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I have great friends who are co-pastors of churches... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post I have great friends who are co-pastors of churches... roughridercog
And they do remendous ministry, but I have to ask a polity question.

Is our church government set up for co-pastors and who makes the final decision if there is a disagreement about what to do? Or can they be co-pastor in name only while one must have the position of senior pastor?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
1/2/19 9:08 am

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Post My wife and i are co pastors of our church Dunamis007
That said, she has credentials and a portfolio of responsibility. We are not cog. But technically I am the lead/sr. Pastor who is chairman of the official board and i have a vote while she does not. So, while we operate as co-pastors, as far as govt. goes we are not. (But you'd best believe she has input on important decisions Wink ). Member
Posts: 29
1/2/19 9:32 am

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Post Re: My wife and i are co pastors of our church roughridercog
Dunamis007 wrote:
That said, she has credentials and a portfolio of responsibility. We are not cog. But technically I am the lead/sr. Pastor who is chairman of the official board and i have a vote while she does not. So, while we operate as co-pastors, as far as govt. goes we are not. (But you'd best believe she has input on important decisions Wink ).

That is great. But for sake of discussion, I am asking for clarity within the polity of the Church of God. Is there provision for it in our polity or does it need to be addressed?
What about co-pastors who not a married couple such as two brothers, father-son, just two ministers? Could it create a polity problem?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
1/2/19 9:36 am

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Post Re: I have great friends who are co-pastors of churches... Quiet Wyatt
roughridercog wrote:
And they do remendous ministry, but I have to ask a polity question.

Is our church government set up for co-pastors and who makes the final decision if there is a disagreement about what to do? Or can they be co-pastor in name only while one must have the position of senior pastor?

I don’t see how that (two perfectly equal co-pastors of one congregation) would work in the CoG, or in any other form of polity, either, really. I don’t think the CoG Minutes provide for co-pastoring, if by that you mean anything more than a husband-and-wife team that works together. Even that would not technically be co-pastoring, if you mean equal power sharing. It seems to be a kind of trend recently for husband-and-wife teams to be referred to as co-pastors, or at least as “Pastors Joe and Mary Smith” on the marquee. But when it comes down to it, they are not exactly coequal.
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Posts: 12817
1/2/19 11:08 am

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Post Re: I have great friends who are co-pastors of churches... roughridercog
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
And they do remendous ministry, but I have to ask a polity question.

Is our church government set up for co-pastors and who makes the final decision if there is a disagreement about what to do? Or can they be co-pastor in name only while one must have the position of senior pastor?

I don’t see how that (two perfectly equal co-pastors of one congregation) would work in the CoG, or in any other form of polity, either, really. I don’t think the CoG Minutes provide for co-pastoring, if by that you mean anything more than a husband-and-wife team that works together. Even that would not technically be co-pastoring, if you mean equal power sharing. It seems to be a kind of trend recently for husband-and-wife teams to be referred to as co-pastors, or at least as “Pastors Joe and Mary Smith” on the marquee. But when it comes down to it, they are not exactly coequal.

One can't help but wonder how many problems it creates.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
1/2/19 1:31 pm

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Post Cojak
When I see it at COG churches, I think of it as 'In name only'. I think QW said it a Trendy thing, I agree.

But in reality, if they are actually co-pastors which would indicate 'equal status' not assistant, etc. Yes it could cause problems if both were a little head strong.... Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/2/19 7:57 pm

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