The toilet paper is missing from the store. Did a bum take the paper? Toilet paper has become the butt of many jokes. We must get to the bottom of this problem. But, in the end, we will find the solution.
When I was in Indonesia, There were buckets of water next to squat toilets, and bidets either the squirter kind below the back of the seat or the kitchen-sink sprayer-looking hoses attached to toilets.
My kids didn't like not having a sprayer when we got back to the US. Paper and bidet is best, IMO. The bucket of water is, of course, my last choice. They are usually pretty good about having soap over there, even in the most run-down toilets. Much of the world uses water.
Since the Corona virus scare hit and people were afraid of being locked down at home, toilet paper is hard to come buy. I tried to buy a bidet at Home Depot. They just had the sprayer kind. It turns out, that's what everyone else in the family who had an opinion wanted.
In the end, we may have a cleaner nation, physically at least. This may be bad news for doctors who specialize in hemorrhoid surgery, and, in the long run, for toilet paper manufacturers who are actually raking in the dough right now. I can imagine the hemorrhoid doctors and toilet paper manufacturers screaming 'Noooooo!" _________________ Link |
Acts-perienced Poster Posts: 11849 3/18/20 2:10 pm