot of the Republicans candidates where I live are not people I would want representing me.

I understand your point and for me, that might have been true 10 years ago. But why be democrat when you totally oppose the dem platform. No judgement, just attempting to understand. I never voted straight ticket till last election.

If I am voting the person, Buttigieg and Obama are about articulate as they come. I am not sure how a person can identify with the title but not the platform.

No diss here...just don't understand that rationale when there is a clear...very clear delineation between parties. It was a little fuzzy before Obama. Clear now.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
2/23/20 11:29 am

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Post Re: A vote for any democrat means... Patrick Harris
caseyleejones wrote:
Patrick Harris wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
You support abortion and gay marriage. That is the biblical part. It is their platform.

There is not one thing the dems stand for that lines up with the bible. Not ONE. They say they want to help the poor and blacks every 4 years, then bye till next election.

Suave is not biblical nor is a speaker that hits the feelz.

Obama was about as articulate as they come. What Godly values did he support?

Is Trump a jerk, crass, have a big mouth, and should get off twitter....sure....

But, his policies are sound and solid.

This may be true on the National and perhaps even state ballots but doesn’t always transfer to the local elections especially in the south.
I have a friend who is one of the most humble, pro-life outspoken Christians who lives in and is the Sheriff in the county next to me who because of the demographics of that county has to run as a Democrat or he wouldn’t be elected there.

It’s about the man not the party. I’ve never voted for a straight Republican ticket and wouldn’t today, especially when it come to local elections. A lot of the Republicans candidates where I live are not people I would want representing me.

I understand your point and for me, that might have been true 10 years ago. But why be democrat when you totally oppose the dem platform. No judgement, just attempting to understand. I never voted straight ticket till last election.

If I am voting the person, Buttigieg and Obama are about articulate as they come. I am not sure how a person can identify with the title but not the platform.

No diss here...just don't understand that rationale when there is a clear...very clear delineation between parties. It was a little fuzzy before Obama. Clear now.

It’s simple I vote for the person and their character, I really don’t care if there is a D, R or I beside their name. Like I said as an example the republican Congressman for my district is a despicable human as far as I can see from his words, town meetings and decisions.

It’s not about the party / platform in my views it’s who there are in real life.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
2/23/20 12:27 pm

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Post Re: A vote for any democrat means... Cojak
Patrick Harris wrote:
I have a friend who is one of the most humble, pro-life outspoken Christians who lives in and is the Sheriff in the county next to me who because of the demographics of that county has to run as a Democrat or he wouldn’t be elected there.


I know a couple of our politicians and elected officials in a passing manner, and this entry, Patrick, made me smile. In our town "you ain't got a chance if you are not listed as a Democrat." This population (the older bunch) know the person and will vote for him. They actually do not think platform, I know for a fact one of my best friends will say, "Platform? we don;t believe that, but we gotta list that stuff to get votes. That stuff is crazy but true. I tell all my friends the Dems left you in the 1950s and you do not know it.

But what Patrick said is true in our town. If you are a republican at heart, that is okay, nobody actually cares, but you had better be registered as a Democrat. LOL
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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2/23/20 2:16 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Patrick Harris
Its simple I vote for the person and their character, I really don’t care if there is a D, R or I beside their name. Like I said as an example the republican Congressman for my district is a despicable human as far as I can see from his words, town meetings and decisions.

It’s not about the party / platform in my views it’s who there are in real life.

So help me out here Patrick,
Are you saying that if the Republican is a low life in his day to day business but he votes pro-life you won't vote for him because he's a low life in his day to day affairs?
And likewise if a democrat has a superior rating in his public life but he's pro-abortion you would rather vote for him because he lives a superior public life?

I'm not picking on you & I won't make any snide remarks based on your answer.

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/23/20 3:36 pm

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Post Patrick Harris
This may sound like a none answer but given the choice between those two are would either not a check a box or vote for the third party.
I know it sounds bad but I won’t vote or not vote for an candidate based solely on their position on pro-life. Mostly because the reality is that since Roe v Wade the Republicans have plenty of chances when in power to do some major damage to that ruling yet really haven’t done anything.
Why, because politicians especially where I live are vocally pro-life but really it’s just a talking point for them and not what they firmly believe in their heart.

Politics is a little different in the Deep South. Our old school Democrats tend to be as conservative sometimes as the Republicans are.

Also, for the record there’s also not a snowballs chance in hades I’d vote for a Democrat for President
Acts Enthusiast
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2/23/20 4:03 pm

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Post Link
Having an openly fragrant homosexual as a president is a shameful thing for a country. It may make me want to stay in the US for four years. I'm sure my wife's relatives in Indonesia would be shocked by it and some of them would have questions. Indonesians generally liked Obama, He went to elementary school over there, so they felt a connection with him, but probably did not know his stances on these kinds of social issues. But if someone were an outright homosexual, I'd have to deal with questions and discussion of that topic.
Acts-perienced Poster
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2/24/20 1:24 am

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Link wrote:
Having an openly fragrant homosexual as a president is a shameful thing for a country. It may make me want to stay in the US for four years. I'm sure my wife's relatives in Indonesia would be shocked by it and some of them would have questions. Indonesians generally liked Obama, He went to elementary school over there, so they felt a connection with him, but probably did not know his stances on these kinds of social issues. But if someone were an outright homosexual, I'd have to deal with questions and discussion of that topic.

At my age & if I had the option as you have, I don't think I would hesitate too much to relocate to that beautiful country.
Nothing wrong with being a missionary in the world's most Muslim country.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/26/20 8:24 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Patrick said,
I know it sounds bad but I won’t vote or not vote for an candidate based solely on their position on pro-life. Mostly because the reality is that since Roe v Wade the Republicans have plenty of chances when in power to do some major damage to that ruling yet really haven’t done anything.

I hear you & I understand your feelings.
For me I am a single issue voter no matter what.
The guys we elect will have to give account for the way they have allowed abortion to blot our nation with a red stain & the scream of a baby being murdered.
It's a hideous scene & God will deal with us harshly I'm afraid because rarely does a citizen get out of their easy chair to make things uncomfortable for anyone.

One guy said, "Why would we want to pray for revival when we like it just like it is!"
It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

Until we get uncomfortable with our lofty financial strength, social awareness, world class schools of learning, optimum medical care, mighty military prowess & cushy retirement plans just to name a few ...we'll never truly seek revival.
It just goes to show that when God blesses our country in the way He has blessed our country we still will not seek Him for His presence in our lives because His presence brings change to who we are as His children.
Only when we're desperate to survive do we actually fall on our face before God!
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/26/20 8:36 pm

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Post Patrick Harris
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
Patrick said,
I know it sounds bad but I won’t vote or not vote for an candidate based solely on their position on pro-life. Mostly because the reality is that since Roe v Wade the Republicans have plenty of chances when in power to do some major damage to that ruling yet really haven’t done anything.

I hear you & I understand your feelings.
For me I am a single issue voter no matter what.
The guys we elect will have to give account for the way they have allowed abortion to blot our nation with a red stain & the scream of a baby being murdered.
It's a hideous scene & God will deal with us harshly I'm afraid because rarely does a citizen get out of their easy chair to make things uncomfortable for anyone.

One guy said, "Why would we want to pray for revival when we like it just like it is!"
It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

Until we get uncomfortable with our lofty financial strength, social awareness, world class schools of learning, optimum medical care, mighty military prowess & cushy retirement plans just to name a few ...we'll never truly seek revival.
It just goes to show that when God blesses our country in the way He has blessed our country we still will not seek Him for His presence in our lives because His presence brings change to who we are as His children.
Only when we're desperate to survive do we actually fall on our face before God!

I agree 100% on that. I have been reading a lot of early church history lately and the one thing that I noticed true when things got bad for the Christians in the early days of Christianity it separated the wheat from the chaff.
The ones committed to Christ hunkered down withstood the persecution and came out stronger, those that were convenient Christians fell off. In the end making the church a stronger community.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
2/27/20 9:10 am

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