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Item 5 of the General Council Agenda is a mess Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Item 5 of the General Council Agenda is a mess skinnybishop
Trying to address tithing issues, multicultural diversity, State Youth Director tenure, and appoint a Global Missions Impact Task Force, all in one resolution. And I don't even know what the last paragraph means.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this 77th International
General Council give attention to consistency in tithing
and reporting by ministers and churches; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that careful consideration be
made of our voting and appointment processes to assure
that they reflect our multicultural diversity and enhance
our missional impact; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that consideration be given to the
State Youth and Discipleship Director’s length of tenure;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Task Force be appointed to
study considerations for greater global missional impact
in the Church of God; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we consider the measures
presented to this 77th International General Council for
key and critical matters associated with structural
acclimation with a sense of Kingdom urgency so our
movement can accelerate our harvest goals spiritually,
missionally, and administratively in order to FINISH the
Great Commission.
Eddie Wiggins
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1055
7/11/18 10:32 am

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Post Re: Item 5 of the General Council Agenda is a mess Tom Sterbens
skinnybishop wrote:
Trying to address tithing issues, multicultural diversity, State Youth Director tenure, and appoint a Global Missions Impact Task Force, all in one resolution. And I don't even know what the last paragraph means.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this 77th International
General Council give attention to consistency in tithing
and reporting by ministers and churches; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that careful consideration be
made of our voting and appointment processes to assure
that they reflect our multicultural diversity and enhance
our missional impact; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that consideration be given to the
State Youth and Discipleship Director’s length of tenure;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Task Force be appointed to
study considerations for greater global missional impact
in the Church of God; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we consider the measures
presented to this 77th International General Council for
key and critical matters associated with structural
acclimation with a sense of Kingdom urgency so our
movement can accelerate our harvest goals spiritually,
missionally, and administratively in order to FINISH the
Great Commission.

It is my understanding (which I verified through a parliamentarian) that resolutions are essentially and typically "suggestions to do the obvious," (my words, not his). Unless they contain specific language otherwise they do not carry the legislative force of an agenda item presented as a motion that alters or amends some existing matter in the COG Minutes.

My guess is it will be heard and then accepted pretty quickly.

For me, often the resolutions are a declaration stating, "Hey, we still believe what we said we believe and everyone needs to know we believe that!"
  • "Therefore be it resolved that Sunday is still Sunday as long as it is Sunday or until it is Monday."

From an organizational standpoint, I've always thought "resolutions" are sort of like a parent reminding the child that they (the parent) are the parent. You know, if you have to say it, that is probably representing more of a problem than the problem being addressed which required it to be said!
Wink Wink Laughing Laughing
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
7/11/18 11:31 am

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Post Re: Item 5 of the General Council Agenda is a mess skinnybishop
Tom Sterbens wrote:
skinnybishop wrote:
Trying to address tithing issues, multicultural diversity, State Youth Director tenure, and appoint a Global Missions Impact Task Force, all in one resolution. And I don't even know what the last paragraph means.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this 77th International
General Council give attention to consistency in tithing
and reporting by ministers and churches; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that careful consideration be
made of our voting and appointment processes to assure
that they reflect our multicultural diversity and enhance
our missional impact; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that consideration be given to the
State Youth and Discipleship Director’s length of tenure;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Task Force be appointed to
study considerations for greater global missional impact
in the Church of God; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we consider the measures
presented to this 77th International General Council for
key and critical matters associated with structural
acclimation with a sense of Kingdom urgency so our
movement can accelerate our harvest goals spiritually,
missionally, and administratively in order to FINISH the
Great Commission.

It is my understanding (which I verified through a parliamentarian) that resolutions are essentially and typically "suggestions to do the obvious," (my words, not his). Unless they contain specific language otherwise they do not carry the legislative force of an agenda item presented as a motion that alters or amends some existing matter in the COG Minutes.

My guess is it will be heard and then accepted pretty quickly.

For me, often the resolutions are a declaration stating, "Hey, we still believe what we said we believe and everyone needs to know we believe that!"
  • "Therefore be it resolved that Sunday is still Sunday as long as it is Sunday or until it is Monday."

From an organizational standpoint, I've always thought "resolutions" are sort of like a parent reminding the child that they (the parent) are the parent. You know, if you have to say it, that is probably representing more of a problem than the problem being addressed which required it to be said!
:wink: :wink: :lol: :lol:

Which is why I'm surprised at how resolutions are used in this agenda. If resolutions are not binding, how can they provide for task forces, etc? The entire agenda is unusual, with the exception of about 3 measures.
Eddie Wiggins
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1055
7/11/18 11:42 am

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Post Re: Item 5 of the General Council Agenda is a mess Tom Sterbens
skinnybishop wrote:

The entire agenda is unusual, with the exception of about 3 measures.

Hmmmmmmmm.....I would disagree. Wink Laughing
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
7/11/18 4:06 pm

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Post Skinny...that's actually a VERY GOOD point! Aaron Scott
If resolutions are not binding, why waste time stating the obvious?

Now, there may be resolutions like that elderly woman in Maryland when Robert E. Lee and his troops ran the Yankees out. She leaned out the window and let 'em have it with both barrels of her mouth. She went on about how low and despised that Rebels were, etc. Someone finally said, "Old woman, why are you going on and on--it's ain't changin' nothin'."

She replied, "That's fine, but I want 'em to know what side I'm on!"

I suppose we need to remind folks that we still believe certain things (or maybe we need to remind OURSELVES).
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/12/18 3:14 pm

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Post Re: Skinny...that's actually a VERY GOOD point! skinnybishop
Aaron Scott wrote:
If resolutions are not binding, why waste time stating the obvious?

Now, there may be resolutions like that elderly woman in Maryland when Robert E. Lee and his troops ran the Yankees out. She leaned out the window and let 'em have it with both barrels of her mouth. She went on about how low and despised that Rebels were, etc. Someone finally said, "Old woman, why are you going on and on--it's ain't changin' nothin'."

She replied, "That's fine, but I want 'em to know what side I'm on!"

I suppose we need to remind folks that we still believe certain things (or maybe we need to remind OURSELVES).

But here is the thing......this agenda isn't using resolutions to restate established beliefs. Many of these resolutions call for pretty significant action in the COG. For example, Item 1 is a resolution, calling for a task force, to study the faithfulness of the whole denomination to the Great Commission

That is nowhere close to simply reasserting a belief.

Tom, if you are still following this thread, I'd like to hear your thoughts.

If resolutions are "just stating the obvious"....why are being used they way they are, in this agenda?
Eddie Wiggins
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1055
7/12/18 4:15 pm

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Post Re: Skinny...that's actually a VERY GOOD point! Tom Sterbens
skinnybishop wrote:

For example, Item 1 is a resolution, calling for a task force, to study the faithfulness of the whole denomination to the Great Commission we do a Task Force (or Study Commission...or whatever)...and they come back with their Task Force Study results.

What then?

We have had a Study Commission examining the usage and understanding of the term "Bishop" since 2004 (seriously...since 2004). We are still doing that and will be referred to the 2020 Assembly.

So now we are going to take on the final word on the Great Commission??

I think you see where I'm going...
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
7/12/18 5:49 pm

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Post Re: Skinny...that's actually a VERY GOOD point! R. Keith Whitt
Tom Sterbens wrote:
skinnybishop wrote:

For example, Item 1 is a resolution, calling for a task force, to study the faithfulness of the whole denomination to the Great Commission we do a Task Force (or Study Commission...or whatever)...and they come back with their Task Force Study results.

What then?

We have had a Study Commission examining the usage and understanding of the term "Bishop" since 2004 (seriously...since 2004). We are still doing that and will be referred to the 2020 Assembly.

So now we are going to take on the final word on the Great Commission??

I think you see where I'm going...

No, I don't. Can you explain this a little more fully??

Sorry, couldn't resist -- and BTW said servant scrivened such succinct summary subverting the sorry state of shortsighted scholarship scrutinizing the source of Scriptural saintliness and scrupulously shaped a suasive and solid substitutionary statement of suited Spirituality strictly for you.... Laughing I think I've been to too many campmeetings this year. Just kidding, O Executive Committee and my present and past overseers.

R. Keith Whitt
Posts: 684
7/12/18 7:33 pm

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Post Re: Skinny...that's actually a VERY GOOD point! Tom Sterbens
R. Keith Whitt wrote:
Tom Sterbens wrote:
skinnybishop wrote:

For example, Item 1 is a resolution, calling for a task force, to study the faithfulness of the whole denomination to the Great Commission we do a Task Force (or Study Commission...or whatever)...and they come back with their Task Force Study results.

What then?

We have had a Study Commission examining the usage and understanding of the term "Bishop" since 2004 (seriously...since 2004). We are still doing that and will be referred to the 2020 Assembly.

So now we are going to take on the final word on the Great Commission??

I think you see where I'm going...

No, I don't. Can you explain this a little more fully??

Sorry, couldn't resist -- and BTW said servant scrivened such succinct summary subverting the sorry state of shortsighted scholarship scrutinizing the source of Scriptural saintliness and scrupulously shaped a suasive and solid substitutionary statement of suited Spirituality strictly for you.... Laughing I think I've been to too many campmeetings this year. Just kidding, O Executive Committee and my present and past overseers.


Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
7/13/18 12:16 am

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