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Post Had an interesting discussion roughridercog
Was talking with a pastor and he made a statement that arrested my attention. He said, "It seems the more educated the ministry at large becomes, the less Pentecostal we become."

How would you have responded to this?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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2/11/20 8:07 am

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Post Da Sheik
I would say “You’re right, we need to stop studying right now and start shouting! No more education for me! I can’t risk losing the anointing !” Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
2/11/20 9:25 am

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Post Re: Had an interesting discussion Link
roughridercog wrote:
Was talking with a pastor and he made a statement that arrested my attention. He said, "It seems the more educated the ministry at large becomes, the less Pentecostal we become."

How would you have responded to this?

I think part of it may have to do with the fact that as Pentecostals get more educated, the movement attracts other educated members who aren't from the same subculture. So they don't have the same mannerisms, customs, etc. as some of the older Pentecostals.

Some of the Pentecostals from the denominations in the Southeast will all pray at the same time out loud instead of listening to one person lead and say 'amen.' New folks who come in may not be used to that. They may not spontaneously shout, etc.

The younger preachers may not scream at the top of their lungs and snort and sweat when they preach. (We've got mics and A/C now.)

But how many of these things do you have to do to flow in the Holy Spirit? There are congregations that are a lot quieter that have spiritual gifts-- tongues and interpretation, prophesying. etc.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/11/20 9:37 am

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Post Cojak
Da Sheik wrote:
I would say “You’re right, we need to stop studying right now and start shouting! No more education for me! I can’t risk losing the anointing !”
Shocked Shocked Cool Wink That is about it!!! Smile

It is a shame but some of us older folk see it that way. In some cases that is true, me thinks. I do think education has arrested some wild fire. I am not of the belief that wild fire is better than no fire at all. I do not believe that is the final choice. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
2/11/20 11:48 am

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Post The Statement Might Better Stated as FG Minister
The more educated we become the less emotional we are. I think that is true. Is it also true that the more educated the less Pentecostal we are? It may be true as far as sign gifts. But since there are 25 gifts of the Spirit (see C. Peter Wagner) mentioned in scripture, our congregation doesn't emphasize just tongues and interpretation of tongues. There are other spiritual gifts like showing mercy that are very needed today and I see that gift in operation. I also see hospitality and several other gifts that serve the body quite well. Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
2/11/20 12:54 pm

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Post Re: The Statement Might Better Stated as Link
FG Minister wrote:
The more educated we become the less emotional we are. I think that is true. Is it also true that the more educated the less Pentecostal we are? It may be true as far as sign gifts. But since there are 25 gifts of the Spirit (see C. Peter Wagner) mentioned in scripture, our congregation doesn't emphasize just tongues and interpretation of tongues. There are other spiritual gifts like showing mercy that are very needed today and I see that gift in operation. I also see hospitality and several other gifts that serve the body quite well.

I can think of 22 charismata in the Bible. 9 from I Corinthians. 6 from Romans 12. Marriage and celibacy from I Corinthians 7, the Ephesians 4:11 gifts.

What are the other three?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/11/20 4:32 pm

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Post Houts Wagner Modified Spiritual Gifts Assessment (Link) FG Minister
Here is a link to a church that has the used the assessment to which I am referring. The complete list is located at the end of the document.
Posts: 875
2/12/20 8:14 am

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Post Brandon Bowers
I think we've become more authentic.

Nothing wrong with the hooting and hollering older style, but it's not me. And if you need me to imitate that, it's not going to be good. I'm not a good showman, and I'm not there to put on a show.

Now, if I do show some emotion, and sometimes I do, you'll know it's genuine, and I'm not trying to be another big name Pentecostal preacher.

We get so caught up in style and emotion that we don't care about content.. Doesn't matter if I have something to chew on all week, as long as I got goosebumps and some shouting on Sunday....

Ain't nobody got time for that mess... Rolling Eyes
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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2/12/20 11:40 am

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