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Paula White's influence with Trump family Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Paula White's influence with Trump family doyle

The article is somewhat dated but Paula White now has an office at the White House. It seems she is a trusted staff member.
The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
6/4/19 10:37 am

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Post Re: Paula White's influence with Trump family UncleJD
doyle wrote:

The article is somewhat dated but Paula White now has an office at the White House. It seems she is a trusted staff member.

yuck. But its better than having an LGBT-QR-123 "pastor" in the whitehouse that we will likely see the next time a democrud is elected.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
6/4/19 11:02 am

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Post Re: Paula White's influence with Trump family Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
yuck. But its better than having an LGBT-QR-123 "pastor" in the whitehouse that we will likely see the next time a democrud is elected.

Sorry, this is off topic, but can you please PM me and tell me how you found out my garage door code?
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/4/19 11:45 am

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Post Re: Paula White's influence with Trump family UncleJD
Dave Dorsey wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
yuck. But its better than having an LGBT-QR-123 "pastor" in the whitehouse that we will likely see the next time a democrud is elected.

Sorry, this is off topic, but can you please PM me and tell me how you found out my garage door code?

Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
6/4/19 12:10 pm

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Post Positive Influence doyle
Have not especially kept track of it, but have read several articles that indicate her influence has been a positive one. The Trump family sure does like her.
The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Acts-celerate Owner
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6/4/19 1:06 pm

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Post Re: Paula White's influence with Trump family diakoneo
UncleJD wrote:
doyle wrote:

The article is somewhat dated but Paula White now has an office at the White House. It seems she is a trusted staff member.

yuck. But its better than having an LGBT-QR-123 "pastor" in the whitehouse that we will likely see the next time a democrud is elected.

Paula White

Never really liked her, but I guess it could be much worse. Kind of like the choices we had for president. Couldn't stand Trump. Never liked him but the alternative, well, we could have done MUCH worse!!!
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
6/4/19 2:08 pm

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Post About Paula White... Aaron Scott
I have only heard Paula White a handful of times (and probably not the entire sermon/lesson). While I can hardly stand to hear her preach, I have to admit that her TEACHING is encouraging and uplifting. I do not recall hearing her ever say anything that was at great odds with our standard understanding.

Many years ago, I heard that T.L. Lowery was coming to Tampa to preach at a church somewhere or another. I went and enjoyed it! There were probably not more than 60-100 people there, but the Whites (having attended National Church of God) had invited him to come speak. Some time after that, they went BIG. I recall that they would take a bus into a community and, as best I could tell, they truly tried to benefit those people.

I know there are all kinds of criticism regarding them--and some may be well-justified. But from MY perspective, they came up the "right way." That is, they truly had very humble beginnings in Tampa, and they worked diligently and fruitfully. God blessed them with members who were professional athletes who made generous donations.

Some of us who pastor very modest churches likely have some folks who don't have much good to say about us, let alone when you are leading a massive endeavor.

The Whites made some missteps, for sure. It might be that I gave them more of the benefit of the doubt because of their Church of God roots, but I liked them just fine.

Besides, Paula is now married to the guy who wrote "Don't Stop Believin'" (Jonathan Cain), and I'm thinking that a future General Assembly should probably include a set by Journey.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
6/4/19 3:06 pm

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Post Re: About Paula White... BishopsWife
I don't think an adulterous affair (Paula and Randy) each leaving their children ...and going to Tampa to start a ministry is the "right way" nor were the affairs after they were married. Not fiction, just truth. Rolling Eyes Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1814
6/27/19 9:26 am

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Post Re: About Paula White... Aaron Scott
BishopsWife wrote:
I don't think an adulterous affair (Paula and Randy) each leaving their children ...and going to Tampa to start a ministry is the "right way" nor were the affairs after they were married. Not fiction, just truth. Rolling Eyes

Are you saying she had an affair AFTER marrying Randy? If so, please provide some sort of proof of adultery, etc.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
6/27/19 10:11 am

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Post Re: Positive Influence Eddie Robbins
doyle wrote:
Have not especially kept track of it, but have read several articles that indicate her influence has been a positive one. The Trump family sure does like her.

Of course. She brought the evangelical community to him. Why wouldn’t they like her? She helped get him elected.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
6/27/19 11:10 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
I can’t unsee that picture of Paula and Benny Hinn walking hand in hand from the hotel. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
6/27/19 11:12 am

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Post Re: Paula White's influence with Trump family Link
UncleJD wrote:
doyle wrote:

The article is somewhat dated but Paula White now has an office at the White House. It seems she is a trusted staff member.

yuck. But its better than having an LGBT-QR-123 "pastor" in the whitehouse that we will likely see the next time a democrud is elected.

I've got to find and upload the video about how to make a Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, and Tomato sandwich.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
6/27/19 12:26 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
I prefer to see the positive side of this.
She is perceived by most as an evangelical minister/leader who prays the invocations at large GOP events.
She is always introduced in a positive, loving manner & then interviewed afterwards with gentle slow pitch softball questions.
She has an office in the offices of the most powerful man on earth & I think that is a good thing.
The day will come when spiritual advisors will provide a future POTUS with advice that we abhor so maybe we should be a little more grateful.

"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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What are you focused on?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4682
6/27/19 5:08 pm

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Post Re: About Paula White... Carolyn Smith
Aaron Scott wrote:
I have only heard Paula White a handful of times (and probably not the entire sermon/lesson). While I can hardly stand to hear her preach, I have to admit that her TEACHING is encouraging and uplifting. I do not recall hearing her ever say anything that was at great odds with our standard understanding.

Many years ago, I heard that T.L. Lowery was coming to Tampa to preach at a church somewhere or another. I went and enjoyed it! There were probably not more than 60-100 people there, but the Whites (having attended National Church of God) had invited him to come speak. Some time after that, they went BIG. I recall that they would take a bus into a community and, as best I could tell, they truly tried to benefit those people.

I know there are all kinds of criticism regarding them--and some may be well-justified. But from MY perspective, they came up the "right way." That is, they truly had very humble beginnings in Tampa, and they worked diligently and fruitfully. God blessed them with members who were professional athletes who made generous donations.

Some of us who pastor very modest churches likely have some folks who don't have much good to say about us, let alone when you are leading a massive endeavor.

The Whites made some missteps, for sure. It might be that I gave them more of the benefit of the doubt because of their Church of God roots, but I liked them just fine.

Besides, Paula is now married to the guy who wrote "Don't Stop Believin'" (Jonathan Cain), and I'm thinking that a future General Assembly should probably include a set by Journey.

Randy & Paula White did not just attend National COG. He was on staff there before he met & married Paula. He was personally mentored by Pastor Lowery.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
6/27/19 11:05 pm

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Post Re: Paula White's influence with Trump family Cojak
UncleJD wrote:
Dave Dorsey wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
yuck. But its better than having an LGBT-QR-123 "pastor" in the whitehouse that we will likely see the next time a democrud is elected.

Sorry, this is off topic, but can you please PM me and tell me how you found out my garage door code?


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6/27/19 11:11 pm

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Post Yes and Yes BishopsWife
This post has been removed while the administrative team reviews it. -Dave D Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1814
6/29/19 11:09 pm

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Post BW, is there a statute of limitations to sin? caseyleejones
How long should it be held over their head?

I don't follow the Whites....not my the way
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
6/30/19 10:40 am

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