In 2016, I stayed up late enough to know that, unbelievably, Trump had won! I mean, NOBODY gave Trump a chance.
The next morning, when I told my wife, she acted kind of surprised that I hadn't known that, OF COURSE, Trump would win. While I was tapped into the news and getting the wrong information from them, she was tapped into the American mindset--which is nothing like the liberal ivory towers.
Then, in this election, everyone knew that Trump was doomed. He was too hated--the liberal press even refused to investigate the Hunter Biden partisan of a thing as I've ever seen in the press--and, besides, the polls showed that a blue landslide was imminent.
Once again, I was reading the news. But my wife was once again hearing the pulse of the nation. She felt confident that Trump would win.
Now, granted, it's very likely at this point that Trump has lost. But consider that he came FAR, FAR, FAR CLOSER than the liberal press told us he would--and despite their partisan efforts.
The liberal press is missing something. They hear only what the people in the largest cities are telling them, it seems. And if they find someone in Trump Land who decided to vote for Biden, they apparently took it as a sign that most others in that state would vote Biden.
I have always been able to enjoy liberal papers, since I knew going in that they were liberal, and I would have to do some discounting. But now I see that you LITERALLY cannot know whom to believe.
Should we blame Trump for calling everything "fake news"? Or should we blame the press for being so partisan as to actually print fake news every now and then.
All I can say is that for Trump to get this close, DESPITE the hatred, coronavirus, partisanship, the liberal press, the BLM/antifa violence, etc., well, that ought to tell you something. |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6042 11/6/20 9:09 am