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Post Virus SCFIRE
Has the "c" thing been absolutely documented as a virus?
Maybe a dumb question but is there a positive answer that it is a virus.
Posts: 714
8/14/21 7:37 pm

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Post's the deal Aaron Scott
If someone thinks it isn't really a virus, then I would imagine it would be very hard for any evidence to persuade them. That is the nature of conspiracy, I suppose. That is, it is almost impossible one to believe that one's conspiratorial view of something is not valid.

I suspect that it's a bit like I was back in my younger days. I thought that the whole evolution thing was a mass conspiracy by scientists. I now realize that, even if evolution is not absolutely true, there are people who honestly believe it to be the truth. After all, with that many people in on the conspiracy, it would have been impossible for the truth to have not gotten out.

If COVID is indeed a conspiracy, then it may be the best one in human history.

However, I have settled it for myself that there is something to it. I caught it and, indeed, I lost my taste (someone said that was evident by the type of shirts I wear, but I digress). I know of those who have died of COVID.

The issue is that those who don't believe it will take the one exception out of a thousand, say, and act like that is proof that it's all a scam. Does that make sense? I know that some of my students at the prison are absolutely sure that it's all fake...but they have no proof of that beyond saying "Well, I just know."

I think that is why we have to either accept that there is something to it...or either present evidence of the contrary. I don't have any I can reliably present, so I am assuming it's the real thing.

I like to think that is the right way forward.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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8/14/21 9:17 pm

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Post shaunbwilson
Per the director of research with the Johns Hopkins Biocontainment Unit:
Coronaviruses are a type of virus. There are many different kinds, and some cause disease. A coronavirus identified in 2019, SARS-CoV-2, has caused a pandemic of respiratory illness, called COVID-19.
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8/14/21 9:29 pm

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Thanks for the replies. I had the covid too and I am with you. Whatever it is, it is a real thing. I know there are a lot of opinions out there, and people can get sick from things other than a virus. I may have been overthinking some things.
Posts: 714
8/14/21 11:40 pm

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Post Dow Moses
It is real. Is it man made? I’m have no idea. I spent 2 weeks in ICU and was told to tell my family by. By the grace of God I pulled through, but it has destroyed my lungs. I now only have 30% lung capacity. I’m extremely limited to what I can do, but I keep trying.
Still I would not change what we did. We served thousands food when the stores were out of food. We continued having online church and reopened ASAP. Spent your life for Jesus and make Heaven your home. Here we have a few day full of trouble, but “won’t it be wonderful there, having no burdens to be bear”.
Friendly Face
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8/16/21 4:54 am

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