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Watching Vikings.....and other medieval shows (Not a Copeland thread) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Watching Vikings.....and other medieval shows (Not a Copeland thread) caseyleejones

but, I have noticed that Catholicism was pretty much the only religion vs. Protestantism.

I am not a student of history so enlighten me...but how did catholicism get such a foot hold?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
6/6/19 12:35 pm

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Post Re: Watching Vikings.....and other medieval shows (Not a Copeland thread) UncleJD
caseyleejones wrote:

but, I have noticed that Catholicism was pretty much the only religion vs. Protestantism.

I am not a student of history so enlighten me...but how did catholicism get such a foot hold?

Because that period pre-dated the Reformation by about 700 years. If you were a Christian then, you were "Catholic". The Vikings themselves were converted to Christianity largely by the efforts of the Celtic Catholic Church of Ireland who won them over from conquerors to conquered from the early to the middle ages. In fact by the time the Normans reached Ireland in the late 11th century, the large "Viking" population of Dublin, Galway, and other cities had already been Christian for centuries. While all churches of the time had similar forms of worship, especially around the Eucharist, they didn't really coalesce into the Roman Catholic church as we know it until really around 1000 or so when the Bishop of Rome began to claim primacy over all others (despite the claims of modern Roman Catholics). But that's about the best summary I can give as to why these films would depict Christians as "Catholic" because that is essentially true, albeit not necessarily Roman Catholic.

I look at western history and see a miracle. Christ appeared at the very height of the Roman empire and within 300 years the entire empire had been converted to Christianity. Yes it was a political conversion but also a spiritual one, the gospel literally went into every corner of the known world, churches were built, Christian communities were established, the Bible was studied. When I read stories of how saints like St. Patrick went about the island of Ireland preaching the gospel to those who had kidnapped and enslaved him as a boy, only to return and convert that people to Christianity so that in the lowest point of the dark ages, when so much was lost, knowledge of God, theology, philosophy and great archives of writings and manuscripts (including early copies of scripture) was to be found only in Ireland so that one day Charlemagne would call for a renewal, or revival, of early Christianity in his empire and they would call on those monks from Ireland to bring their teaching back to the rest of Europe. Sure it all became corrupted over time and the Reformation was necessary, but God was not still and the gospel was not dormant for 1500 years.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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6/6/19 4:08 pm

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