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I'm going to speak my heart. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post I'm going to speak my heart. roughridercog
I was reading in Acts 28 about Paul's shipwreck on Malta. A fire was built and a venomous snake came out of the firewood being disturbed by the heat and bit Paul. He shook it off into the fire.
As I read this account this morning, I felt it was time for the church to arise and shake off the serpent (virus).
Everyone watched Paul to see him die. Guess what? He didn't. The very thing that tried to destroy him was shaken off into the fire.
Common sense might have said cut the wound, suck out the poison or any other treatments common to the day. That's not what happened. He shook it off into the fire and continued business as usual while others watched both curiously and fearfully.
The church needs to arise, shake off the attack, and continue the business of reaching the world for Christ. We must lead the return to normalcy. Open the doors, sing loud, and have church.

Just speaking my heart and mind.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation

Last edited by roughridercog on 4/9/20 7:01 am; edited 1 time in total
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
4/9/20 5:48 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
I'm sorry brother, but I can't agree, and not just because of the virus.

Kenneth Hagin used to say that believers who seek after the spectacular will miss the supernatural. I'm sure some here are surprised to see me quoting Hagin, but he was exactly right in this case. When we pursue spectacular, astounding signs from God we position ourselves to miss the very supernatural things he is doing in the ordinary world around us.

Christ is doing a supernatural work in his church right now. He is purifying it, focusing it, freeing it of excess, and helping it rediscover what is truly important. He is surely doing other things, but those are some.

If we rush back to what is ordinary -- expecting it to be made safe through spectacular, obviously miraculous means -- then we not only risk our own health and lives and the health and lives of those around us, but we risk missing the supernatural work that God is actually seeking to do in our hearts and lives through this time.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
4/9/20 6:41 am

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Post roughridercog
Dave Dorsey wrote:
I'm sorry brother, but I can't agree, and not just because of the virus.

Kenneth Hagin used to say that believers who seek after the spectacular will miss the supernatural. I'm sure some here are surprised to see me quoting Hagin, but he was exactly right in this case. When we pursue spectacular, astounding signs from God we position ourselves to miss the very supernatural things he is doing in the ordinary world around us.

Christ is doing a supernatural work in his church right now. He is purifying it, focusing it, freeing it of excess, and helping it rediscover what is truly important. He is surely doing other things, but those are some.

If we rush back to what is ordinary -- expecting it to be made safe through spectacular, obviously miraculous means -- then we not only risk our own health and lives and the health and lives of those around us, but we risk missing the supernatural work that God is actually seeking to do in our hearts and lives through this time.

That's okay. I was just speaking from my heart. We will still get along fine...unless you mess with my coffee. Laughing

But if the church doesn't demonstrate courage that only comes from faith, who will?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
4/9/20 6:58 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
roughridercog wrote:
But if the church doesn't demonstrate courage that only comes from faith, who will?

What if that's exactly what the church is doing by humbling itself, being obedient to the God-ordained authorities, and trusting in Christ as the head to sustain and expand his church in any circumstance the world can produce?
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
4/9/20 7:07 am

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Post We can disagree roughridercog
Just don't monkey with my coffee cup. Laughing
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
4/9/20 8:03 am

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Post Darrell Garrett
Roughrider, I'm in agreement with you 100%. I've sat with my jaw hanging open the last few weeks watching the church so willingly bow their knee to the throne of this world. I always assumed there would be a major fight between the church and the government in the last days. Now I see that the fight will be minimal and I understand Matthew 24:22 far better than I ever did before. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
4/9/20 9:40 am

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Post what do you think? jimmyjon
Pastor says his parishioners would rather DIE than not go to church as he refuses to stop services during lockdown
Hey, DOC
Posts: 87
4/9/20 10:37 am

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Post roughridercog
Darrell Garrett wrote:
Roughrider, I'm in agreement with you 100%. I've sat with my jaw hanging open the last few weeks watching the church so willingly bow their knee to the throne of this world. I always assumed there would be a major fight between the church and the government in the last days. Now I see that the fight will be minimal and I understand Matthew 24:22 far better than I ever did before.

How about arranging to park 20 or so cars on your parking lot. No one in them. Just one person watching the cars.

If people come sniffing around just tell them this is our way of giving you notice. This lockdown is over.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
4/9/20 11:09 am

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Post Rough jimmyjon
We had planned for a drive in church service for Easter. Had it all worked out with an fm transmitter etc planning for a lot of cars utilizing one of our parking lots that slopes from back to front. Bathroom utilization was an issue but now weather not cooperating, calling for heavy rain sunday. Now planning this for the 19th I think. People miss church. Hey, DOC
Posts: 87
4/9/20 11:18 am

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Post Re: Rough roughridercog
jimmyjon wrote:
We had planned for a drive in church service for Easter. Had it all worked out with an fm transmitter etc planning for a lot of cars utilizing one of our parking lots that slopes from back to front. Bathroom utilization was an issue but now weather not cooperating, calling for heavy rain sunday. Now planning this for the 19th I think. People miss church.

How about the idea of parking the cars out there to tell the powers that be, "The lockdown is over when we say it's over."
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
4/9/20 11:36 am

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Post I'm with you rough jimmyjon
We will next Sunday. I will keep you posted. Did you see this update on Pastor Spell in La. Holding a 1000 member Easter service?
Hey, DOC
Posts: 87
4/9/20 2:00 pm

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Post Re: I'm with you rough Patrick Harris
jimmyjon wrote:
We will next Sunday. I will keep you posted. Did you see this update on Pastor Spell in La. Holding a 1000 member Easter service?

He's an embarrassment to the Body of Christ.

To be more specific he's milking this for all the publicity he can get. You can tell by the very prideful way he asserts everything.

Last edited by Patrick Harris on 4/9/20 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
4/9/20 2:03 pm

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Post Re: I'm going to speak my heart. UncleJD
roughridercog wrote:
IThe church needs to arise, shake off the attack, and continue the business of reaching the world for Christ. We must lead the return to normalcy. Open the doors, sing loud, and have church.

Just speaking my heart and mind.

Rough, with all due respect, how is this an attack on the church? This is a biological fact and an "attack" on all humanity. Why would it win more of the lost to defy society and seem to flaunt gathering and putting them at further risk? What if the church was seen as a humble and loving body in a very troubling time, then, once it is deemed good to do so, lead the way forward with rejoicing and solace for those left hurting after the loss of life? I join you in wanting to return to normalcy, but doing so before those who are appointed over us deem it safe can't be seen as anything other than prideful and careless by many of those watching us. I say that with much hesitation since I am very vocal about not letting this thing keep our country closed a day longer than is necessary. Maybe Church leaders need to involve themselves in the solutions for going forward? Such as influencing leaders to trust that we can do things to BOTH have church AND safely distance and limit the spread of disease? I would think that anything done in defiance in the next 2 weeks while we are trying to avoid hundreds of thousands of deaths, would be seen in a VERY negative light. After that time is over, then YES, lets lead the way forward (with a message of why its safe and necessary). Just speaking my heart, trust me I understand the worry about government overreach, etc.. I really do! I have gone back and forth on this in my mind, I'm just praying that I don't say or do the wrong thing and hurt others.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
4/9/20 2:35 pm

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