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Where would you love to travel in this world...
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Post Where would you love to travel in this world... roughridercog
But you've never been able to?

For me, it's Ireland. For my wife, it's Alaska.

How about you?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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1/4/20 9:46 am

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Post Our Next Trip Will Be FG Minister
Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam. I've been to over 50 countries already. Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
1/4/20 10:53 am

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Post Cojak
In the military and just sight seeing we have hit nearly 30 countries. Our best road trip so far was my first dream, Alaska. Western Canada, Yukon and Alaska has been by far the SWEETEST of trips, rough beautiful and wonderful people.
BUT my second dream, not fulfilled, is Ireland. At 81 not sure that will be reached, but I sure want to.

My grandson and his wife did a tour of Ireland using the Air'bnb' route ad loved it. I also wanted to attend old 'Saint Nick's' church over there. I miss his comments here at times.
BUT IRELAND is it, I am with you....

PS: You should try North Central Missouri, nice country. We even met some good folk in the Saint Joe area. Cool Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/4/20 11:05 am

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Post Brandon Bowers
I'd go to Germany and England, to the ancestral lands and towns.
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Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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1/4/20 3:54 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Brandon Bowers wrote:
I'd go to Germany and England, to the ancestral lands and towns.

"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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1/5/20 7:52 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Resident Skeptic wrote:

Make that three!
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1/5/20 6:11 pm

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Post UncleJD
We're taking my parents to Europe in May, they've never been. We're going to Spain, Ireland, Germany and a day trip to Austria and Northern Italy. It will be our third time to Ireland and we'll have 21 days clock time there after this trip. We absolutely love it. But, after this round, Israel is at the top of our list for sure, followed by at least 2 weeks on the Brittish Island, probably a week in England and one in Scotland.

P.S. These last 3 years have had some incredible prices for trips to Europe, if you've ever wanted to go, now is your chance. We're doing 17 days and 5 countries for under $1300 each for 12 of us, (not counting food). If you're not inclined to do a lot of planning on your own, there are some good deals out there on Travelzoo and Groupon travel for packaged trips.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/5/20 6:43 pm

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Post Cojak
UncleJD wrote:
We're taking my parents to Europe in May, they've never been. We're going to Spain, Ireland, Germany and a day trip to Austria and Northern Italy. It will be our third time to Ireland and we'll have 21 days clock time there after this trip. We absolutely love it. But, after this round, Israel is at the top of our list for sure, followed by at least 2 weeks on the Brittish Island, probably a week in England and one in Scotland.

P.S. These last 3 years have had some incredible prices for trips to Europe, if you've ever wanted to go, now is your chance. We're doing 17 days and 5 countries for under $1300 each for 12 of us, (not counting food). If you're not inclined to do a lot of planning on your own, there are some good deals out there on Travelzoo and Groupon travel for packaged trips.

THAT SOUNDS GREAT. We should have taken longer a few years ago. We landed in Germany, rented a car a drove around Europe. Switzerland wanted every thing in mama's purse and some of the credit card! LOL

We have got to get to Ireland. Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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1/5/20 7:01 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
P.S. These last 3 years have had some incredible prices for trips to Europe, if you've ever wanted to go, now is your chance. We're doing 17 days and 5 countries for under $1300 each for 12 of us, (not counting food).

Wow, that is BANANAS. Thanks for sharing that info.
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1/5/20 7:17 pm

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Post UncleJD
Cojak, Switzerland is expensive, its best to hit it on a drive-through between Austria and Italy or Germany. Ireland is affordable, nearly every house along the way is a bed-and-breakfast, and the Euro is low right now too. We spent 10 days in Ireland this time last year, and even in the winter, Ireland is green and beautiful (but the days are pretty short and its chilly but not freezing). May and September seem to be the best months to go, just outside of high season and splendid weather.

DD, if you want any tips on how I've done it I'll be glad to share. Best thing is to subscribe to Scott's Cheap Flights and be ready when something in your budget pops up, Our round-trips for May popped up last June for $277 from Dallas to Madrid, then from Madrid its $50 or so to anywhere you want to go, just add hops while you're in Europe on the small, European carriers like RyanAir where you can actually fly from one country to another for $35 or even less! Plan at least 6 - 8 months out as you'll get the best prices and availability on hotels.

Also look on google flights, they have a "flexible dates option" so you can put in an origin of your major city and destination of "europe" and see the lowest prices in the next 6 months for 1 or 2 week trips. I just searched on Dallas and nothing great came up, so I tried airports that I know I can fly to for less than $200 r/t. NYC is always a safe bet, you can usually put together a r/t from your city to NYC to a European city for around $500 (which is historically cheap). I just searched Chicago where I can usually fly to for under $200 r/t, and There are r/t flights from Chicago to Paris for $280 in May 4 - 20th right now. I also have a second airport within just a few hours of me that I know I can always book a flight to London for around $375 since they have a regular service from Norwegian Air (a very low cost European airline but very nice planes). Norwegian flies out of about 8 US airports and they are very affordable, however making their timing work with your flight into and out of those airports might involve an overnight stay. But if its NYC or LA, then I'd just add that as a bonus stop on your trip.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/5/20 7:34 pm

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Post Thanks JD Cojak
I know this will stay on ACTS, but to keep from hunting it up later I did copy your comment good stuff.
I saw on TV a few years ago flights to Frankfort for $277 RT and told my wife were were going if only to have dinner since at the time I had not been to Germany. I had always wanted to go to Germany since WWII since our home was filled with prayers & boxes for Bro and Sister Hermann Lauster. I finally made it, but still would like to go back for more time.

Anyway, Thanks JD.

Also RR I do appreciate the brain-storming you are doing lately. Good stuff. Cool Cool Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/5/20 9:51 pm

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Post Link
I've been to parts of Asia and I had a brief trip to Australia. The Holy Land and Europe. I wouldn't mind going to Africa or South America. Antarctica is on the bottom of my list of continents to visit.
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1/6/20 5:34 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
My wife and I have for all our 19 years of marriage wanted to visit Ireland. Maybe some day, we keep saying. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
1/7/20 11:35 am

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Post I'm surprised at how communist you all are... Aaron Scott
Going to all these places that are communist or socialist. Ireland didn't even help us fight in WW2! And yet you folks will go take good US dollars and give them to commies. FOR SHAME!

I LOVE the west (USA). From mid-Kansas westward to Colorado, NM, AZ, UT, WY, and Montana.

It was a highlight of my life to see my dad, raised in the hill country of the Appalachians, cry when he finally saw the Rockies.

The BEST trip was when we just drove until we started feeling like it getting time to figure out where to stay, then accessing Priceline and getting a place to stay (my family and my mom and dad).

Another trip, while good, was somewhat confining because we went the Airbnd route. So we felt "pressed" to get there when the place came available...and to stay there each night...even though we'd have liked to have stayed closer to Yellowstone (we were at Big Sky, MT).

The house was lovely, etc., but it was about a 45 minute drive from Yellowstone, so that took a couple of hours from us each day. Then again, it was right around July 4th, so hotels would have been more expensive than the house.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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1/7/20 2:51 pm

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Post Re: I'm surprised at how communist you all are... Cojak
Aaron Scott wrote:
Going to all these places that are communist or socialist. Ireland didn't even help us fight in WW2! And yet you folks will go take good US dollars and give them to commies. FOR SHAME!


BUt, but (to quote you) If we get to Ireland we will get a T-shirt! Cool

However, I am with you, I love it once I pass the Mississippi. It is great to drive a motor home out there, Most places you can even do a 'U-turn' when you miss a road. LOL

Also the last few years we have had to have reservations, and that does sort of cramp the fun 'FREE STYLE' way of traveling. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/7/20 3:19 pm

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Post Link
When I was on the job market, I applied for positions in the UK and Ireland. I did a little research into the weather. 67 is a hot day in Ireland, but the low temperatures tend to be around the 40's. There was an extremely hot day last year where it got to be about 82.

In London, if it gets to the mid 70's, that's a hot day.

If you see pictures of people in Ireland, they are wearing jackets and raincoats. If you look at all those old English period-piece movies or paintings from a few hundred years ago, the English wore coats, jackets, and other clothing suitable for warm weather. It must have been rough for well-to-do Englishmen in the southern colonies trying to look fashionable in 80 and 90 degree weather.

If I were to spend a summer in either place, I'd probably miss having days that did not get up to 80 degrees. They probably think a 70 degree day is a good reason to go swimming at the beach.
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1/8/20 1:33 am

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Post Link
When I was on the job market, I applied for positions in the UK and Ireland. I did a little research into the weather. 67 is a hot day in Ireland, but the low temperatures tend to be around the 40's. There was an extremely hot day last year where it got to be about 82.

In London, if it gets to the mid 70's, that's a hot day.

If you see pictures of people in Ireland, they are wearing jackets and raincoats. If you look at all those old English period-piece movies or paintings from a few hundred years ago, the English wore coats, jackets, and other clothing suitable for warm weather. It must have been rough for well-to-do Englishmen in the southern colonies trying to look fashionable in 80 and 90 degree weather.

If I were to spend a summer in either place, I'd probably miss having days that did not get up to 80 degrees. They probably think a 70 degree day is a good reason to go swimming at the beach.
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1/8/20 1:33 am

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Post Link

Last edited by Link on 1/8/20 10:03 am; edited 2 times in total
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1/8/20 1:33 am

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Post Hey Link, you stuck? roughridercog
Need someone to bump you? Your record scratched? Laughing
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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1/8/20 6:05 am

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Post Patrick Harris

Back to Iceland (lived there for 2 years and loved it)
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1/8/20 8:59 am

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