A while back, I saw a sign that said that that lottery was at, I think, $150 million. As I traveled onward, I thought all the good things I could do if I just had all that money.
But then it seemed as if the Lord touched my heart and let me know that I already have all of heaven's resources available to me. After all, even if you had $150 MM, it might get stolen, lost in the stock market, or, for that matter, some apocalyptic event could make it all worthless (I seem to recall that there was once a Confederacy that printed their own dollars.)
But heaven's resources can NEVER be lost, stolen, corrupted, or made worthless. And if I have THAT, what else do I have need of?
A billionaire only "needs" so much money at a time. That is, even if he is doing upscale traveling, he still only needs one pair of shoes at a time, only the vehicle he is traveling in, etc. I also need only one set of shoes at a time, one vehicle to ride in at a time, etc.
That is, if God is sending manna to us each and every day...we still want God to send us enough to put in the freezer...you know, just in case He gets too busy tomorrow to make sure the manna truck comes by.
If we have all the money we need right now, we still want a big chunk in savings...just in case.
But with God, there is no "just in case." He IS going to show up tomorrow. He IS going to provide the next meal. He IS going to be there to watch over us tomorrow.
I think much of my/our angst over such matters is that, down deep, we really, really, really aren't quite 100% sure that God will come through for us tomorrow like He did today. We love Him. We have great confidence in Him. But, being human, we'd rather have it in our pocket, or in our freezer, or in our bank account than in the SAFEST PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE: The hands of God!
If my shoes tear up, I'll get some more. I WILL have what I need. That's His promise to me--that all my needs will be supplied.
Maybe not all my wants (like having all the money that God will provide for me for the rest of my lifetime in my hands RIGHT NOW), but all my needs.
I read just the other day that even wealthy people think they'd be happier if the had more money. Almost certainly not. If $100 MM doesn't fix your happiness issues, it's for sure that another $50 MM won't do the trick, either.
If we can just get to where we truly can trust that God will come through tomorrow as He came through today and yesterday...that He will meet your needs tomorrow, just as He has met them in times past...oh, how happy we'd be.
Let's say you have a billion dollar inheritance. Your friend is in charge of sending you any money you might need. If you can trust that friend to do that for you, HOW MUCH MORE can we trust that Jesus will DO WHATEVER IT TAKES to meet our needs? I think He's already more than proven that He will do whatever it takes to save us, salvage us, and rescue us.
Just some things I am trying to take to my heart.... |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6042 12/11/18 12:50 pm