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Dr. Mohler on the new Pew data: ‘Our Nation is Becoming One Vast Mission Field’ Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Dr. Mohler on the new Pew data: ‘Our Nation is Becoming One Vast Mission Field’ Dave Dorsey
The new data from the Pew Research Center is sobering and important. With hard numbers, it confirms what we have observed for decades now. We are witnessing the rapid and accelerating secularization of America. The numbers point to a disappointing pattern of lessening identification with Christianity and falling church attendance rates. There is also no sign that these trends will be slowed, much less reversed. This is, for Christians, a confirmation of the fact that our nation is growing more distant from the Gospel and hardening its resistance to Christian truth. These trends have been visible for some time, but there is a startling new velocity to these changes, and one that we and our churches had better look closely and think hard about what they mean.

The saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ remains as true as ever, but the fact is that the evangelistic landscape of our nation is changing right before our eyes. The rise of self-identified unbelievers as a percentage of the population is one significant factor, but the falling rates of church participation among those who identify as Christians is perhaps more alarming.

All this points to the fact that the United States, following the sad example of Europe, is becoming a post-Christian culture—one in which decreasing percentages of Americans operate out of a Christian frame of reality. We are on the threshold of a radically new reality.

Read the whole thing:
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Posts: 13654
10/21/19 11:41 am

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Post FLRon
That was an interesting read Dave, thank you for posting it. Honestly, it really didn’t say much that we didn’t already suspect was happening, but the hard data to back it up has always been missing until now.

All of this of course is part and parcel of a much greater falling away that is taking place worldwide. Nothing surprising about that as it is certainly proclaimed often enough in the Bible.

Personally, I believe we are seeing the tip of the iceberg of the new reality that will soon dominate our culture, and indeed that of the entire world. How else is the world to ultimately succumb to the eventual reign of the Antichrist except that the church’s influence be largely negated?
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
10/22/19 12:25 pm

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