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Joni Lamb promoting anti-vaccine garbage on Daystar
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Post Joni Lamb promoting anti-vaccine garbage on Daystar Dave Dorsey
My wife received a message from a relative asking her to watch a program her relative had recorded on Daystar.

Strike 1, am I right?

We did a little quick research and I was disgusted to learn that Joni Lamb is promoting a documentary by disgraced former doctor Andrew Wakefield. Wakefield was the doctor who originally claimed a link between autism and the MMR vaccine, based on a study of twelve children that he was later discovered to have manipulated. He was stripped of his medical license, the study was retracted, and his 11 co-authors withdrew their names from it. Since then, researchers have examined hundreds of thousands of kids and have found absolutely no evidence of any link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Wakefield was undeterred by his universal rejection by scientists and researchers the world over, and continues to push his deadly lies.

If you'll recall, anti-vaccine nonsense also became briefly prevalent at Kenneth Copeland's Eagle Mountain Church, where they managed to singlehandedly foster a measles outbreak.

It seems Christians are particularly vulnerable to this kind of thing for some reason. I have no idea why that is. But I just wanted to take a second to call this out for what it is and to warn anyone who may have parishioners who watch Daystar. (WARNING: Your parishioners watch Daystar!)
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Posts: 13654
10/10/18 6:22 am

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Post Belieber
Thanks for the warning, Dave. Hey, DOC
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10/10/18 8:16 am

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Post JLarry
My wife has a cousin who is also promoting anti vaccine. But I don't pay her much attention. She actually believes the earth is flat.

Recently I asked my Dr. about vaccine, he said he still believes in it. I trust him over a dumb cousin.
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10/10/18 8:16 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
JLarry wrote:
She actually believes the earth is flat.

That is something else, man.
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Posts: 13654
10/10/18 8:29 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Also, my apologies if my tone in the OP was over the top. This topic gets me really stirred up, although that is no excuse to be overly animated. I don't know if it was over the top or not, just wanted to cover my bases. Very Happy [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
10/10/18 8:31 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Also, my apologies if my tone in the OP was over the top. This topic gets me really stirred up, although that is no excuse to be overly animated. I don't know if it was over the top or not, just wanted to cover my bases. Very Happy

You are among family. Be as animated as you like.

This is a good topic.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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10/10/18 9:51 am

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Post FLRon
I stumble upon their channel once in a while but never stop long enough to get a feel for what they're about.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
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10/10/18 10:39 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Always got my kids the vaccines.

I - however - did not get a lot of vaccines - due to COG upbringing that didn't believe in them.

Thus I actually contracted measles and mumps (still had 4 kids - thank God). I may or may not have had chicken pox (mild case).

So - I am in favor of vaccines. Why risk it? Chance of damage from vaccines is so low comparatively. Unless of course they cause cancer (who knows). Perhaps we can ask Joni.
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10/10/18 11:19 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
So - I am in favor of vaccines. Why risk it? Chance of damage from vaccines is so low comparatively.

You've been on a roll these last few days, NBF.

Indeed, like any medical procedure, vaccines carry a risk. But one is ten times more likely to be struck by lightning than to have any kind of adverse reaction to a vaccine.

Why risk it indeed -- when the damage done by preventable diseases (literally millions of deaths per year) is so much greater.
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10/10/18 11:26 am

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Post Link
Dave Dorsey wrote:
JLarry wrote:
She actually believes the earth is flat.

That is something else, man.

My understanding is that this is based pretty much solely on interpretations of the Bible. The sun is supposed to be 40 miles wide, and it gets dark at night because it is only over a certain portion of the land.

I have been meaning to ask a flat earther how they explain the international space station or the sattelites we use for our cell phones. They may say less dense stuff doesn't fall if it goes up high enough. Or I suppose they could theorize that sattelites can get tacked onto the dome up there somehow.

They believe the moon landing was a hoax. On that one, I am certainly open to the idea. There was so much propaganda warfare going on during the Cold War, rocket technology and missile technology are basically the same thing, it would have been a lot cheaper to fool the world into believing in the moon landing than actually doing it, and the moon is so much farther away than anything we've been to. If they were going to lie about stuff in the Cold War, given that as the basic assumption, wouldn't it have been stupid to actually spend all that money and really have gone to the moon instead of just pretending to do it? They might have, or they might have tried and given up. A lot of new technology did come out of going to the moon, or acting like we did, or trying to.
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10/10/18 4:16 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Link wrote:
Dave Dorsey wrote:
JLarry wrote:
She actually believes the earth is flat.

That is something else, man.

My understanding is that this is based pretty much solely on interpretations of the Bible. The sun is supposed to be 40 miles wide, and it gets dark at night because it is only over a certain portion of the land.

I have been meaning to ask a flat earther how they explain the international space station or the sattelites we use for our cell phones. They may say less dense stuff doesn't fall if it goes up high enough. Or I suppose they could theorize that sattelites can get tacked onto the dome up there somehow.

They believe the moon landing was a hoax. On that one, I am certainly open to the idea. There was so much propaganda warfare going on during the Cold War, rocket technology and missile technology are basically the same thing, it would have been a lot cheaper to fool the world into believing in the moon landing than actually doing it, and the moon is so much farther away than anything we've been to. If they were going to lie about stuff in the Cold War, given that as the basic assumption, wouldn't it have been stupid to actually spend all that money and really have gone to the moon instead of just pretending to do it? They might have, or they might have tried and given up. A lot of new technology did come out of going to the moon, or acting like we did, or trying to.

I was open-minded about the moon landing being a hoax. But I am now more convinced that it was real.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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10/10/18 5:13 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Link wrote:
I have been meaning to ask a flat earther how they explain the international space station or the sattelites we use for our cell phones. They may say less dense stuff doesn't fall if it goes up high enough. Or I suppose they could theorize that sattelites can get tacked onto the dome up there somehow.

Flat earth theories are actually pretty well developed, even though they are full of pseudoscience. They've got an answer for pretty much everything. Some friends at work and I have read a decent amount of flat earth material because we like to occasionally try to turn conversations into flat earth advocacy or screeds against the "rounders". Yeah, we're pretty dumb, but you guys probably already knew that.

Most flat earth advocates play the "hoax" card for satellites, the ISS, etc. and claim that cell phones and GPS just work through normal cell/radio towers. I've seen some people try to say that satellites are just suspended above the plane, but it seems most flat earth folks reject that since it conflicts with other parts of their model.

What really gets me is how flat earth folks have no problem admitting that pretty much every other celestial body is spherical. It's just earth that isn't. I'm also not sure how many flat earth believers are actually real, and how many are just playing around like me and my co-workers.
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10/10/18 6:10 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Resident Skeptic wrote:
I was open-minded about the moon landing being a hoax. But I am now more convinced that it was real.

Yeah, the main argument against that (like any large-scale conspiracy) is the absolute humongous number of people who would have to keep the secret. Because it wasn't just the one landing, it was 6 (supposed to be 7 of course) over a period of three years, plus the three years of mission development leading up to that. That's just not how people work, there's no way all of those people would or even could keep a conspiracy secret.

Given that, IMO, and the fact that all of the so-called evidence against the moon landing is easily answered, and the fact that evidence (lunar samples, etc.) was returned to Earth, it makes a lot more sense to just pull out Occam's razor and accept that it happened as described.
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10/11/18 7:11 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
The images of earth sent back in the 60s could not have been faked with 60s technology.

Plus - there are now images that can be seen with our latest telescopes of the previous landings.

Pretty overwhelming imho.
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10/11/18 7:54 am

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Post NBF, thanks for confirming my suspicions.... Aaron Scott
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Always got my kids the vaccines.

I - however - did not get a lot of vaccines - due to COG upbringing that didn't believe in them.

Thus I actually contracted measles and mumps (still had 4 kids - thank God). I may or may not have had chicken pox (mild case).

So - I am in favor of vaccines. Why risk it? Chance of damage from vaccines is so low comparatively. Unless of course they cause cancer (who knows). Perhaps we can ask Joni.

I have always suspected that you missed the vaccine that prevents, um, er, doofiness (see what I did there?). Of course, there was already plenty of evidence without you admitting your shortcomings. Along with being wrong more times than even a random selection would show, you also are a die-hard Gator fan. If that doesn't indicate severe brain-damage, I don't know what does.

I figure it's too late for you to get the vaccine by now. So, unfortunately, we are stuck with you like this.

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10/11/18 11:03 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
NBF, have you talked to your PCP about vaccines? There may be several that you can still get for diseases you haven't had, and they may be very helpful to you when/if your body starts to decline in old age.

Unfortunately, scientists have not yet developed an Aaron Scott vaccine.
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10/11/18 11:05 am

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Post Cojak
since the sun and moon are obviously circular, we must be on a flat circle like a coin. The people who disappear must just fall off the ides.

Am I biting on FAKE NEWS or are there actually folk who declare the earth is flat. Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/11/18 8:34 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Cojak, sadly, this ain't fake news or satire. A small number of people earnestly believe the earth is flat. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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10/11/18 8:50 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Just imagine what would happen if everyone decided not to have their children vaccinated. Acts-pert Poster
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10/12/18 7:09 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Cojak, sadly, this ain't fake news or satire. A small number of people earnestly believe the earth is flat.

If you study it and listen to their presentation, they can almost convince you. It’s fascinating to research.
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10/12/18 7:11 am

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