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Carl Hart Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Carl Hart Cojak
I used Carl's name for several reasons. One for attention, because many of you know him. I appreciate retired ministers, especially those who were administrators, who continue to be a blessing to folks. Those who make it a point to visit the small churches, ones that have NEVER had a state overseer or leader in their church.

I am thinking of Fred Brannen for one. We were close friends he had hoped to spend his later years doing just that, but the Lord called him home.

Today we had the pleasure of visiting the small church at Lake Panasofkee in Florida. It was a pleasure to see Carl. He no longer pastors this small church but for many years after his retirement he did.

I met Carl in Missouri, his 2nd revival early 60s. He was preaching at the nearest church to us, we drove 57 miles each way every night. He and Elva were a blessing.

WE didn't see Carl for at least 50 years, but did follow his life in the church.

After retirement I understand he pastored the Wildwood church for a few years with no salary to get them back on their feet.

I appreciate CArl and his life.

WE members also appreciate the men and women who work and pastor. Some churches would be closed if some pastor (maybe you) did not pay the bills there, as you bless some wonderful people.

I just wanted to express my appreciation, I am also expressing what many members I have talked to over the year, say and feel themselves.

God bless each of you and especially the ones who went and some still go the extra mile.

Some of you still take the time to bless folks here. THANKS Smile Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
1/8/23 8:21 pm

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Post Carl Hart JLarry
Carl Hart is a class act.

Good Christian brother. Good AB who cared for his ministers. I count him as a friend.
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No one who died without Christ is happy about their decision.
Acts Mod
Posts: 3346
3/25/23 4:35 pm

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Post Carl Hart--one of the funniest men alive Aaron Scott
I knew about Bro. Hart's light side as a youth camper and campmeeting-goer. If he got up to take the offering or make announcements, he was almost always funny.

But when I heard him preach, I was enormously impressed, because I'd only known him in settings where he could use humor.

But when he preached at the Florida Campmeeting some years ago, he blessed me deeply.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
3/28/23 1:05 pm

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Post Again Cojak
I saw Carl last year. My wife and I hd been hit by a sledge hammer of a family problem. I asked Carl for prayer. We prayed. I was fortunate to be in the area last week. The first thing he asked about was the situation.
We were also blessed by the message.

We need more leaders like Carl who are willing to visit those small churches who NEVER see up close, their church administrators. Yes I know..... but when they see a leader in THEIR church they get the feeling someone cares other than their pastor...

just thinking..... ;-0 Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
4/1/23 11:01 am

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