As a former local church Pastor, serving as an ER and ICU Chaplain, one of the things I bump into all the time is "Chaplain, WE USED TO attend church." Most of them did not drop out of church because they were angry with the church or the Pastor.
There is no record that the "Lost Sheep" left because it was mad at God or the Shepherd. It just got distracted and wandered away. There certainly could be long, long theological discussions about how far one must wander before being considered as "lost." I guess it comes down to if you can't find your way back home, then that's being lost.
ANYWAY, here is an article that discusses what some people say they do to stay in contact with God when not going to church. It may help to see some of their reasoning. Personally, I'm a strong advocate for church attendance; the joy of combined worship and having a community of fellow believers.
However, even though ministering with people outside a church building setting, because of Christ living in me, when I'm with a patient and their family in ER or in ICU, my feeling is that the church has come to them where they are for the time I'm with them.
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Acts-celerate Owner Posts: 6957 2/17/20 3:37 pm