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Why I'm considering voting Dem, despite being repulsed by basically every policy they advocate (L)
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Post Why I'm considering voting Dem, despite being repulsed by basically every policy they advocate (L) Dave Dorsey
I'm not 100% sure why I'm posting this. I'm not posting it to win anyone over, and I'm really not posting it to start a debate. I don't think there are very many people here who will even agree with me about the basic premises of the article (though I suspect there are some). I guess I'm just sharing it to share my perspective.

Read the article, it's super brief. The long and short of it is that the Mueller report is one more confirmation of something we all already know: that POTUS often gives conflicted, changing orders and the consistency of this WH comes largely from people ignoring those orders and doing what they think is best.

Unless you think the Mueller report is fiction, this is the single thing that kept Trump from obstructing the investigation. A brief excerpt that illustrates this is quoted in the article. Trump gave at least 3 directives that would almost certainly have been considered obstruction, but they were all ignored. That worked out well for the president. Perhaps he didn't know he was directing obstruction -- I'm willing to believe he didn't. But regardless of any other factors, that's what happened. The president issued bad orders, but they were ignored.

Now imagine that happening as a Russian armored brigade streams into Warsaw.

That's why I'm considering voting Dem.

I'm mortified by the prospect of left-wing SCOTUS jurists. I'm mortified at the thought of what a Democratic Congress and Democratic POTUS could do to move policy in this country leftward. I'm certainly no fan of the Democratic foreign policy that brought us the JCPOA and the Syrian red line. But I'm horrified at the growing strength of the US' near-peer adversaries and the willingness of the depraved sociopaths who lead them to take advantage of the chaos in which this administration continually operates.

Like I said... not trying to win anyone over. Just sharing my perspective.
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Posts: 13654
4/20/19 10:27 am

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Post sheepdogandy
Too bad murdered unborn (and just born) children will never grow up to read the article.

Democrats = abortion

That's enough for me to NEVER vote democrat.

Charles A. Hutchins
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Congregational Church of God
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4/20/19 12:38 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Neither will the hundred million people who could die in a world war where US leadership is chaotic or absent, Andy. If you would take a look at the article you might see why your point, while valid, doesn't really contest it.

And anyway, the GOP has demonstrated time and time again that they'll use issues of life to gain your vote and then let those children suffer the same reprehensible fate.
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Posts: 13654
4/20/19 4:28 pm

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Post Without sounding to "preachy" Mat
Without sounding to "preachy" I'm not sure America is going to continue as the dominate superpower as we were in the last century. We were not even a superpower until WWII, before which our military, and economy, were second-rate at best. From a spiritual aspect, I am not sure we should.

Like the Brits before us, we have mix our use of power with a justification of spreading Christianity and democracy. Reminds me of the Spanish Conquistadors as well. The American brand of Christianity is decaying and being replaced with a consumer Christianity which brings no change in peoples lives or our the nation we claim is Christian.

Is there a Christian movement, denomination, ministry or Mega-church that is really speaking truth to power and impacting the political culture? Republican or Democrat, its the two sides of the same spiritually corroded structure, mush like our road and bridges that are falling apart in every state, red or blue.

Don't worry, our spiritual leaders will get their photo op for their wall and build their resume' for the conference circuit.


Last edited by Mat on 4/20/19 5:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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4/20/19 5:15 pm

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Post Cojak
The USA is stilla free country. We can have differing views and still be Christian I read the article, Like most political speeches and articles I find parts I agree with.

I agree Trump 'appears' to shoot from the hip. At times he is on target and at times I wish he had fired blanks. He gets into trouble at times because he is not classy(?) in a misstep or fabrication, as some former Commanders in chief.

I do keep wondering if those 'orders' he gave that would have been 'obstruction of Justice' were written or recorded, or were those verbal orders which come down to he said I said. Just curious here. I realize that Meuller said they were facts, but were they? I do not know.

Voting Democrat would be determined by who was the person representing the Democratic party...... The last Democrat I voted for was Jimmy C, on the first go around. I still think most of Jimmy's problems were brought on by his own party. But that is just me.

No one man will sink this SHIP! Just me. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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4/20/19 5:17 pm

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Post Cojak
Dave Dorsey wrote:

And anyway, the GOP has demonstrated time and time again that they'll use issues of life to gain your vote and then let those children suffer the same reprehensible fate.

Not sure the WW is valid, not impossible but improbable.
However you are spot on in the above highlighted lines. Crying or Very sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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4/20/19 5:20 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Good thoughts, guys.

It's really an intellectual journey since I live in Maryland. I'll vote for a third party and my vote will matter as much as it always does, which is not at all. I almost certainly won't vote for a Dem, though I like to imagine I lived in a battleground state and my vote mattered, and try to think about what I'd do.

I don't think a world war is likely either, certainly not one that kills 100m. But I do think a serious crisis spawned by near-peer aggression is, and I don't think this administration has any capacity to avoid ceding considerable gains to an adversary on the offensive.
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Posts: 13654
4/20/19 5:23 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Third party, again, for me. Unless a true fiscal conservative can oust Trump. The debt continues to run rampant and he doesn’t give two flips about it. It is going to kill us, eventually. Acts-pert Poster
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4/20/19 5:51 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Third party, again, for me. Unless a true fiscal conservative can oust Trump. The debt continues to run rampant and he doesn’t give two flips about it. It is going to kill us, eventually.

Isn't that the truth. We used to play a game where the GOP would pretend to fight about this and would even claim to reduce federal spending if a planned baseline budget increase wasn't as large as it was originally supposed to be. Now they don't even pretend it bothers them.

At least folks on the left genuinely buy the delusional fantasy of MMT and believe exorbitant federal spending will be a net plus. The GOP knows better and just doesn't care.
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Posts: 13654
4/20/19 6:04 pm

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Post Cojak
Of course (in my opinion) the Career politician is to blame for the spending. They must spend to get re-elected. I know term limits are far away or impossible, but that in a few years would bring the spending down and lower the debt.
BOTH parties are to blame for the TERRIBLE national DEBT Bush & Obama. Most likely Bush the most responsible since Obama only carried out his 'set in place plan' because he did not know any better (IMHO).

But it is true, spending stays rampant under BOTH COLORS! Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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4/20/19 9:26 pm

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Post So let me see if I have this tight brotherjames
Dave Dorsey says he will vote Dem this time to support the LGBTQ agenda, socialism, higher taxes, intolerance, anti Christian laws and more and pre and even after birth abortion because he doesn't like the I'll mannered, chaotic methods of governing and conversation and style of a man who was never in Acts-celerater
Posts: 935
4/21/19 6:01 am

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Post So let me see if I have this right brotherjames
Dave Dorsey says he will vote Dem this time to support the LGBTQ agenda, open borders, more regulation of everything, anti fossil fuel, socialism, higher taxes, intolerance, anti Christian laws and more and pre and even after birth abortion because he doesn't like the I'll mannered, chaotic methods of governing and conversation and style of a man who was never in politics but came from the rough and tumble style of the NYC building arena.
And this man who is flawed for sure, surrounds himself with people like Pence and others who I happen to know personally are having Bible Studies in the WH, who are deregulating every corner of our society, fighting against open borders, making us the largest gas and oil producer in the world, has revved up our economy giving us the lowest unemployment rates in a generation with millions off welfare and food stamps, who supports Israel again and moved our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and is fighting back against the intolerance against Christian's and conservatives in this country, and packing our courts with constitutional conservatives but is coarse and is unliked by people like that NEVER TRUMPER Bill Kristol or Rich Lowry of national review fame who as a neo con pushed us into wars all over the world.

Yea that makes total sense Dave.
And a happy Resurrection day to you too.

Last edited by brotherjames on 4/21/19 6:27 am; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 935
4/21/19 6:10 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Dave apparently over the deep end. Again. He will vote for Cory Booker to lead us for the good of the country. This is just so stupid on so many levels.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!

Last edited by Nature Boy Florida on 4/21/19 6:32 am; edited 1 time in total
Acts-pert Poster
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4/21/19 6:26 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
This is so dumb on so many levels.
Cory Booker gets Dave's vote.
Dave says Trump likely to get us into war...when he has clearly shown his tendency to fight less than previous Presidents.
And Trump has folks around him that know when he is blowing off steam and when he is serious and act accordingly....which gives me more confidence than less.
Cory Booker. C'mon man.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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4/21/19 6:31 am

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Post Surely Dave is not Serious FG Minister
As others have stated, a Democrat vote continues to allow boys to marry boys (already law); transgendered bathrooms (already law); abortion on demand, and only the Lord knows what they will come up with next. They already hate God and mock those of us who love him (see hatred against Mr. Pence.)

Dave - you should vote for the party - never the man! I can't stand Trump, but I will vote Republican. I like Trump's policies - they are mostly Republican policies. It is obvious from the Mueller report that the other Republicans in the White House kept Trump in check. Without them, he would have obstructed justice, but they kept him from doing it. Forget Trump - vote the party.
Posts: 875
4/21/19 6:45 am

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Post Re: Why I'm considering voting Dem, despite being repulsed by basically every policy they advocate (L) Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
I'm not 100% sure why I'm posting this. I'm not posting it to win anyone over, and I'm really not posting it to start a debate. I don't think there are very many people here who will even agree with me about the basic premises of the article (though I suspect there are some). I guess I'm just sharing it to share my perspective.

Read the article, it's super brief. The long and short of it is that the Mueller report is one more confirmation of something we all already know: that POTUS often gives conflicted, changing orders and the consistency of this WH comes largely from people ignoring those orders and doing what they think is best.

Unless you think the Mueller report is fiction, this is the single thing that kept Trump from obstructing the investigation. A brief excerpt that illustrates this is quoted in the article. Trump gave at least 3 directives that would almost certainly have been considered obstruction, but they were all ignored. That worked out well for the president. Perhaps he didn't know he was directing obstruction -- I'm willing to believe he didn't. But regardless of any other factors, that's what happened. The president issued bad orders, but they were ignored.

Now imagine that happening as a Russian armored brigade streams into Warsaw.

That's why I'm considering voting Dem.

I'm mortified by the prospect of left-wing SCOTUS jurists. I'm mortified at the thought of what a Democratic Congress and Democratic POTUS could do to move policy in this country leftward. I'm certainly no fan of the Democratic foreign policy that brought us the JCPOA and the Syrian red line. But I'm horrified at the growing strength of the US' near-peer adversaries and the willingness of the depraved sociopaths who lead them to take advantage of the chaos in which this administration continually operates.

Like I said... not trying to win anyone over. Just sharing my perspective.

"Some say Trump obstructed justice. I see no evidence to the contrary", is basically what Mueller is saying. Sorry, but that is not how our system works.

And where was the outrage over the chaos caused by the interventionist polices of Clinton, Bush, and Obama that enemies took full advantage of? Tanks streaming into Warsaw? That is not our concern. Europe can handle it.

And BTW, firing Mueller would not have been obstructing justice. What is getting ready to come down will demonstrate clearly Mueller was a fraud the whole time and was a willing instrument of an attempted coup.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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4/21/19 11:57 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
A comment from a reader concerning the article in question....

It might be unfair to accuse Trump of giving unlawful orders when he may have been venting out of frustration. And none of the orders he allegedly gave appear to be unlawful, just unwise. Had Nixon’s subordinates not followed his orders, Watergate would have remained a third-rate burglary. The fact is we don’t know how much of the bluster was Trump venting over the unfair and unfounded accusations, and how much was subordinates taking credit for saving Trump from himself. Levin’s article assumes the latter. If Trump is completely incapable of making a rational decision which this article presumes is true, then who is responsible for withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord; increasing America’s energy output; vocally and every other way supporting Israel; etc. And for those things that he did not have a direct hand in, he hired very competent people to achieve conservative objectives, including most importantly, following recommendations for Judicial Appointments. Some have said that the Mueller investigation would not have happened if Sessions had not mistakenly recused himself and let the deep state take over what many people who read the Mueller report now realize was a hit job
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
4/21/19 12:09 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
Whataboutism. Everything that is said, the response is “what about______” Acts-pert Poster
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4/21/19 5:21 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Eddie Robbins wrote:
Whataboutism. Everything that is said, the response is “what about______”

People generally accuse others of "whataboutism" when a point has been made that refutes the accusers argument.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
4/21/19 5:29 pm

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Post Why you should vote for Trump... Aaron Scott
Consider that Trump and his White House are supposedly chaotic, corrupt, vicious, foolish, etc....and yet despite all of that, despite investigating that matter deeply and thoroughly, they still couldn't pin anything on him.

That right there means that Trump must be a GENIUS. I mean, you folks have read the same news I've read and heard for the past two years. Why, EVERYONE knew--and sources in the administration confirmed it over and over and over--that Trump was bad news, that the country would be going under, etc.


So, either everyone else is a lowdown rotten liar (and mostly Democrats) or Trump is some sort of clever-like-a-fox genius.

EITHER OF THOSE is a good reason to NOT vote Democrat. And if you're not voting Democrat, then NOT voting for Trump is likely to mean that a Democrat will win the election.

That ain't good!

So, I have solved everyone's problem.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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4/21/19 6:33 pm

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