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Selective Censorship, and the Good ole boy system Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Selective Censorship, and the Good ole boy system aprilmay2.0
This is what our mods are best at. This probably will get me banned but since the banning process is so arbitrary and there is little to no recourse when you are banned who knows?-

When mods get nervous they lock threads or delete them. Why? Because most of the time they either don't have the intellectual capacity to respond or they are afraid they would have to agree with something that isn't expedient for them.

This is why the board is dying. The mods play favorites. They are dictatorial in their approach and selective regarding their allowance of dialogue based on if they like you or not.

That is whats getting super old super fast.
Friendly Face
Posts: 165
6/14/18 4:34 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
I'm not sure why one of us would want to delete this -- your post speaks volumes about you, much moreso than it does about any of us.

Not sure what got in your Cheerios to get you into this mood over the last couple of days. Hope you're having fun, though.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/14/18 6:29 pm

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Post philunderwood
Why is it so important to you?
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A Mission in Formation
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
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6/14/18 7:25 pm

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Post April-May. Let it rip. doyle
Nobody here is afraid of what somebody may say. The board has been, is, and will remain wide open for viewers to share their heart with all of us. Got something to say. Let it rip.

The board is open and you have used it for years. You've got a free shot to share your heart for free. How many others in this life work to provide you a place to share your heart? Probably not many.

If there is something you don't like in particular, let it roll. Possibly you can help us improve. There are times when we, me in particular, need to improve. You got wisdom to share? I'm open to hear it.

Of course the board is not as crowded as it once was. Even major networks are not pulling as many viewers as in the past. Since we we began ACTS over 20 years ago, there has come FB, Face-Time, Facebook Live, You Tube, Instagram and a bunch of others.

Of course, as you continue to do, we allow people to use pen names. Why, because there are still some in the COG who will seek to do you harm if they disagree with what you say. Is that the COG's fault? Nope, just terrified little individuals who don't have the courage to face you personally. They work behind the scenes to do others harm.

Got wisdom to share? Let it rip Bro.

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
6/14/18 10:16 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
If I was dictatorial in my approach and played favorites, I'm not sure who would be left around here. Cojak and Carolyn Smith, definitely. Maybe Aaron, just for the lols, and probably UncleJD, depending on the day and what he's posting about. Laughing Laughing Laughing [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/15/18 7:43 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Dave Dorsey wrote:
If I was dictatorial in my approach and played favorites, I'm not sure who would be left around here. Cojak and Carolyn Smith, definitely. Maybe Aaron, just for the lols, and probably UncleJD, depending on the day and what he's posting about. Laughing Laughing Laughing

You didn't say NBF would still be allowed.

That's hurtful, man. Evil or Very Mad
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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6/15/18 10:57 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
You didn't say NBF would still be allowed.

That's hurtful, man. Evil or Very Mad

You're very observant, that's what I like about you! Laughing
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/15/18 12:04 pm

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Post If April-May is a woman ... Mat
If April-May is a woman, and married, I see just cause to divorce her, as quickly as possible and move to another state with no forwarding address.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
6/15/18 12:11 pm

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