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Do dems care about racism, poverty, illegals, muslims? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Do dems care about racism, poverty, illegals, muslims? caseyleejones
Or are all those groups a means to an end for them?

Dems suddenly are fawning over muslims even though they all see women as subservient. Dems all say they support illegals...but it seems they see a new voting base. Do they really want to solve poverty and racism or keep it alive since that is their main talking points. Dems in my area say we are to help the poor but I notice in our local food pantry my wife and I support, it's not supported by dems.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
3/31/19 10:17 am

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Post Re: Do dems care about racism, poverty, illegals, muslims? Link
caseyleejones wrote:
Or are all those groups a means to an end for them?

Dems suddenly are fawning over muslims even though they all see women as subservient. Dems all say they support illegals...but it seems they see a new voting base. Do they really want to solve poverty and racism or keep it alive since that is their main talking points. Dems in my area say we are to help the poor but I notice in our local food pantry my wife and I support, it's not supported by dems.

I heard a radio program where a man from a university in Virginia told about his research. He'd found that conservatives gave a much larger percentage of their income to charity than liberals. This was especially true of church-going social conservatives if I remember correctly. Ironically, conservatives giving more included giving to environmental charities.

If you listen to left-wingers, some of them act like conservatives are heartless and do not want to give to the poor because they do not want to do so through taxes and social programs. Conservatives tend to think these things should be handled through charities, and seem to be acting out their philosophy.

I wish I remembered the details. It would be good to have access to the stats and the quotes.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
4/1/19 10:46 am

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