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When the collusion narrative is dead...try something else (L) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post When the collusion narrative is dead...try something else (L) caseyleejones

One report is they are actually requesting docs from 60 in the whitehouse.

I am not in anyway a conspiracy theorist. I voted for Trump but it was all about the platform.

What I have read on other posts, Hillary is sort of spear heading this by telling them to dig deeper.

The dem-platform is evil, anti-God, anti-Word of God. I am not sure if they could get worse at this point.

Have we reached a point this low since the civil war?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
3/3/19 3:08 pm

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Post Federal Government is Corrupt dtgrant
You are 100% correct -- "The dem-platform is evil, anti-God, anti-Word of God."

You ask -- "Have we reached a point this low since the civil war?"

The federal government has reached a point of total corruption.

Washington D.C. is a cesspool of corruption -- Congress, DOJ, FBI, Federal Courts, SCOTUS have all shown an outight comtempt for the American people and the Constitution.
Friendly Face
Posts: 236
3/3/19 3:44 pm

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Post Re: Federal Government is Corrupt UncleJD
dtgrant wrote:
You are 100% correct -- "The dem-platform is evil, anti-God, anti-Word of God."

You ask -- "Have we reached a point this low since the civil war?"

The federal government has reached a point of total corruption.

Washington D.C. is a cesspool of corruption -- Congress, DOJ, FBI, Federal Courts, SCOTUS have all shown an outight comtempt for the American people and the Constitution.

Like him or not, nobody can deny that Trump has brought this to light. We all knew they were corrupt, but we're beginning to see just how much and how willing they are to destroy this country to get what they want.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/4/19 9:04 am

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Post I don't recall ever seeing such hatred... Aaron Scott
First, Trump did not even get the benefit of a honeymoon period. From the night he was elected, people were marching and weeping about it.

Second, I was only a kid during Vietnam/Watergate, but I've never seen such hatred from each side. The liberals hate Trump and have went deeply personal in a way to crucify him. A president's family has typically been off-limits, but not Trump's family. Yes, his family is involved in the government in different ways, but to show them hatred because they won't turn on their father is shameful.

Third, all of this evil was in place before Trump came. But it had stayed within the banks of its course so long as presidents would align and not do anything too extreme.

Then Trump shows up. A man they simply cannot control. He's too rich to be bribed. Too brash to back down, etc. And so they go to Plan B which is "DESTROY."

I wouldn't particularly want Trump leading a divided America. I certainly don't like some of his words and actions any better than other folks, but I'd rather have him leading it that ANYONE of the leading Democrats.

The initial investigation was to see if there was collusion. Now it's just a spaghetti fight, hoping something, anything--ANY. THING.--will stick.

Lastly, I know this sound crazy, but EVERY nation no earth has a vested interest in who leads America. And aren't WE doing everything in our power to put a install a different leader in Venezuela? Sure, we are. So what sort of hypocrisy is it on our part to want to influence foreign elections, but to beat our chest in faux outrage when a nation tries to influence ours?

And consider how in the world it's apparently perfectly alright to get dirt on someone from a domestic source, but not from a foreign source. Dirt is dirt is dirt. Why is OK to get dirt on Trump or Hillary from a citizen in California...but not OK to get dirt on them from Russia?

I don't LIKE that Russia had any involvement, but it would be naïve to think that nations don't have a preference and don't try to influence other countries' elections.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
3/4/19 10:38 am

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Post UncleJD
Which station can I tune in to to find the outrage over Dems colluding with Venezuelan dictators? Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
3/4/19 1:31 pm

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