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A Woffie Tale Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post A Woffie Tale Old Time Country Preacher
A group got together an took the Bible to task,
For solid exegesis they would never ask.
Here's what it means an we know we're right,
Cause a angel appeared to us last night.

They said its all confirmed by the following of signs,
Problem was, they wasn't the biblical kind.
They said gold dust settled all over the floor,
An angel feathers brought false hope to the poor.

Teeth filled with cavities was filled with gold,
An the promise of divine health to never get old.
But that didn't stop the generational curse,
From putting Bro Jimbo in the back a the hearse.

Sis Mamie was in stitches by the end a the week,
Till Pastor Tilton said "Girl, you just gotta speak."
Evangelist Jones took authority over demons galore,
Till an ole crawlin tumor run out the back door.

This Johnson feller, Bob was his name,
Had parishioners playin a brand new game.
They was all grave sucking around the tombs of the dead,
Tryin to git the anointin outta Wigglesworth's head.

Then here came them who declare healing at will,
But only a few advance to that level of skill.
Funny thing was, as I listened to the healing lass,
The whole time she spoke she was wearin eyeglasses.

Then when folk come along and demand biblical exegesis,
At Woffie crowd tries to tear em to peaces.
Like Floyd they don't need no biblical education,
All they wanna do is give a prophetic proclamation.

Then out from the wilderness came a thundering shout,
Proclaiming what Woffie nonsense was all about.
An Old Time Country Preacher like John the Baptist of old,
Spoke with conviction, loud and bold.

Exposing error wherever he went,
He refused to give in for a shilling or cent.
What of this tale of Woffie excess?
The ole timer will never ever bless the mess.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
10/10/17 1:53 pm

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Post While you are a creative genius brotherjames
In the mode of Dr. (accredited of course) Seuss, a purveyor of nonsensical fake news. None of that garbage represents truth but you keep on, keepin' on with your deep dark doubting. You will absolutely not be disappointed if you never expect anything. Good on ya mate as my Aussie friends say. Acts-celerater
Posts: 935
10/10/17 3:43 pm

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Post Re: While you are a creative genius Old Time Country Preacher
brotherjames wrote:
In the mode of Dr. (accredited of course) Seuss, a purveyor of nonsensical fake news. None of that garbage represents truth but you keep on, keepin' on with your deep dark doubting. You will absolutely not be disappointed if you never expect anything. Good on ya mate as my Aussie friends say.

It is a tall Woffie tale, but ever single line in at little ditty has flowed from Woffie lips. An they believed it.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
10/10/17 8:49 pm

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