There is a special prayer for you at the end of this brief article:
Ephesians 11:4-13 - "EQUIP the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the Body of Christ..."
It as been all over the news that people in Afghanistan the U.S. "Equipped" and trained to fight, "Melted away" instead of fighting. We do know that not all of them refused to fight. Over 60,000 Afghan soldiers were killed fighting the Taliban in the 20 years the U.S. was there. However, it is true that when the U.S. pulled out, those we had equipped, did not fight as had been planned.
EVERY PASTOR or leader of any kind, has faced the incredible DISAPPOINTMENT of investing years of time and money to train people who then dropped out, walked away.
HOW DID YOU COPE and survive emotionally after such times? Did you carry on or was it so impactful that you withdrew from ministry? It is OK to use your Pen Name to share the feelings you suffered during those times. How to obtain a free Pen Name is shown at the end of the article.
EVEN JESUS suffered people leaving His ministry. He knows what you are going through as you wrestle with the hurt from what has happened.
"From that time, many of His disciples LEFT HIM and walked with Him no more" (John 6.66). They did not come back, ever. The word "Disciples," may mean they had been with Him for some time.
One doesn't become a disciple quickly. It is crushing when long-time relationships are ripped apart. NOBODY suffers through those times without being scarred emotionally. So, your sharing will help others who are struggling. How did you survive?
Or, are you going through it now? Your hurt is of concern to us. We are here to minister and pray with you. We want you to survive the disappointments that can come with ministry.
"PRECIOUS LORD JESUS, it was a sorrowful time when people You loved and trained, walked away. We remember the words of Isaiah 53:3 where it prophesied that You would suffer rejection and be despised.
What incredible HEARTBREAK when You came unto Your own and they would not receive You (John 1:11). That must have torn You apart INSIDE as much as the cross did OUTSIDE. To Your loving nature, the mental stress of rejection must have been absolute ANGUISH.
No wonder You cried out "WHY?" as is recorded in Matthew 27:45-50. Precious Lord, at this very moment one of Your ministers; Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher, Singer, faithful follower, is devastated. Those they LOVED, TRAINED AND TRUSTED, have walked away. The work they planned together is at a standstill; possibly in shambles.
There is a desperate feeling of wasted time, of plans unfulfilled, of goals and ambitions not reached. Those they INVESTED part of their life in, have not followed through. The time and money cannot be recovered.
HELP us Dear Lord. In Your "Loving Kindness," I pray that somehow You will show a way forward where there seems to be no way. We need and seek a miracle. Help us to grasp what You went through so that we can get through this brokenness.
You rose from the dead, so surely there is a way ahead. This we pray in the precious Name of Jesus. Amen."
Chaplain Doyle
(To obtain a Pen Name, go to and get a free email address. Use that address when registering on Actscelerate. Don't put personal info in your email address or profile. We only require registering because if we don't, thousands of automated computer "bots" bombard our site for access.) _________________ The largest room in the world is the room for improvement. |
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