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Hillsong Church in the news once more ... V Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Hillsong Church in the news once more ... V Rafael D Martinez

My signature doesn't quite say it, but it's all I can manage without vomiting any further.

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16

These are trying times. Everyone's trying something and getting caught. The Church Lady, 1987
Posts: 7766
11/20/18 7:40 am

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Post UncleJD
This is disgusting. I was wondering what the AG's response might be, then found that Hillsong had split away from the AG in September. Coincidence? I doubt it.

This implicates a lot more than just Hillsong. The biggest issue is the AG being one of the largest denominations in the world. Its worse than Swaggart or Jim Bakker

I attend one of the flagship AG churches in the US. I will be contacting the pastor and ask for a statement. I pray he disavows the mess and calls out the leadership who covered up this sin that will likely further damage the Church of Jesus
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/20/18 10:45 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Dear Lord, bring your healing balm to the hearts of all those who have been abused like this. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/20/18 1:04 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/20/18 1:28 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
As terrible as this is, (and it is unspeakably terrible) it sounds as if Brian Houston is guilty of not doing quite enough. He did do something, but he should have reported his father to the police in addition to removing him from any ministry.

The AG in Australia is a separate national fellowship from the AG in the US. They don’t have a worldwide general superintendent/overseer, like the CoG does, so, while no doubt the AG leadership and constituency in the US is totally mortified by this whole thing, there isn’t any connection between what Frank Houston did and the AG in the US. To try to hold the US AG responsible somehow would be rather like holding all Baptists responsible for what the leadership of Westboro Baptist Church does.

May the Lord bring peace, healing, and justice to this horrible situation.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/20/18 1:37 pm

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Post not me, Q Rafael D Martinez
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
As terrible as this is, (and it is unspeakably terrible) it sounds as if Brian Houston is guilty of not doing quite enough. He did do something, but he should have reported his father to the police in addition to removing him from any ministry.

The AG in Australia is a separate national fellowship from the AG in the US. They don’t have a worldwide general superintendent/overseer, like the CoG does, so, while no doubt the AG leadership and constituency in the US is totally mortified by this whole thing, there isn’t any connection between what Frank Houston did and the AG in the US. To try to hold the US AG responsible somehow would be rather like holding all Baptists responsible for what the leadership of Westboro Baptist Church does.

May the Lord bring peace, healing, and justice to this horrible situation.

Just stated that Hillsong Church is in the news again .. no implication that the AG in the US is involved.

Yet, hearing the announcer very pointedly say it was a Pentecostal church involved in a cover up just made me wince.

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16

These are trying times. Everyone's trying something and getting caught. The Church Lady, 1987
Posts: 7766
11/20/18 3:10 pm

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Post UncleJD
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
As terrible as this is, (and it is unspeakably terrible) it sounds as if Brian Houston is guilty of not doing quite enough. He did do something, but he should have reported his father to the police in addition to removing him from any ministry.

The AG in Australia is a separate national fellowship from the AG in the US. They don’t have a worldwide general superintendent/overseer, like the CoG does, so, while no doubt the AG leadership and constituency in the US is totally mortified by this whole thing, there isn’t any connection between what Frank Houston did and the AG in the US. To try to hold the US AG responsible somehow would be rather like holding all Baptists responsible for what the leadership of Westboro Baptist Church does.

May the Lord bring peace, healing, and justice to this horrible situation.

I was speaking about the ACC that they mysteriously broke ties with just 2 months ago. And the ACC IS affiliated with the AG, and the AG letterhead is displayed prominently in the documents on the video.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/20/18 3:27 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Yes, at the time these crimes occurred, Hillsong and the Houstons were part of the Australian AG, which is a fraternal organization associated with the US AG. But neither Hillsong, the Houstons, nor the Aussie AG were in any way under the authority of the US AG. The World AG Fellowship is a nonhierarchical fraternal fellowship of separate national AG organizations. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/20/18 5:24 pm

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Post Several years ago, Brian sat his dad down in regards EDIT caseyleejones
to some type of sexual incident. I have not clue what has happened since then.

Watched the I know....
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
11/23/18 4:20 pm

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Post Link
This story is heartbreaking, painful to watch and disgusting.

I am just watching a news program here. Some things I know about secular news is, they don't always get the facts right. They can falsely accuse people. They can twist facts about people who behaved in an unreasonable manner and make it seem unreasonable. I am getting a second hand report that a man confessed to a heinous sexual sin. How do I know that's true? I suppose I could research it. But I don't know it is true? Why? Because I saw it on the news. Also, I did not hear two or three witnesses to it that had knowledge of it. But I saw the look of pain on the man's face when he saw the movie reel of the accused.

Still, this one looks pretty bad, and if the news reporting is accurate, it is a difficult situation all around. If it's accurate, it would seem, after the perpetrator was no longer committing the crime, one of the biggest failures was in not helping the man that had been abused. No counseling? Apparently the one pastor campaigning for stricter laws about abuse has come forward.

Part of me does not like reporting requirements. I think of I Corinthians 6. It seems to be more about what we now classify as civil law, though, rather than evildoers committing crimes. I don't like the idea of the ungodly secular people getting involved in church business. But we live in this world. And these ungodly people have some kind of standards that, at least at this point in time, are still against the wickedness of child abuse. And the ruler is a minister of God, an aveger to execute judgment on him that doeth evil. For this particular kind of crime, the idea of having a church stoning comes to mind, but some of the more right wing Reformed folks may be more into that idea that the A/G, and the Aussie government isn't going to go for that sort of thing.

I also wonder if this preacher molested this one guy, might he not have molested other people? Would his family not have known about his inclinations? Why would he just pick that one boy?

I try to put myself into Brian Houston's shoes. It's his own father they were talking about. And also, if he did not know the law, it does seem reasonable that he would not have to report a second-hand account to the police when the victim is an adult. And why would he want to if it was his father? He needed to talk to a lawyer. Maybe that's another lesson the A/G in Australia could learn, to get professional help on tricky situations like law (and accounting, but that's another issue.) At the denominational level, they should be able to afford an attorney (attourney? barrister?).

If he'd heard about the crime in the role of pastor, does Australian common law not exclude clergy, doctors, and lawyers from requirements like this? I do not know the details of the law. I hear there are some mandatory reporting requirements in different states in the US, but usually I hear about them in the context of child abuse like in this case. What about domestic violence, murder, plotting to commit murder, violation of immigration laws, or someone owning a bag of pot. What do you pastors have to report in a given situation? If it's in an RCC confession booth, is all this stuff protected? Who has to report, just the senior pastor or the men's breakfast ministry leader or cell group leader?

It is odd to me that there would be a law requiring a denominational head not to have a 'conflict of interest.' Sure, he did, but why would the state regulate church leaders having conflicts of interest. I would not be surprised if he made his decision with a lot of input.

I can understand not blasting a man's sin if he's confessed it and been removed from ministry. On the other hand, this is the type of sin that is dangerous for the kids in the congregation, and his dad might go to a church and hang around kids.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
11/28/18 12:30 am

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Post Just wondering how ... Mat
Just wondering how current this report/video is? Not casting doubt, and have read of the sins of the father prior, but for context I'd like to know the first broadcast date.

It it is current, it is interesting (to me) the timing between Hillsong becoming a denomination apart from the AOG and the renewed interest in the history of the church.

Is there a spiritual relationship between coming out from under authority and renewed (if it is new) exposure to public exam?

Acts Enthusiast
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11/28/18 8:59 am

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