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Post The Rock Cojak
We did attend the Rock Church in Kissimmee this AM. There was no question of the church time, it was in Three foot letters on the front fo the church: WORSHIP SERVICE 11AM

We were there at 10:50 and there was a very large Hispanic service in the huge lobby off in a distance, just closing.

WE did not experience any 'welcoming persons or greeters' we wandered around reading the stuff on tables. Every thing from Ballet lessons to Heating and A/C in house schools. Sherry told me she heard someone saying the main ARENA was open.

To me it was a 'different' type of service. Definitely keyed to the high energy youth. The Arena seats about 6500. There were about 40 in the praise group. The music WAS NOT ear splitting loud. I do get a kick out of young folk dancing and worshiping the Lord even if it is choreographed. You always got THAT ONE. Some dude around 60 2-3 times the age of the rest out did the kids. He was a show unto himself, but appeared to be VERY serious in his love.

The starting crowd was about 150. But like the mega church we attended in Clermont, the crowd increased as the service continued. There was probably 500-600 people by 12 and a little more by 12:30. It is fairly new so it must be growing. They have more programs than I could even possibly remember.

One thing I realized by the time the preacher started, I saw no men in leadership. Speaking, singing, praying or preaching. I could not hear too well in the speaking or singing. But that is normal in a bigger church. we probably will not return (Unless mama says so) but I will not knock the fact that I did see many young people worshiping my Lord. I like that. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
1/28/18 5:20 pm

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Post UncleJD
Sounds like a good experience. Hopefully they will grow into that building. I cringe when I see giant buildings these days. The church we attend just finished a $37M addition that I tolerate rather than appreciate. I hate debt. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/29/18 10:46 am

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Post Cojak
UncleJD wrote:
Sounds like a good experience. Hopefully they will grow into that building. I cringe when I see giant buildings these days. The church we attend just finished a $37M addition that I tolerate rather than appreciate. I hate debt.

You 'n me both!
Thank goodness my wife feels the same. LIfe is simpler personal, business or church when it is 'debt-free'. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
1/29/18 12:04 pm

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Post Cojak
Our last two weeks in the Disney area and two more trips to 'The Rock'. They really move and worship. The praise group was about 50 now. the moves were choreographed it was obvious, but I did get the feeling it was real worship.

WE intentionally went late for the 2hr service, I have an OLD bladder. The folks were exceptionally helpful with today's trip. Arriving late it took a while for my eyes t adjust to the darkness. a young man came over and clicked a light in his phone and led us to a seat.
The speaker announced two new Rock Churches organized one in Tampa one in Miami.
Leaving church I stopped by the head (toilet) put my Kindle down and when I finished my Kindle was gone. I walked out and told a young lady with a Rock name tag and immediately 3 more folk showed up. they were on their phones. (Kids and this cyber stuff.) within minutes my Kindle arrived. with apologies.

The young fellow said, "We try to keep our eyes open, this is a church, but the devil might just sneak in!"

We were impressed with the sincerity and dedication of the hundreds of workers.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
2/26/18 12:28 am

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Post Cojak
One more thing. I did not agree with everything I heard and saw at The Rock, but I still would not put them down.

I do not agree with everyone on this forum, I know everyone does not agree with me. But in this world I try to give some leeway to people who are trying to win souls into the Kingdom.

If I avoided or run down everyone who I did not agree with, I would spend my time walking in the poorer areas of a city and talking to kids and buying them food when needed. I would not be in any church.

But I know there are many concepts, minds, ideas and backgrounds. Until someone's dogma denies the basics of our Lord's teachings I can accept them at their word. I love the guys and gals aboard here, I have learned a lot. I have ignored a lot lately, but I still enjoy my visits and time here.

I am a blessed guy. Next week God willing I will visit a COG where I have always entered and left, BLESSED! Smile Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
2/26/18 12:40 am

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