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Embryo frozen for 25 years... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Embryo frozen for 25 years... buttrfli24
Curious what you all think about the spiritual implications of this.
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12/20/17 12:47 pm

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Post Re: Embryo frozen for 25 years... UncleJD
buttrfli24 wrote:
Curious what you all think about the spiritual implications of this.

According to what I learned on Actscelerate, her soul has been waiting for an extra 25 years to be put inside her.

Seriously though, I don't think it matters how long she lived/existed before she's born, she just got off to a slow start on developing, basically just an extended gestation period.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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12/20/17 4:35 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
I bet the donor was a Mormon. Shocked Acts-pert Poster
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12/20/17 5:43 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I heard Kareem Abdul Jabbar was going to be cloned and have the embryos frozen. They would be Iced Kareem clones. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
12/20/17 5:46 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
I heard Kareem Abdul Jabbar was going to be cloned and have the embryos frozen. They would be Iced Kareem clones.

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12/20/17 5:50 pm

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Post Frozen Change Agent
Guess timing must not be important to God. Rolling Eyes Acts Enthusiast
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12/20/17 8:29 pm

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Post Link
Ethically, this is a troublesome issue. I consider it commendable to give the baby a place to grow. But if this created a market for freezing embryos, that might be a bad thing. Doctors who discard them might freeze them if there is a market for them.
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12/20/17 8:51 pm

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Post buttrfli24
Thanks for your responses... I think.

My questions on this are along the lines of... if God creates all life, how does this fit that? What does the church or the bible say about this? Is it ok to keep what most in our tradition view as human beings with rights on ice for 25 years? If not donated for another's use, are the other embryos destroyed? Is that murder in the same way so many view abortion as murder? You joked about the soul but when does the soul enter the new life? Conception? When the child is viable with or without the mother? Birth? So many questions...
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12/21/17 12:08 pm

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Post Link
buttrfli24 wrote:
Thanks for your responses... I think.

My questions on this are along the lines of... if God creates all life, how does this fit that? What does the church or the bible say about this? Is it ok to keep what most in our tradition view as human beings with rights on ice for 25 years? If not donated for another's use, are the other embryos destroyed? Is that murder in the same way so many view abortion as murder? You joked about the soul but when does the soul enter the new life? Conception? When the child is viable with or without the mother? Birth? So many questions...

They can keep people alive during an operation on a heart lung machine. How does that fit into God creating life?
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12/21/17 12:35 pm

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Post buttrfli24
Link wrote:
buttrfli24 wrote:
Thanks for your responses... I think.

My questions on this are along the lines of... if God creates all life, how does this fit that? What does the church or the bible say about this? Is it ok to keep what most in our tradition view as human beings with rights on ice for 25 years? If not donated for another's use, are the other embryos destroyed? Is that murder in the same way so many view abortion as murder? You joked about the soul but when does the soul enter the new life? Conception? When the child is viable with or without the mother? Birth? So many questions...

They can keep people alive during an operation on a heart lung machine. How does that fit into God creating life?

I'm not trying to be difficult. The tone of your response feels a bit like you think I am. I am asking because I don't understand and I want to.

To me, IVF and donated frozen embryos are about creating life. A ventilator is about sustaining an existing life. I see a difference. Whether or not sustaining a life is appropriate or is man playing God is a discussion for another thread.

But again... what I am asking is from a biblical standpoint, how does this fit?
If at first you don't succeed... please don't try skydiving.
Friendly Face
Posts: 401
12/21/17 12:50 pm

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Post UncleJD
buttrfli24 wrote:
Link wrote:
buttrfli24 wrote:
Thanks for your responses... I think.

My questions on this are along the lines of... if God creates all life, how does this fit that? What does the church or the bible say about this? Is it ok to keep what most in our tradition view as human beings with rights on ice for 25 years? If not donated for another's use, are the other embryos destroyed? Is that murder in the same way so many view abortion as murder? You joked about the soul but when does the soul enter the new life? Conception? When the child is viable with or without the mother? Birth? So many questions...

They can keep people alive during an operation on a heart lung machine. How does that fit into God creating life?

I'm not trying to be difficult. The tone of your response feels a bit like you think I am. I am asking because I don't understand and I want to.

To me, IVF and donated frozen embryos are about creating life. A ventilator is about sustaining an existing life. I see a difference. Whether or not sustaining a life is appropriate or is man playing God is a discussion for another thread.

But again... what I am asking is from a biblical standpoint, how does this fit?

Honestly, I believe that the spirit of man is created at conception (hence, abortion is murder). If an embryo is frozen then its fate is the same as someone in a coma in my belief, that it is waiting for death or life to continue. Whether that embryo is ever gestated or not, it contains an eternal soul created at conception. If it is never gestated then at whatever time it is terminated, whether now or at the end of time, that soul will return to God who made it. Consequently, I'd have to say that whoever terminates on on purpose would be guilty of the same sin as abortion. I don't know for sure, but I don't believe there is Biblical proof against what I believe. I'd be glad to hear if there is.
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12/21/17 1:58 pm

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Post bradfreeman
UncleJD wrote:
Honestly, I believe that the spirit of man is created at conception (hence, abortion is murder).

Any scriptural basis for this belief?
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12/21/17 2:28 pm

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Post UncleJD
bradfreeman wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Honestly, I believe that the spirit of man is created at conception (hence, abortion is murder).

Any scriptural basis for this belief?

Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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12/21/17 3:28 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
I think JD has this one surrounded. Life begins at conception, which occurred prior to the embryo being frozen. There are ethical implications of this as Link pointed out, but I don't see that there are any spiritual implications.

And if God is sovereign over life, He is sovereign over a life that was held in state for 25 years and sovereign over those who chose to do that
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12/21/17 3:48 pm

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Post Link
buttrfli24 wrote:
Link wrote:
buttrfli24 wrote:
Thanks for your responses... I think.

My questions on this are along the lines of... if God creates all life, how does this fit that? What does the church or the bible say about this? Is it ok to keep what most in our tradition view as human beings with rights on ice for 25 years? If not donated for another's use, are the other embryos destroyed? Is that murder in the same way so many view abortion as murder? You joked about the soul but when does the soul enter the new life? Conception? When the child is viable with or without the mother? Birth? So many questions...

They can keep people alive during an operation on a heart lung machine. How does that fit into God creating life?

I'm not trying to be difficult. The tone of your response feels a bit like you think I am. I am asking because I don't understand and I want to.

To me, IVF and donated frozen embryos are about creating life. A ventilator is about sustaining an existing life. I see a difference. Whether or not sustaining a life is appropriate or is man playing God is a discussion for another thread.

But again... what I am asking is from a biblical standpoint, how does this fit?

I see both as technologies that do things that would have shocked people in ages gone by, maybe even shook up their theology a bit. But it wouldn't have to. Maybe those electrical paddle things to revive someone after a heart attack would have been a better example. Cryogenics may have been a better example. They may be able to do succeed with cryogenics if they drain the blood first and put in certain chemicals.

If you can freeze someone, or keep them in suspended animation like Captain America, does that make them not human somehow? If Captain America were in frozen animation and Red Skull decided to kill him while he was in that state, that would be murder wouldn't it? What is the theologically challenging issue?
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12/22/17 4:26 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
The primary ethical problem with IVF has always been what to do with all the extra embryos (persons) created in the process. For the Roman Catholic Church, a big issue is the separation of conception from natural copulation, with the baby being conceived in a test tube rather than the place where God designed babies to be conceived—the womb.

Considering the fact that there are estimated to be hundreds of thousands of frozen embryos sitting in storage, perhaps to be discarded or donated for medical research, one would think that this particular case, in which an embryo which had been in frozen storage for so long has now fulfilled its divine design, resulting in the birth of a child, would be cause for rejoicing as well as a powerful witness to the fact that life begins at conception.
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12/22/17 9:37 am

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