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Rattlesnake--Thank You, Lord! Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Rattlesnake--Thank You, Lord! Aaron Scott
I don't usually wander the sidewalk at our church when praying, but there was a cooling breeze last night, and so I thought I'd just walk back and forth and talk to the Lord.

I had not went down half the sidewalk when I saw a, maybe, 18" rattlesnake (timber/canebrake?). Well, needless to say, that threw a real damper on me. I don't know if it's because I'm getting old or what, but I went and got a baseball bat (sorry, best I could do at the moment), but even though the snake was not coiled to strike, I got to wishing that bat was about 10 feet long!

There was a time when I'd have gotten far closer. In any case, I "hit" that snake 10 times, and apparently struck out over and over, because he still appeared to be aware of me. My wife heard me smacking the concrete, so she got the shovel and brought it to me (the utility room door had been locked when I went to get earlier).

In any case, after getting the snake on the shovel, I released him into a hole at the back of our church. Of course, he was in two pieces, but I digress....

In any case, I like to think that the Lord laid it on my heart to pray...just so I would see that snake and get rid of it. My wife or son--or church members--could have been harmed.

Thank you, Lord!

Last edited by Aaron Scott on 8/27/20 10:14 am; edited 1 time in total
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
8/27/20 9:49 am

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Post Cojak
I believe that. A couple weeks ago when I was bit by the copperhead the poison control Dr. said I should be glad the pit viper was a copperhead and not a small Rattler, they are MUCH, MUCH worse. The young snakes cannot control the amount of venom they release.
I was over the copperhead bite in a week without the anti-venom serum.
Again glad you found the viper and killed it. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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8/27/20 10:08 am

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Post Re: Rattlesnake--Thank You, Lord! Link
My wife and I had an encounter with a snake in the Spring. It was behind one of the shutters near the door. I grabbed a piece of bamboo which pinned it. it was trying to go back behind the shutter. The snake was small, tan and dark brown. I still haven't identified what it was.

My wife runs and gets the camera and starts streaming. Somehow, I slung it on the mat where the driveway connects to the porch and had it pinned there. I told my wife to go boil water. My bamboo was long and I didn't have anything to hit it with. As I recall, we had guests who were watching. I wanted my wife to turn off the phone in case some environmentalists were watching.

She didn't boil water. She poured some hot cinnamin tea. I didn't think it was hot enough, and that snake was trying to strike as she got close. I wanted her to throw boiling water on it from a distance. She was pouring the tea from above it. But it worked. The snake looked frozen in place as it cooked, and I slung it off into the woods.
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8/27/20 7:18 pm

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