There are so many OTHER opportunities to see services online, that I imagine that some churches will find that their usual viewers have found somewhere else to "attend."
You would think that this might reach far more people--and I trust it will!--but I also think that it will have a pruning effect in that there will be a set of churches that have found new viewers because of their better effectiveness, production values, etc...and a number of churches who, at least in terms of the internet, cannot compete at all.
I also suspect that plenty of folks, having gotten more used to doing church online, may keep doing it that way.
I hope I'm wrong. But I would think that plenty of folks will be happy to see their friends at other times instead of at church. And if ONE family, say, doesn't come...that may make it so that people that came, at least in part, to be around this family, may not be whole-hog on coming back to church.
Right now, precisely when people are most concerned, is the time when church would likely be most attractive. But because we cannot gather without endangering people, it might be that when the crisis is passed, people will not feel the same desire to draw near to God.
Don't mean to be a pessimist, but just wondering if that might not be the case. |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6042 3/31/20 11:37 am