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Senator Pocahontas is Indian (L) Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Senator Pocahontas is Indian (L) Nature Boy Florida
1/1024th Indian.

With all due respect - why would one go on TV and proclaim this proves she deserved to get preferential treatment as a Cherokee Indian.

My DNA shows a lot more.
All of my kids show a lot more.

Needless to say - the Cherokee Nation was not impressed.
I got a feeling no one will be.

And please - if this is the threshold - many whites will qualify as blacks , hispanics or anything else - the DNA lists a lot of "partial" ancestors.

Are all Senators really this stupid - thinking this somehow proves anything?
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Posts: 16646
10/15/18 4:52 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Hard to imagine anyone has worse political instincts than Hillary, but Warren might be in contention. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
10/15/18 5:06 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
The headlines are quite comical. “DNA strongly shows that Warren has Native American.” Here’s the deal. I work on genealogy. Almost all of us are 7-11th cousins with each other. I have an app from that is called “We’re Related.” It shows how you are cousins with famous people, assuming you have entered in your family tree. I am related to about 300 famous people. The closest one is Miley Cyrus. She is my 7th cousin. And it’s real. Do you remember hearing about Rush Limbaugh being 8th cousins with Obama and GW Bush? We are all related. It’s no big deal. So, DNA has strongly found a connection about 7-10 generations away from Ms Warren. That’s not the point. She claims to be Native American and, I think used it to get into Harvard. I may be wrong about that, someone will correct me.

So, here me now.....I am way more black than she is Native American. I am 3.8% African. That is, what, 1 in 26 or 27? She is like 1 in over 1000 Native American.

Now, there is no question that she is running for President. She wanted to get this out beforehand. But, it’s gonna backfire.
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10/15/18 6:49 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
One more thing.....this is big:
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10/15/18 6:59 pm

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Post Cojak
What percentage is required to share in the Casino receipts? I might be interested in my DNA. Just sayin'. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/15/18 9:02 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Cojak wrote:
What percentage is required to share in the Casino receipts? I might be interested in my DNA. Just sayin'. Cool

Nice one Cojak.

The only Indian word I learned growing up was "How". (Anyone else remember that?)
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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10/16/18 6:50 am

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Post UncleJD
Cultural appropriation at its finest. She's a fraud. She can't even name her native ancestor (not even one that was half native, like most people I know can) no idea how many generations back. Yet she claims for years how proud she is of it. And the dna used for comparison is South American. Wow Fauxcahontas, 90% of the redneck Texans I know are more native than you.

Either she's fake or nearly everyone in America is Native American.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/16/18 8:33 am

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Post Link
Based on what I have heard from my family, I'm probably 3/16ths Native American of three different tribes, I'm told, with Cherokee on both sides of the family. But a blood test could not get me membership in the Cherokee Tribes. There is a list from the early 1900's that was drawn up of tribe members, and you have to show descent from one of these members of the tribe. My ancestors must have assimilated in the 1800's and missed being carried away out west to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears.

A lot of people in the southeast are part Native American, but have no legal standing when it comes to being a member of a tribe.

Warren may have shown this to argue against those who consider a fraud. The amount in her blood and the lack of legal status as a Native American may not be enough to keep her critics from considering her a fraud, but it may be enough to gain favor in the eyes of liberal voters in Massachusetts. Maybe she hoped releasing the information would cause the contraversy to die down.

1/64th may seem like a lot of Indian to people up in the Northeast. Maybe they are less mixed with Indian up there.

I know about my own heritage just based on what my parents and other relatives in the family have told me. My great grandmother on one side was either half or full Cherokee. I have certain other tribes on my dad's side of the famil. Maybe a lot of Americans are told about their Indian ancestors. I've ticked Native American and White on some forms, unless it specifies that you have to be a member of a tribe. If I were in politics, would I get in trouble for ticking those Native American boxes?
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10/16/18 11:05 am

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Post UncleJD
I don't have a problem with someone being proud of ANY amount of Native American herritage. I am. The problem with Fauxcahontas is that she has spent her entire adult life literally making a living off of her story. She told everyone her mother was "Cherokee and Creek", she filled out every government form as "other" or "native american", Harvard gave her recognition and accolades as being a "Native American professor". She doubled down on it to blast Trump for political purpose.

And now, she comes up with the obviously (and sadly) staged video where she "reveals" that she really does have Indian (not North American Indian) blood to the tune of "Peruvian or Mexican natives, of at least 8 generations back"! She has no story of who they were, she obviously made up ALL of her little stories before, including fake recipes she's published. She is a liar and cultural-thief! True Native American activists are appalled by this behavior! Trust me, I learned long ago that Native Americans are NOT impressed with 99.999% (or even 80%) whites claiming to be Native American. That does NOT help their cause. Especially since I'd say a majority of whites, especially in the southwest from Oklahoma, Texas, NM, and westward, have as much or more than she does, but that vast number has never lived, nor even known anyone in their family that ever lived, as a Native or understood ANY of what that means. I personally think she is a sick individual and should apologize if she had any decency about her.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/16/18 11:17 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
Link wrote:
Based on what I have heard from my family, I'm probably 3/16ths Native American of three different tribes, I'm told, with Cherokee on both sides of the family. But a blood test could not get me membership in the Cherokee Tribes. There is a list from the early 1900's that was drawn up of tribe members, and you have to show descent from one of these members of the tribe. My ancestors must have assimilated in the 1800's and missed being carried away out west to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears.

A lot of people in the southeast are part Native American, but have no legal standing when it comes to being a member of a tribe.

Warren may have shown this to argue against those who consider a fraud. The amount in her blood and the lack of legal status as a Native American may not be enough to keep her critics from considering her a fraud, but it may be enough to gain favor in the eyes of liberal voters in Massachusetts. Maybe she hoped releasing the information would cause the contraversy to die down.

1/64th may seem like a lot of Indian to people up in the Northeast. Maybe they are less mixed with Indian up there.

I know about my own heritage just based on what my parents and other relatives in the family have told me. My great grandmother on one side was either half or full Cherokee. I have certain other tribes on my dad's side of the famil. Maybe a lot of Americans are told about their Indian ancestors. I've ticked Native American and White on some forms, unless it specifies that you have to be a member of a tribe. If I were in politics, would I get in trouble for ticking those Native American boxes?

You should get a DNA test. It’s so much fun to see the facts. You can’t depend on your family. You think my Mother knew she was 8-10% black? No way! I’m finding black relatives all over the place. I found a second cousin, who is black, and have developed a relationship with on Facebook. You don’t know about your family if you depend on what they are telling you. Older folks won’t reveal what they know either. BTW, we don’t know how we are related. We are still working on it. I suspect my great grandfather, when he was young, enjoyed being with one of the slave girls. When the baby was born, they either never knew or didn’t claim the baby and the baby stayed with the slaves. Maybe one day I’ll find out. Sorry for the long post. It’s just fascinating to me.
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10/16/18 12:28 pm

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Post UncleJD
someone just pointed out that Fauxcahontas has actually made appeals to the minority communities that SHE knew racial discrimination and prejudice because of her "Native American" heritage! Someone needs to run her out of office.

Eddie - I did my DNA through My first results showed 0% Native American, and 2% African/Nigerian, Asian, Other.

Now they've re-done their estimates based on new samples, and that 2% has changed to "Indian - North American, Central, South American".


I will say that I was pretty surpised the first results showed 0%, so maybe they are becoming more accurate. My great-grandfather was half-Cherokee they say (maybe it was more like 1/4 ).
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/16/18 12:57 pm

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Post Link
UncleJD wrote:
will say that I was pretty surpised the first results showed 0%, so maybe they are becoming more accurate. My great-grandfather was half-Cherokee they say (maybe it was more like 1/4 ).

It could be that some people who did not look 'pure white' way back then claimed Indian heritage because it was considered more socially advantageous to do that than to claim black heritage. Then they didn't tell their kids, and they told them they were part Cherokee.
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10/16/18 4:25 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
UncleJD wrote:
someone just pointed out that Fauxcahontas has actually made appeals to the minority communities that SHE knew racial discrimination and prejudice because of her "Native American" heritage! Someone needs to run her out of office.

Eddie - I did my DNA through My first results showed 0% Native American, and 2% African/Nigerian, Asian, Other.

Now they've re-done their estimates based on new samples, and that 2% has changed to "Indian - North American, Central, South American".


I will say that I was pretty surpised the first results showed 0%, so maybe they are becoming more accurate. My great-grandfather was half-Cherokee they say (maybe it was more like 1/4 ).

What’s interesting is that Ancestry showed a trace of African but when I transferred the info to 23 and Me, I got 3.8% African. It just shows that it’s not a perfect science. I do claim my African heritage, however! That makes me 1/26th African. A lot more than 1/1024th, huh?
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10/16/18 5:48 pm

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Post UncleJD
Eddie Robbins wrote:

What’s interesting is that Ancestry showed a trace of African but when I transferred the info to 23 and Me, I got 3.8% African. It just shows that it’s not a perfect science. I do claim my African heritage, however! That makes me 1/26th African. A lot more than 1/1024th, huh?

Eddie, was it hard growing up in White America? Did you have to elope like the good senator because of all the discrimination you faced?
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
10/16/18 10:30 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
UncleJD wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:

What’s interesting is that Ancestry showed a trace of African but when I transferred the info to 23 and Me, I got 3.8% African. It just shows that it’s not a perfect science. I do claim my African heritage, however! That makes me 1/26th African. A lot more than 1/1024th, huh?

Eddie, was it hard growing up in White America? Did you have to elope like the good senator because of all the discrimination you faced?

It was very challenging in Georgia but I survived.

BTW, I just met MLK III at the Atlanta airport. I posted a pic on Facebook. I am in the air right now headed to Detroit
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10/17/18 12:23 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
What's really interesting about this to me is that Warren is trying to act like Trump. I think we're going to see a lot of that from the Democrats leading up to 2020.

There's only one problem. They're not Trump.

I don't understand what lets him get away with the things he does -- what mystical dark bargain he crafted to be able to act as he does and generally get away with it -- but it's clear that's a talent that is uniquely his.

Warren tried to get her Trump on, and it was an absolute disaster. I can't wait for Booker and others to start trying the same thing.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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10/17/18 12:29 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Eddie Robbins wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Eddie Robbins wrote:

What’s interesting is that Ancestry showed a trace of African but when I transferred the info to 23 and Me, I got 3.8% African. It just shows that it’s not a perfect science. I do claim my African heritage, however! That makes me 1/26th African. A lot more than 1/1024th, huh?

Eddie, was it hard growing up in White America? Did you have to elope like the good senator because of all the discrimination you faced?

It was very challenging in Georgia but I survived.

BTW, I just met MLK III at the Atlanta airport. I posted a pic on Facebook. I am in the air right now headed to Detroit

I hope you told MLK III you were down for the struggle with his Dad. Hey, since you are African American - it would have been ok to use the "N" word with him - as it's only offensive when a white person uses it.
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10/17/18 1:52 pm

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Post Link
Dave Dorsey wrote:
What's really interesting about this to me is that Warren is trying to act like Trump. I think we're going to see a lot of that from the Democrats leading up to 2020.

There's only one problem. They're not Trump.

I don't understand what lets him get away with the things he does -- what mystical dark bargain he crafted to be able to act as he does and generally get away with it -- but it's clear that's a talent that is uniquely his.

Warren tried to get her Trump on, and it was an absolute disaster. I can't wait for Booker and others to start trying the same thing.

Bill Clinton had a similar talent, except he wasn't abrasive. They called him slick Willy because of that.

But, yeah, it's not going to work for most people.
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Posts: 11849
10/17/18 3:46 pm

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