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a great new 11 step plan for HQ to raise money Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post a great new 11 step plan for HQ to raise money aprilmay2.0
ok... Im not saying this happened but here's a nice plan for HQ to make some money without the local churches increasing their TOT.

Step 1- Launch a project across the denomination. (YWEA, Missions, something like this)
Step 2- make this project a huge emphasis for everyone to get behind
Step 3- (this is crucial) organize the project where part or all of it involves building some sort of building (ministry center, church, training facility, leadership school, etc)
step 4- wait a few years (usually you wait until there is a new or newer crop of council of 18. the time to wait depends so be patient)
step 5- run up big time debts in departments all in the name of ministry
step 6- pray and ask God to help deliver you from this attack of the enemy where the devil has oppressed your dept with debt.
Step 7- report on how the previous project from step 1 has reached its peak and is now ineffective.
Step 8- sell the building that was attached to the project hopefully for more than it cost to build since you built it years ago.
Step 9- take the money from the sale of the building and don't put it in ministry but use it to pay off the huge debt the depts incurred.
Step 10- thank God for his bountiful blessings. Its a miracle
Step 11- rinse leaders- repeat process

How does that sound?
Friendly Face
Posts: 165
7/24/18 1:47 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
sounds like a more of a fire sell then a real plan to raise money ... buy property sell property. The whole of the cog is a property management trust. Everything in leadership is now defining what real estate is profitable and what real estate isn’t.

This was the West Miami COG that church was sold out from under the congregation. Who knows the reasons. But this happened.. what else is happening?
Friendly Face
Posts: 358
7/24/18 1:56 pm

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