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Post Christians who voted for Trump doyle
Every citizen, including Christians, have a right to choose who they want to serve as President. Many Christians voted for Nixon. A lot voted for JFK. Many also voted for Trump. They were not choosing him as Lord, but they hungered for someone who would work to protect religious liberties and strengthen the economy.

Was he the poster boy for morality? Actually, none of us are. According to Scripture, there is only one who is good and that is God. It seems that the other choices for President, Dems and Repubs, were not angels either.

Being a Christian does not necessarily mean one chooses wisely. If I remember correctly, King James of England who commissioned the interpreting of the Bible officially into English, was no saint either. Just sayin.

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6/14/18 10:41 pm

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Post Re: Christians who voted for Trump Dean Steenburgh
doyle wrote:
Every citizen, including Christians, have a right to choose who they want to serve as President. Many Christians voted for Nixon. A lot voted for JFK. Many also voted for Trump. They were not choosing him as Lord, but they hungered for someone who would work to protect religious liberties and strengthen the economy.

Was he the poster boy for morality? Actually, none of us are. According to Scripture, there is only one who is good and that is God. It seems that the other choices for President, Dems and Repubs, were not angels either.

Being a Christian does not necessarily mean one chooses wisely. If I remember correctly, King James of England who commissioned the interpreting of the Bible officially into English, was no saint either. Just sayin.


I voted for him & I would gladly do it again.
You're right, I wasn't voting for his role as a moral citizen ...which candidate would win that role anyway?

I saw him as someone who backs the military, who stands against crime & illegal entry to the US & I also liked the fact that he stood up for basic Christian rights.

So far he's done an excellent job.
Looking forward to voting for him in 2020 if it actually goes that way.
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6/17/18 10:58 am

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Post Re: Christians who voted for Trump Cojak
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
doyle wrote:
Every citizen, including Christians, have a right to choose who they want to serve as President. Many Christians voted for Nixon. A lot voted for JFK. Many also voted for Trump. They were not choosing him as Lord, but they hungered for someone who would work to protect religious liberties and strengthen the economy.

Was he the poster boy for morality? Actually, none of us are. According to Scripture, there is only one who is good and that is God. It seems that the other choices for President, Dems and Repubs, were not angels either.

Being a Christian does not necessarily mean one chooses wisely. If I remember correctly, King James of England who commissioned the interpreting of the Bible officially into English, was no saint either. Just sayin.


I voted for him & I would gladly do it again.
You're right, I wasn't voting for his role as a moral citizen ...which candidate would win that role anyway?

I saw him as someone who backs the military, who stands against crime & illegal entry to the US & I also liked the fact that he stood up for basic Christian rights.

So far he's done an excellent job.
Looking forward to voting for him in 2020 if it actually goes that way.

I am with you Dean. With the exception of the next election, I want to see 'if he runs' who will challenge him and who is on the opposing team.

But in all that, If I was Trump, I would probably throw in the towel if my wife would still have me and enjoy my Billion.

A voter in the USA would have to be BLIND if they thought Trump was given a fair shake in the media, or that they were not intent on ruining a marriage. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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6/17/18 10:46 pm

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