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Does it bother you?
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Post Does it bother you? Eddie Robbins
In North Carolina, your president said g—damn twice in a speech? I am just wondering what you would have said about Obama using that term that seems to flow so easily out of this wonderful “Christian” man. Not to mention the blatant pure racism. But, carry on. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
7/18/19 3:40 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I really, really hope posters here take a minute to honestly think about what they would have said had Obama done this.

Because we all know what the answer is. There would be pearl-clutching like the world had never known. Pulpits the following Sunday would be filled with breathless exhortations about the spirit of our age and how we have a president who takes God's name in vain without a care in the world.

You guys don't have to reply. Just please, I beg you, think about your hypocrisy and how you are drinking down ungodliness that you wouldn't tolerate for a second from anyone else.
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Posts: 13654
7/18/19 6:04 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I just don't know what kind of back wood churches you guys attended when Obama was President.

He said lots of crazy things that were totally ignored by my church - where we simply prayed for our leaders each week.

Seriously, if your church bashed Obama every week - or you want your church to bash Trump every week - you are the guys with the problem.

Or perhaps you are making things up about the "other" churches - they are rubes - but yours is holier than thou. Either way - get a grip guys.

This 'look at how unchristian everyone else is(said with chest puffed out)" and "how will anyone ever become a Christian with Christians supporting the President" stuff that I see coming from you people is ridiculous. Evil or Very Mad
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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7/18/19 6:20 am

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Post It's not the President .... Mat
It's not the President's fowl language which troubles me - he is not my Spiritual leaders of example. I don't think he's really a Christian. Its the growing number of preachers using course language that makes me question the future of this nations.

Acts Enthusiast
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7/18/19 6:21 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
What will be more disturbing is how many will continue to make excuses for him. He’s a bad man, people. He is playing evangelicals like a drum. He is quoted calling you those “ evangelicals.” He throws you a bone to get your support and it works. Wake up! Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
7/18/19 6:36 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Eddie Robbins wrote:
What will be more disturbing is how many will continue to make excuses for him. He’s a bad man, people. He is playing evangelicals like a drum. He is quoted calling you those “ evangelicals.” He throws you a bone to get your support and it works. Wake up!

Good article from yesterday morning on this:

Unfortunately, there does not appear to be any point at which they will wake up. As Last wrote last year, "Everything we know about the president’s base supporters suggests that there is no straw that will break the camel’s back—only goalposts, receding constantly to the horizon."
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Posts: 13654
7/18/19 6:46 am

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Post sheepdogandy
Who is your alternative?

Any of the Democratic contenders?

Mitt Romney?

Jeb Bush?

I voted for Mike Pence.

Trump is just along for the ride.
Charles A. Hutchins
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7/18/19 8:04 am

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Post Eddie, just to clarify, he is not MY president. He is OUR president. Aaron Scott
I didn't put up with people saying that about Obama, and I don't think we should do it with Trump.

The truth is that if Trump acted like a saint, people would say he was manipulating people. If he acts like the devil, that's his true colors, apparently.

Yes, it bothers me if ANYONE takes God's Name in vain. But while Nixon was profane only in private (e.g., in his taped conversations), Trump will do it openly. I would prefer it to be private, since we wouldn't have to hear it. But it's not any more pleasing to God to sin in private--and it may be worse, since it compounds the matter with hypocrisy.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/18/19 8:24 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
Thanks for admitting it bothers you. It bothers me greatly but I’m more bothered by professing Christians and “leaders” who
continue to make excuses for him. I’m sad for my tribe today. Perhaps it’s not my tribe at all.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
7/18/19 8:55 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Ya'll are so holy. Ya'll are the only ones that see what a bad man Trump is.
I hear the Cherubim want to add ya'll to the list of folks they sing Holy to.

At least Trump let's you see exactly who he is - no hiding it. Trump sucks as a person. He is a loud mouth New York Yankee - guys from the South have never liked anyway. OCD is the female version of Trump. We hate both of them. We don't like Hillary either. Or Sanders. Or Kamala. Or Biden.

But, if the choice happens today - I vote Trump - and it isn't even close.

Check out just one of the many things the guy has done that I completely approve of...that no Republican has had the guts to do until Trump...that isn't a bone he's throwing - it is substance that is meaningful to me - and NO ONE has done that in a long time.

He is flawed - but appears to have become a man who does what he says, and he says he is doing what he can to end the child sacrifice law Roe v. Wade. I'll take that any day over liberal Christians that only take shots at him. I believe God is pleased with Trump's efforts here.

We voted in the Christian Jimmy Carter - and he did nothing; voted in the Christian G.W. Bush - and he did nothing. The Christian Obama - and he made things worse.

Trump is getting it done. The average Christian approves of this. The holier than thou Christian only points out the mans flaws. That is what I am sad about.

Evil or Very Mad
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
7/18/19 9:51 am

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Post Aaron Scott
Dave Dorsey wrote:
I really, really hope posters here take a minute to honestly think about what they would have said had Obama done this.

Because we all know what the answer is. There would be pearl-clutching like the world had never known. Pulpits the following Sunday would be filled with breathless exhortations about the spirit of our age and how we have a president who takes God's name in vain without a care in the world.

You guys don't have to reply. Just please, I beg you, think about YOUR HYPOCRISY and how you are drinking down ungodliness that you wouldn't tolerate for a second from anyone else.

Dave, there is ZERO hypocrisy about this, at least in my case. You surely know that I left the Republican party precisely because I didn't like the fact that they were acting all aghast when Obama would do something, yet had been starkly silent when GWB did some of the same things.

I DETEST Trump's language and attitudes. Yes, I have also heard that he has done many good things. I voted for him, and I support him, NOT because I am condoning his language or actions, but because 1) I more closely align with his policies than the policies of the opposition; and 2) there is not a SINGLE DEMOCRAT that I know of that I would rather have, no matter how much more "presidential" they might act.

This is truly a "lesser of two evils" issue. I wish it was black and white. It's not--nor has it EVER been. Every candidate has good point...and bad ones. Based on Trump's style, he is often reprehensible (although, to be fair, he has been hammered mercilessly from the day he won the election--I can understand the hard, New York fight that is in him, even if I don't like it), but his POLICIES--not the least of which are largely conservative Supreme Court justices--he is WORLD'S better for our nation than the next guy on the list--even the next guy on the Republican list (who would not doubt be all presidential, but wouldn't have the guts to move the American embassy to Jerusalem...or to engage with North Korea).

So, please, Dave, consider that while some will smugly vote for a pristine candidate, and thereby be able to claim the moral high ground, what they will have done is to turn the country over to the very worst policies ever. EVER.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/18/19 10:06 am

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Post UncleJD
It bothers me. I never like hearing those words. Its a shame we have to settle for Trump, but its not even close to settling for slick and polished politicians who have honey on their tongues and blood on their hands. Not one person on this board voted for Trump to be their pastor. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
7/18/19 10:12 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Aaron Scott wrote:
Dave, there is ZERO hypocrisy about this, at least in my case. You surely know that I left the Republican party precisely because I didn't like the fact that they were acting all aghast when Obama would do something, yet had been starkly silent when GWB did some of the same things.

I DETEST Trump's language and attitudes. Yes, I have also heard that he has done many good things. I voted for him, and I support him, NOT because I am condoning his language or actions, but because 1) I more closely align with his policies than the policies of the opposition; and 2) there is not a SINGLE DEMOCRAT that I know of that I would rather have, no matter how much more "presidential" they might act.

This is truly a "lesser of two evils" issue. I wish it was black and white. It's not--nor has it EVER been. Every candidate has good point...and bad ones. Based on Trump's style, he is often reprehensible (although, to be fair, he has been hammered mercilessly from the day he won the election--I can understand the hard, New York fight that is in him, even if I don't like it), but his POLICIES--not the least of which are largely conservative Supreme Court justices--he is WORLD'S better for our nation than the next guy on the list--even the next guy on the Republican list (who would not doubt be all presidential, but wouldn't have the guts to move the American embassy to Jerusalem...or to engage with North Korea).

So, please, Dave, consider that while some will smugly vote for a pristine candidate, and thereby be able to claim the moral high ground, what they will have done is to turn the country over to the very worst policies ever. EVER.

Aaron -- let's be clear. I have no problem with someone holding their nose and voting for Trump. Doing so is defensible, for many of the reasons you have outlined.

I especially have no objection to this if that action is give in the context you have given it here, with proper attention given to what a deplorable human being Trump is.

What I can't stand and will continue to object to is otherwise good people glossing over this stuff. Someone should be able to say "the president is a reprehensible person who says reprehensible things, and while I may vote for him because of the policies he is enacting, I cannot wait until this stain on the dignity of our nation is removed".

But you and I both know that's not the attitude that the majority of white evangelicals have toward Trump. They (not necessarily those here on Acts) are full-throated supporters. They don't want less Trump, they want more. It's his uncouthness that gives him his strength, they'll say. Finally we have a guy who is willing to take it to the Democrats and the media like it needs to be taken to them. His tremendous personal flaws are not grievous traits to be excused, they are the traits that make him uniquely great.

That's what I can't stand hearing from the mouths of Christians, and what I will continue to stalwartly oppose.
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7/18/19 10:39 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
It bothers me. I never like hearing those words. Its a shame we have to settle for Trump, but its not even close to settling for slick and polished politicians who have honey on their tongues and blood on their hands. Not one person on this board voted for Trump to be their pastor.

FWIW -- I think this is the sort of take I was describing above, that I can understand and accept from a believer. I appreciate your honesty and willingness to assess the situation as it is.

It is a shame we have to settle for Trump, and so long as we're all keeping that in mind, and given the alternatives, I can understand why Christians would hold their noses and vote for him.

I just can't handle the full-throated support, and won't. And thank heaven, that kind of thing isn't common on Acts, but we all know it's common in our churches and among evangelicals.
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Posts: 13654
7/18/19 10:40 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
This says it better, from Hot Air:

Whatever, though. The acid test for all right-wing politics nowadays is “Does it trigger the libs?” This triggered them, ergo It Is Good. And of course, it shows that he fights! — like a drunk, flailing and biting, but he fights nonetheless. Ultimately, as Stephen “redsteeze” Miller says, all defenses of Trump boil down to the fact that he won and more genteel Republicans like Romney (but not Dubya?) lost and therefore all Trump tactics are valid and should be supported. “The ends justify the means” is a bedrock righty populist principle now, not just in elections but in most things.

THAT is what I cannot stand. And I've seen it here on Acts, though to my recollection, not from any of the posters in this thread so far. I don't care if someone votes for him because, disgusting as he is, he's still slightly better than the alternative.
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7/18/19 10:57 am

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Post Darrell Garrett
Why should it bother me any more than when any other person uses such language. Trump is not our spiritual advisor or spiritual anything. He is the POTUS. I do not recall anyone on ACTS criticizing Clinton, Bush or Obama for their language. If you don't like him or what he's doing as POTUS then don't vote for him, but trying to shame Christians for supporting him this way... new low. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
7/18/19 11:11 am

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Post skinnybishop
It bothers me. Its shameful that the President of the United States said that on national television. Its shameful to use that language anywhere, but especially in that situation.

I don't like many of his comments. I don't like his tone. I don't like his immaturity. I wish he would shut down his Twitter account. What he said to Megyn Kelly (whom I don't particularly like) was disgusting. The comments about grabbing women....disgusting.

His morals stink. But I do like some of his policies and positions. I voted for Trump in the 2016 General Election, but it was a last resort. I voted for Marco Rubio in our state primary.

With that said, if I have to choose between Donald Trump and Joe Biden in 2020, I'm voting for Trump. I'll vote for Trump over Sanders, Booker and the rest of them.

A foul mouthed Trump....or an equally foul mouthed Joe Biden?
A foul mouthed Trump...or a socialist Bernie Sanders.

I believe abortion is wrong and should be outlawed. I believe in protecting the 2nd amendment. I believe gay marriage is wrong. I believe in religious freedom. I believe our borders need to be secure. I believe we need to do a better job taking care of those who have served our country, in the armed forces.

I don't want to vote for Trump, but is there another candidate whose beliefs align (for the most part) with mine, and who has a realistic shot at winning the Presidency?

To my knowledge, the answer is no...So for now....I'll shake my head, hold my nose, and vote for President Trump. If that makes me a hypocrite, so be it.
Eddie Wiggins
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7/18/19 11:15 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
Darrell Garrett wrote:
Why should it bother me any more than when any other person uses such language. Trump is not our spiritual advisor or spiritual anything. He is the POTUS. I do not recall anyone on ACTS criticizing Clinton, Bush or Obama for their language. If you don't like him or what he's doing as POTUS then don't vote for him, but trying to shame Christians for supporting him this way... new low.

Again. Had Obama said GD two times in a campaign speech, this place would have come unglued. That is the point of the post. You disagree with that?
Acts-pert Poster
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7/18/19 11:34 am

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Post Darrell Garrett
Yes, I do disagree with that. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
7/18/19 11:36 am

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Post Darrell Garrett
Trump is not the first POTUS to use profane language and he won't be the last. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
7/18/19 11:38 am

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