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The Basic problem with the MOORE problem Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post The Basic problem with the MOORE problem Cojak
What side I come down on does not matter. What does matter is the fact that we do have an ANTI-Administration Media, public opinion shows that even folks who care not for Trump admit the obvious bias in reporting.

Now most likely, this Political race will be decided by the press, not fact, but accusations in the press. Accusations DO NOT determine guilt, our courts do. But since there will be no court case before voting, the media will most likely decide this race. That part I ain't happy with. If this isn't a hatchet job, it still opens the way for REAL hatchet jobs in the future.

Sad Sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/18/17 5:03 pm

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Post Chicago27
Another problem is that both sides will ignore right from wrong and side with their guy regardless. At some point, somebody needs to stand up for truth regardless of their party affiliation but I don’t see it ever happening. Friendly Face
Posts: 253
11/18/17 6:30 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Chicago27 wrote:
Another problem is that both sides will ignore right from wrong and side with their guy regardless. At some point, somebody needs to stand up for truth regardless of their party affiliation but I don’t see it ever happening.

Or perhaps people actually base their decision to defend a guy by weighing all the facts. It seems that if someone endorses someone you don't like, you automatically accuse them of blindly following.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
11/19/17 8:29 am

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Post Chicago27
unless, it is a liberal. Friendly Face
Posts: 253
11/19/17 2:42 pm

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Post Alabama Residents Cojak
My wife and I walk 2-4 hours most days. Today coming towards us was a couple my wife remembers seeing a couple years ago that walked a lot. My girl has the memory in the family. She stopped them and asked where they had been. They are retired school teachers from Alabama. During the talks I asked about their Roy Moore problem. Both of the smiled.
The man said, it seems there is always someone ready to tell Alabama how to vote. I have done a few things I am not proud of in my life, but we have met Jesus and become Methodist members and love the Lord.
I would hate for someone to have brought up something I done 3o years ago to have me removed from the school system after I have given my life to teaching.
He said, my wife and I will vote for Moore unless something comes up to prove he has done something terrible during his 30 year marriage. We are both agreed on this.

These are Alabama voters, they are the ones who will make the decision. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
11/20/17 6:01 pm

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