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An Elder's answer to me. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post An Elder's answer to me. SCFIRE
About 10 years ago, we began to transition into non traditional worship (we have always been on the edge all along but this was new stuff). My daughter & husband to be had begun to incorporate more contemporary music in their practice times etc. I had conversations with the worship team constantly and we had an opportunity to have a real band and not a choir or just a lead singer leading. I went to our Head Elder which was in her 70's - Yes I have women as elders too. She sorta took me by surprise when I shared with her my heart and the heart of the worship team. Without out even thinking she told me this - Pastor, I had my time being molded & made by what God was using in my time. We can't afford to let our younger generation go to hell and leave them out. . We had to get used to the worship in our day as well as getting used to it now. She said go ahead with it and I'll take care of the rest of the elders for you. My heart broke wide open with joy as I saw someone see the bigger picture and want to reach the unreachable generation. Since then we have grown into a younger church with more energy and we have not left out the Holy Ghost outpourings, getting people saved, and baptized with the Holy Ghost and speaking in tongues, prophetic times etc. We have not Kingdom ground. Still preaching and teaching the Gospel and we are still a prosperous healthy growing church. We have had more souls saved and baptisms in the Holy Ghost in the last 10 years than we had in the 1st 23 years. We have not lost ground, but gained ground and our older people are more spontaneous and powerful than they have ever been. Yes we have a haze machine, lights etc, and we share our services online every service with more getting saved during worship than any other time during our church service. Our congregation is more diverse than ever and there hasn't been a Sunday in the last ten or 12 months that we haven't had at least 1 new person attend. No they don't all stay because we are pentecostal and it's different for them, but we are still growing and adding to the Kingdom. I'm thankful to have a congregation that will change and not be afraid to step out into the deep and reap a harvest. Yes I get ridiculed and called the radical, disco,and an intertainment center but it's by those that are not having people getting saved every week and are not experiencing miracles, and baptisms in the Holy Ghost. This may not work in every town but it's working here. I'll take results any day over just hanging on. I still preach in churches all over (black, white & hispanic)that doesn't do like we do, and yet we have a great time too. There is no room for being upset with others and if what you are doing is working then by all means work it.
Posts: 714
7/29/19 9:39 pm

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Post Cojak
Good positive post my friend. God Bless you guys down in South CArolina! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
7/29/19 10:11 pm

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