One of the biggest ploys of the left these days is to label anyone who adheres to the Conservative agenda as a "white nationalist". The fear of being labeled a racist causes many conservatives to keep their mouth shut and stay out of sight. And woe be to anyone who dares to publicly challenge such false concepts as "white privilege" or anyone who questions the race-based admissions standards of universities that blatantly discriminate against Asians and whites.
I for one feel like conservatives need to tackle these areas head-on without fear. But my stand seems to have flushed out the closet leftists on this very board. Speaking up has gotten me labeled a "Nazi" in the past and a recent poster labeled me a "white nationalist" on a thread that had absolutely nothing to do with race. The latter has been reported to the administration of this sight. She has exposed herself as the liberal hate-monger that she is.
So, I say now that I will never back down from exposing the race-baiting hypocrisy of the left. Nor will I back down from admonishing conservatives from attacking it head-on. There are scores of conservative Americans of all ethnicities who take the stand I do. I can only imagine the ugly names the Actscelerate race-baiters would label these brave souls. _________________ "It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI |
Acts-dicted Posts: 8065 9/1/18 12:21 pm