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Post How do u see Isa 58:12
Matt 23:8; but u do not be called rabbi, for One is your Teacher, the Messiah, & u all are brothers?

What is being said here? People here have used this verse on me, but what is being said here?

Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
5/26/18 5:26 pm

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Post Da Sheik
What translation are you quoting from ? Laughing

The entirety of Matthew 23 is a scathing indictment against the Pharisees. The Apostles are also struggling with their own agendas about who will be the greatest among them. Jesus is showing them the Kingdom of God is not about seeking a title or place of honor. Rather we should seek to be servants.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
5/26/18 6:25 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Da Sheik wrote:
What translation are you quoting from ? Laughing

The entirety of Matthew 23 is a scathing indictment against the Pharisees. The Apostles are also struggling with their own agendas about who will be the greatest among them. Jesus is showing them the Kingdom of God is not about seeking a title or place of honor. Rather we should seek to be servants.

🤔 I was using the ISR translation. But what do u say about vs 8, I'm pretty sure it was u that recently used that on me lol 😉. & It's not even u, many people use this verse, how do u see it?
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
5/26/18 10:15 pm

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Post Da Sheik
I haven’t used this verse against you. But I think my post addressed the verse in question : don’t seek titles (“Rabbi”) or places of honor. Serve others in love ! Pretty self-explanatory ! Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
5/26/18 10:21 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Da Sheik wrote:
I haven’t used this verse against you. But I think my post addressed the verse in question : don’t seek titles (“Rabbi”) or places of honor. Serve others in love ! Pretty self-explanatory !

Well I think ur the 1st I've talked too lol. So is someone being called a rabbi wrong?
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
5/26/18 11:43 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Isa 58:12 wrote:
Da Sheik wrote:
I haven’t used this verse against you. But I think my post addressed the verse in question : don’t seek titles (“Rabbi”) or places of honor. Serve others in love ! Pretty self-explanatory !

Well I think ur the 1st I've talked too lol. So is someone being called a rabbi wrong?

Is your plan here to try to lure someone into saying "yes, it's wrong" and then cite Mark 9:5, 10:51, etc?

I think you'd find people more willing to engage with you if you stated a clear position and tried to defend it. Instead, it seems like you are always trying to lead people into a trap, like the Pharisees in Matthew 22. Maybe that isn't the case at all, but that's how it sounds, at least to me.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
5/27/18 7:27 am

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Post Isa 58:12
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Isa 58:12 wrote:
Da Sheik wrote:
I haven’t used this verse against you. But I think my post addressed the verse in question : don’t seek titles (“Rabbi”) or places of honor. Serve others in love ! Pretty self-explanatory !

Well I think ur the 1st I've talked too lol. So is someone being called a rabbi wrong?

Is your plan here to try to lure someone into saying "yes, it's wrong" and then cite Mark 9:5, 10:51, etc?

I think you'd find people more willing to engage with you if you stated a clear position and tried to defend it. Instead, it seems like you are always trying to lead people into a trap, like the Pharisees in Matthew 22. Maybe that isn't the case at all, but that's how it sounds, at least to me.

It's not a trap Dave, I want to see how people believe on this verse. I wasn't going to court those verses, but I could. This is no trap, I'm just trying to talk about the scriptures and let's bring out the true meaning of what it's saying. Too much has been said and believed that is incorrect. I believe Sheikh is on the right path, but he never answered my question 😶

Why do people think it's a trap, this is a Bible form right? Let's talk about the Bible 😀. Let's discuss what we believe 😇. & Why is everyone afraid to be wrong? I thought we as believers want to know what G-d says
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
5/27/18 8:33 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Btw Dave, how do you say it?
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
5/27/18 8:57 pm

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Post Da Sheik
I’m no genius, but if Jesus says not to assume the title “Rabbi”, then it might be a good idea to obey him. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
5/27/18 10:35 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Da Sheik wrote:
I’m no genius, but if Jesus says not to assume the title “Rabbi”, then it might be a good idea to obey him.

Here is a question for you Sheik, is that what's going on, are u factoring all of the chapter? Because what do u do with verse 9? Do u not call the head of ur Family "father"?🤔

Messiah calls them hypocrites the 1st 7 verses, then in verse 13 on He continues with calling them hypocrites. Does Y'shua just stop to focus on titles in verses 8-10?

How do u see it?
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
5/27/18 11:59 pm

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Post Da Sheik
I think I addressed this but I will try once more **sigh**

The entirety of the chapter is devoted to Jesus pointing out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and their ilk. He advised his followers not to follow their example(s). They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. Jesus was not forbidding people to refer to their biological fathers as “father”. He was renouncing the practice for assuming titles and places of honor in the spiritual realm. OTCP is no longer among us, but assuming the title “doctor”, when only honorary, would fit into a similar category. This is not brain surgery To sum up Jesus’s words to the Apostles:

“Look at the Pharisees....don’t be like them “ Laughing
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
5/28/18 7:38 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Da Sheik wrote:
I think I addressed this but I will try once more **sigh**

The entirety of the chapter is devoted to Jesus pointing out the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and their ilk. He advised his followers not to follow their example(s). They loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. Jesus was not forbidding people to refer to their biological fathers as “father”. He was renouncing the practice for assuming titles and places of honor in the spiritual realm. OTCP is no longer among us, but assuming the title “doctor”, when only honorary, would fit into a similar category. This is not brain surgery To sum up Jesus’s words to the Apostles:

“Look at the Pharisees....don’t be like them “ Laughing

Yes, Y'shua is pointing out their hypocrisy for wanting to be seen & praised by people, they wanted the praise, the
accolades, best seats in the house.... A true leader, teacher, etc washes people's feet, Y'shua did, we are supposed to be His disciples 😇. Doesn't Paul talk about the 5 fold ministry, teachers? 😉

But He's not after the titles, because, for the sake of this, rabbi means teacher, & Y'shua says I'm your Rabbi, He washed their feet He's saying don't go around proclaiming you're a rabbi to be seen of men.

Vs 9 about calling no man your father, I believe the same thing was going on here that the Catholic Church does was being called father, it's an elevated status and we are not to have, not don't call your dad father. Remember, this us a leadership discussion, vs 1 about the people sitting in Moshes seat....
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
5/29/18 10:53 pm

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Post Da Sheik
I think we are saying the same thing just in different languages Laughing Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
5/30/18 8:37 am

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Post Link
'Rabbi' is not to be used as a religious title for anyone other than the Messiah.
Acts-perienced Poster
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5/30/18 11:40 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Link wrote:
'Rabbi' is not to be used as a religious title for anyone other than the Messiah.

Does ur thought Link go with verses 9-10, call no man your father, and don't be called leaders?
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
5/31/18 10:42 pm

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Post MoonWalkingWithJesus
Tis so Sweet to Moonwalk with JESUS. 😎🌔🌔👟👞👟👞
Friendly Face
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6/3/18 3:01 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
MoonWalkingWithJesus wrote:

U must have something to say moonwalker, let's talk
Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
6/3/18 5:59 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Is Isa the Jewish Brad? It is just as tiring with his gotchas, cutting and pasting as necessary, on "Jewish law keeping" proof texts.
How is there anyone on here that seriously tries to get him to see the error of his ways? It ain't happening? Why oh why can't we go back to Branham serpent seed loving posts. They were much more well thought out and entertaining.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
6/3/18 7:31 pm

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Post Isa 58:12
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Is Isa the Jewish Brad? It is just as tiring with his gotchas, cutting and pasting as necessary, on "Jewish law keeping" proof texts.
How is there anyone on here that seriously tries to get him to see the error of his ways? It ain't happening? Why oh why can't we go back to Branham serpent seed loving posts. They were much more well thought out and entertaining.

It's not "gotcha" nature boy, & it's not "Jewish laws", these steps ur Creators Laws. What I put down should make people be like the men of Berea in Acts 17:10 & study to see if what I say is Truth. & I'm not taking about ur denominational truth, I'm taking about the Bible Truth 😉

Ps 122:6 Pray for the Peace of Y'erusalem
Golf Cart Mafia Capo
Posts: 2547
6/3/18 10:43 pm

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Post MoonWalkingWithJesus
Tis so Sweet to Moonwalk with JESUS. 😎🌔🌔👟👞👟👞
Friendly Face
Posts: 141
6/4/18 1:50 pm

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