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Increase Your Leadership Capacity Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Increase Your Leadership Capacity Da Sheik
Mat 25:15  To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one--to each according to his individual capacity; and then started from home. (Weymouth)

I know many preachers are looking for a "promotion". I might remind you that not everything is as it appears. Some pastors leave for 'greener' pastures (more money, more attendees) and find out they didn't get promoted at all. The important thing is to be right where God places you!

Having said that, and with the conviction that promotion does not come from the east or the west (Psalm 75:6), I will offer a few thoughts on promotion. I'm convinced that if some guys were to be promoted to a bigger assignment they would be in way over their heads. Believe it or not, God knows your individual leadership capacity!

Do everything you can to be a better leader at your current assignment. He that is faithful in a few things can be trusted with more. Read books on leadership. Get closer to God than you've ever been before. Study and pray like your life depends on it (actually it does!!!!). Sadly, some congregations have outgrown their shepherds. Avail yourself of every possible educational opportunity. Don't be an isolationist. Speak with other leaders and learn from them. You might be surprised what they're willing to share with you. Sit down with them over a cup of coffee or a meal and find out what methods are working for them.

God knows when you're ready for greater responsibility. And it must also be understood that with greater responsibility comes bigger challenges. I've been at different barriers. A church of 50 has much different challenges than a church of 100. A church of 100 has different challenges than a church of 250. If you try to pastor a 500 member church the way you led a 35 member church you won't be there long.

So increase your capacity. And in so doing ,you might discover that your promotion is right there in your own backyard! The woman in 2 Kings chapter 4 didn't realize there was a miracle right there in her own house!!
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
6/13/19 3:01 pm

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