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A Church of God Paradigm of FAKE NEWS... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post A Church of God Paradigm of FAKE NEWS... Old Time Country Preacher
Although Trump didn't coin the phrase, when he commenced usin the descriptive FAKE NEWS to describe much a mainstream media, lots a perspectives/ideas/an such emerged. In common nomenclature an current usage, FAKE NEWS is any report, statement, suggestion, position, etc., designed to give the appearance of something what appears to be true, but in reality aint. An when a thing is found to be untrue it is exposed. An after a few false claims it creates a climate of research/verify/validate.

Let's use a hypothetical example: Lets say someone reports, states, has it on their personal/church website, CV, resume, Link-In bio, etc., that their church has just experienced a revival of historic proportion. Fifteen minutes of research reveals that only 4 were saved, 3 sanctified and 2 received the baptism in the HS. A year goes by, similar pronouncements are alleged, but after a little research it is discovered that the results were at best minimal.

This is what has happened in the COG (an other groups as well) regarding the use of credentials. More than a few credentialed ministers in the COG (an other groups as well) are claiming/reporting/asserting by way of personal/church websites, business cards, church signs, church letterheads, social media bio's, etc., academic credentials that: 1) they do not have; or 2) they have obtained from unaccredited degree mills. Sadly, it don't take but a few minutes to verify and validate credentials someone is claiming.

An when the credentials aint the real thing, its nothin but FAKE NEWS fellers, FAKE NEWS.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
12/10/17 10:51 pm

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Post Fake News Change Agent
Seems like I have heard this before, bunches of times. Go a little bit further and name some names. Laughing Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1449
12/10/17 10:54 pm

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Post Sometimes in promoting .... Mat
Sometimes in promoting our churches and ministries, there is a conscious effort to "spin" a public persona of what we hope to be seen as. The best example I can remember was a young minister I meet who had just become pastor of a flagship church in our denomination. I had flow in to town from Phoenix, AZ, (where I was a pastor) to visit my father, and was introduced to the new, young, up and coming, bright star, pastor of this historic local church.

When I was introduced, as both son of a local church member and a pastor in Phoenix, he launched into the subject of what good friends they (he and his wife) were with Tommy Barnett at Phoenix First Assembly. From the way he talked you would have thought he and his wife had vacationed with the Barnetts, and been a guest speaker at the church or one of Phoenix First conferences. It seems he said, "close personal friends" more than once. Living in Phoenix, of course I had been to First Phoenix for different events (their Christmas show was on par with the old Crystal Cathedral shows), but other than shaking Tommy Barnett's hand, in nine years of as pastor in the same city, going to his church for special events and my church being less than a mile from the Phoenix Dream Center, I doubt he knew I was even in the same city (Phoenix is a big city compared to the little east TN town my dad lived in), but I would never say we were "close personal friends" (I did have some interaction with his staff in regards to civic issues).

Now why would this young pastor talk about himself and his "relationship" with Tommy Barnett instead of a little something about my dad (and the four generations who had been part of that local church) or even address me as a fellow minister? Why did a young pastor need to "spin" his ministry in such a way he wanted me to think Tommy Barnett had personally endorsed his ministry? I do not think it was pride, but it was insecurity. Many in the ministry suffer from a fear of being considered less successful, less anointed and less likely to be moved up in position, thus driving an "industry" of faux persona - just the right picture of the pastor and his wife (and family) on the webpage - the use of grandiose language to describe the ministry and/or local church (we do more for God than anybody else language) - and doctored resumes.

By the way, the young man did not last long at the historic church - some liked him, some did not - but what brought the end was when his wife left him. I know this happens, but when you "spin" the persona of being the perfect husband and father, the well-qualified minister and well-connected "kingdom" personality, any problem becomes a problem for those you deceived. In this case the wife showed people the man behind the curtain.

I came away thinking, maybe this young man had attended a conference with Tommy Barrett, or bought a book or two, but in really be was not a close personal friend. I'm not sure he knew my father was a member of the local church either and I felt he did not relate to me as a fellow pastor. I like the next guy they got as pastor, he even visited my dad in the assisted living home.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
12/11/17 7:59 am

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