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How long does it take us to shift what we believe... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post How long does it take us to shift what we believe... roughridercog
What we've heard preached or taught to what we've actually studied for ourselves.
When do we as minister cease regurgitating the religious rhetoric we heard all our lives and actually begin to formulate what we really believe?

Need examples?
Ordination of women?
Divorce and remarriage?

Hmmmm, it's gotta be the new coffee.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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Posts: 25305
7/13/19 10:54 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
And honestly, maybe the religious rhetoric we've spent our whole lives regurgitating reflects solid biblical theology. But shouldn't we discover that for ourselves, rather than just sharing it because that's what we heard?

That's what I spent my adult life thus far doing. But a few years ago I began a very scary descent into the pages of the Bible and it changed a lot of what I believe. I didn't change at all concerning the fundamentals of the gospel, in fact, I would say I became strengthened and firmer in those areas. But some of the secondary and tertiary issues...

Are we scared to face the possibility that we could have been incorrect? That momma might have been wrong? Or our favorite preachers?

What keeps us from looking into that mirror? From lowering the shield of tradition that protects us from the side of the two-edged sword intended to cut us? Is it fear? Pride? Something else?

That must be some good coffee because you're on a roll this morning.
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Posts: 13654
7/13/19 11:32 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
And, what about the fundamentals? Are we scared to dig into the arguments people make against our faith? To entertain them, and to research them?

Why? If you were living your life for a man who was crucified, buried, and decomposed, wrongly thinking that man was the son of God and had been raised back to life... wouldn't you want to know it? Paul said if the resurrection wasn't true, then the life we live as Christians is more miserable than any other.

Does it come down to a fear in our heart that God can't answer the opposition of man? That science or reason will raise an objection that will pierce us, and that the Bible will be unable to address?

That's what it came down to for me, for many years. Some days it probably still does.

But I've started spending some time thinking about these things, and researching them, and discovering for myself that the Word of the LORD is eternal and stands firm in the Heavens.

It is not always a fun journey, but I believe it is a necessary one if we are going to stand firm in the days to come.
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Posts: 13654
7/13/19 11:41 am

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Post Cojak
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Does it come down to a fear in our heart that God can't answer the opposition of man? That science or reason will raise an objection that will pierce us, and that the Bible will be unable to address?


YES it does, and YES

At 81 I lose words. It gets frustrating not to be able to express myself verbally and am put 'on the spot' if I am ignorant enough to 'try' to explain my present feelings. If I am writing I can stick an xxx in and come back IF I think of the word. BUT verbally I am withdrawing and I hate it.

(I have never been great at stating my beliefs without being 'sucker punched' and it is getting worse, so I try to refrain. I do wish I had the command of my senses that some of yo guys have.)

BUT you did say what I feel, Thanks.... Cool Cool Cool Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/13/19 1:04 pm

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Post Patrick Harris
That actually brings up a question I have had for years.

How do you put aside your own preconceived or learned views of your faith and scripture and look at the Word of God with a fresh point of view?

In theory it sounds easy but in reality it's really hard.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
7/13/19 4:42 pm

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Post Cojak
Patrick Harris wrote:
That actually brings up a question I have had for years.

How do you put aside your own preconceived or learned views of your faith and scripture and look at the Word of God with a fresh point of view?

In theory it sounds easy but in reality it's really hard.

My friend, this is where I would click the REALLY LIKE button!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/13/19 5:27 pm

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