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Archaeological Jerusalem find verifies 2,700 year old Bible statement Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Archaeological Jerusalem find verifies 2,700 year old Bible statement doyle
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Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
1/4/18 9:47 am

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Post Do the Palestinians deny that the Israelites once claimed Jerusalem? Aaron Scott
I was under the impression that Palestinian claim was based more on the fact that the Jews had been largely removed from their homeland for centuries, and, thus, having lost possession, it was eventually taken over by the others natives, etc. Anyone? Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
1/4/18 11:27 am

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Post Some Muslims claim there has never been a Jewish temple in Jerusalem brotherjames
Read this:

Additionally, the Waqf that controls the mount has systematically tried to eradicate all evidence of any Jewish presence on the mount. Unfortunately for them archeologic evidence refutes that overwhelmingly. I walked thru the tunnel Hezekiah dug under the city if David from the Gihon Spring to the pool of Siloam the last time I was in Jerusalem (see 2 chron 32:30 , 2 kings 20:20, Hezekiah had this dug around 8-900 bc.)
Posts: 935
1/4/18 12:24 pm

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Post Re: Do the Palestinians deny that the Israelites once claimed Jerusalem? Mark Ledbetter
Aaron Scott wrote:
I was under the impression that Palestinian claim was based more on the fact that the Jews had been largely removed from their homeland for centuries, and, thus, having lost possession, it was eventually taken over by the others natives, etc. Anyone?

Contrary to revisionist rewrite of the History of the Land of Israel, while Hadrian exiled (the final exile) many, if not most Jews, their is physical and historical evidence for a Jewish presence in both Galilee and Judea.

Jews lived in Judea when the Islamists took over Jerusalem in 700+ AD, and again when the Crusaders arrived.

The Land became a barren wasteland under Ottoman rule, an in the late 1890s, early 1900s, Jews purchased land from absentee landlords and Arabs living in the area.

Under Israel's restoration, swamps and wasteland became fruitful attracting many Arabs to the land looking for employment opportunities.

The Palestinians today are not direct descendants of the so-called refugees but are imports in serve as political pawns.

For a greater history of these thoughts see my book Politics and Prophecy: Shaping the Future of the Middle East...and the World. (Amazon).

So much disinformation was fabricated by Arafat who was tutored by communist "advisors" who taught Arafat to turn Jews away from being victims to making the Arabs as Palestinians.
(This is how I want to be)
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1/4/18 6:39 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Member when the naysayers mocked the Bible over the inclusion of a people group called the Hittites? They was no known record of their existence, they said. Then archaeological excavation revealed evidence with the very name "Hittite" on it, refuting an mockin the mockers? Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
1/4/18 7:17 pm

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