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Paula White opens Trump Campaign Kickoff Rally with prayer (L) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Paula White opens Trump Campaign Kickoff Rally with prayer (L) Nature Boy Florida
How did you like it?

Some mocked it - I thought it was appropriate. I would want that prayer prayed over me.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
6/21/19 9:29 am

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Post Da Sheik
I guess David Platt wasn’t available ? Laughing Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
6/21/19 9:53 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I personally don't want "the horn, the power" of any president or elected official to be exalted. That ain't how we do it here, Paula. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/21/19 10:35 am

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Post Da Sheik
If you had told me 15 years ago that Donald Trump would be president and Paula White would be his spiritual advisor I would have laughed you to scorn. The truth is stranger than fiction. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
6/21/19 11:26 am

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Post Dean Steenburgh
I though the prayer & the blessing matched the tone of the atmosphere.
Not a Paula White fan & I know there are many that adore her every word but I didn't sense anything truly out of order in her verbage.
She quoted plenty of scripture which aligned with her declarations.
Pretty cool that he's watched Christian network TV & at some point reached out to her almost 19 years ago.
Obama didn't catch near the flack for attending Wright's church with all it's hate speech as some have shaded Trump with.
He's def been a friend to the church & I hope & pray he comes to the full knowledge of who the Son of God truly is.

As to the 15 years ago who would have seen this coming comment.
15 years ago I would not have seen America elect a man for POTUS whose name sounded like he was on the passenger list that struck the twin towers.
I would not have seen American youth flock to a porn star (Kim K.) & adore her every move & even emulate her lifestyle choices.
Never thought we would be so upside down that gay marriage would be legal. I live in Calif. where we voted twice to have marriage defined as one man & one woman only to have our votes disqualified by an activist judge.
ANTIFA calls the shots at who speaks at our universities & they better not be conservative.
#MeToo movement better not get your name or else they'll dig up something you said 15 years ago & hold you accountable!
This list could go on & on but I'll stop by saying this, America electing Mr. Trump is out there compared to 15 years ago but nowadays everything seems to be open for definition & opinion.
Wonder what things will look like in 15 more years.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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6/21/19 6:05 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
15 years ago I would not have seen America elect a man for POTUS whose name sounded like he was on the passenger list that struck the twin towers.

Wow Dean, this is really, really ugly.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/21/19 6:14 pm

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Post Cojak
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
15 years ago I would not have seen America elect a man for POTUS whose name sounded like he was on the passenger list that struck the twin towers.

Wow Dean, this is really, really ugly.

Yeah that is true, but many of us feel the same. It is not earth shaking, just the fact that where I came from names like 'Hussein' just didn't fit the job held by Washington, Jefferson, Madison etc NOT THAT IT IS WRONG!!!! even if he had been conservative, I would have thought it a little strange.

I never knew a 'ski' either, until I joined the service. I still have never known anyone 'anywhere' I have lived or stationed, called Hussein. So yes, it was a shock.

Now to the OP, I did not play the thread to the prayer, but I am glad someone still will have someone 'ask the blessing!'

And I surely ain't no Paula fan either. (And I really don;t know why, because I do not know her at all!!!!!!!!) Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
6/21/19 9:47 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Cojak wrote:
Yeah that is true, but many of us feel the same. It is not earth shaking, just the fact that where I came from names like 'Hussein' just didn't fit the job held by Washington, Jefferson, Madison etc NOT THAT IT IS WRONG!!!! even if he had been conservative, I would have thought it a little strange.

Cojak, that's fair... it's one thing to think it's a strange name for a POTUS compared to traditional names, as you said. It's another to put it at the top of of an "I can't believe America has sunk this low" list. Embarassed

I can think of a lot of reasons why someone would suggest that electing Obama was a low water mark for the US. Dean mentions a good one in Obama's attendance at Jeremiah Wright's church.

But saying it in the context of his Arab-sounding middle name ('Barack' is Hebrew, 'Obama' is African) -- saying the low water mark is that evidenced by us electing someone with a name like that -- I trust it was just a really, really poor choice of words. Embarassed Embarassed
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/21/19 11:37 pm

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Dean Steenburgh wrote: My name is SCFire & I approve this message. lol I never dreamed we would vote a terrorist in as president & I'm not talking about Trump. I'm not a Paula fan either, but praying for our president is what is needed.
Posts: 714
6/22/19 7:55 am

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Post As we are on the top 10 list of how low America has sunk. brotherjames
Who would of thought that this would happen ? (Actually I did, just not quite this soon.)

Two weeks ago Franklin Graham posted on Facebook an appeal for prayer that Sunday for our President. Donald J Trump. Said he was under attack and needed prayer and asked Christians to pray. We have a very vigorous FB page (we spend thousands of dollars every year their on ads and boosted posts) and website and so I reposted his plea and endorsed it and said our church would pray that Sunday morning. That was all I said. Facebook took down our post. Understand, Franklin Graham posted it on FB. FB said what we were doing was political and since we were not a "validated source" for political posts we were not allowed to post this material. We were asking for prayer. Period. We could appeal their ruling and become validated by jumping thru a number of hoops to prove we are not "fake news" or something.

Welcome to Amerika land of repression by Google, fb and the msm.

As to Paula White, my.former youth pastor. took a job with her in Orlando a couple of years ago to be her Y P against my advice. Wont go into what happened but let's just say the standards of morality at her church aren't mine or my former yp's. He left after 6 months. But, what she said in her prayer the other night was right on. God uses some strange people, including posters on this forum
Thank God.
Posts: 935
6/22/19 8:50 am

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Dean Steenburgh wrote:
15 years ago I would not have seen America elect a man for POTUS whose name sounded like he was on the passenger list that struck the twin towers.

Wow Dean, this is really, really ugly.

No Dave, it's not ugly at all! It's a truth that a lot of people feel, but are afraid to state out loud.
What's really ugly is when someone attacks a minister of the gospel for taking the time to pray for the POTUS & the prayer gets picked apart ...all based on their theological perspective.

We got the snot knocked out of us at 9/11 by a bunch of people whose names we couldn't normally pronounce.
The economy gets the legs kicked out of it & Bush 43 gets blamed which paved the way for Oprah's pick BHO to get elected to office.
If he was a black prez named Michael Jones or Eleazar Bradley the name would not have made the radar screen but a guy named Barack Hussein Obama sounds like it came from another country & we now know that he did come from another country.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
6/22/19 3:02 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
LOL Dean. I'm not sure why I'm surprised to learn you're a birther on top of everything else.

We are in agreement to an extent. There are a lot of people who harbor hidden bias and racism, even in the church.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/22/19 3:32 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
Dave Dorsey wrote:
LOL Dean. I'm not sure why I'm surprised to learn you're a birther on top of everything else.

We are in agreement to an extent. There are a lot of people who harbor hidden bias and racism, even in the church.

You learned incorrectly, I'm not a birther.
I believe the dude is a citizen & it was probably by the skin of their teeth. His mom admitted to birthing him out of the country & only brought him here barely before his 5th birthday.
Hey, I don't care at this point. He didn't have to prove a thing on his birth cert & that's fine, personal business.
Now, let's leave Mr. Trumps's IRS issues alone & show the same respect.
And yes there is a lot of racism in the church but it's a whole lot better than it used to be.
"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Church planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
6/22/19 3:48 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Fair enough. I appreciate you correcting my misunderstanding. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/22/19 4:13 pm

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Post Cojak
I am really enjoying reading your comments. I am also glad to see exchanges between brothers that are civil (mostly Cool ). We have two posts running now that lets me know why I hang around Acts. This is not a smart 'alec' comment nor condescending, "I honestly wish I could express myself the way you guys are doing on these two posts. i find my self agreeing with most of the posters, and I feel a little weird, am I that 'wishy-washy' as my mama would say!" Smile Smile Embarassed Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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6/22/19 8:52 pm

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